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Nije, ali fakat je da imaju oko svetlosnu godinu bolji stav o ovoj temi od ubercool kolumnista i lelemuda.
Pa, domaći kolumnisti su mahom prilagođeni domaćoj palanačkoj sceni i razmišljanju. Oni su cool jedino za svoje okruženje i verne čitaoce kojima serviraju unapred pripremljene stavove. Hiljadu ljudi se piše i čita između sebe. Bećković ovo podržava zato što misli da će to biti udarac "velikom američkom zlu" i posmatra kroz svoju prizmu. Da je neko prodao ruske tajne verujem da bi u najboljem slučaju ćutao. I jedni i drugi ovo posmatraju prizemno i izvan vidokruga im ostaje da je ovo što se dešava zapravo fenomen razvoja informatičkog društva i sve ono kako će ovi događaji uobličiti budući svet i odnose u njemu. Pri tome ne mislim da međunarodne odnose, oni će biti isti i tu se slažem sa Ćirilovim, nego pitanja dostupnosti informacija, kontrole vlasti, javnosti. Na kraju ona se tiču i pitanja privatnosti. Jedno je bilo dok su curele sex tapes javnih ličnosti, ali kada procuri sex tape cele države onda se i to pitanje stavlja u žižu.
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mene sramota sto sam procito ovo Pancicevo.
debelom je vreme da malo odmori, jedno godinu- dve. da sakupi inspiraciju, dosta je valjao fore iz sredine devedesetih. jbt, uspeo je da ubaci kafansko trtljanje o "milosevicu- americkom coveku" u pricu o wikileaksu :isuse: dokle, aman, vise?sto se gorcina tice- razumem ja slobodu stampe, izrazavanja, i sve to, ali da li je moguce da se bar na ppp-u zabrani objavljivanje njegovog imena, salata od reci koje na letimican pogled izgledaju kao kolumne (brabonja gore od zlog dijeteta), a posebno slika (i dalje me progoni ona gde on u nekom polumraku pozira, u sakou i sandalama)? hvala.
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Da je neko prodao ruske tajne verujem da bi u najboljem slučaju ćutao.
Pa evo pitanja za tebe: da je ruski ili kineski donji ves istresen na ulicu, da li bi ti isto tako bio kritican prema wikileaks?Ono sto jes, bilo bi bolje da malo saraju okolo, no ni ovo nije lose :D
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Pa evo pitanja za tebe: da je ruski ili kineski donji ves istresen na ulicu, da li bi ti isto tako bio kritican prema wikileaks?Ono sto jes, bilo bi bolje da malo saraju okolo, no ni ovo nije lose :D
naravno da bi.eraser je covek od principa.-_-
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Pa, domaći kolumnisti su mahom prilagođeni domaćoj palanačkoj sceni i razmišljanju. Oni su cool jedino za svoje okruženje i verne čitaoce kojima serviraju unapred pripremljene stavove. Hiljadu ljudi se piše i čita između sebe. Bećković ovo podržava zato što misli da će to biti udarac "velikom američkom zlu" i posmatra kroz svoju prizmu. Da je neko prodao ruske tajne verujem da bi u najboljem slučaju ćutao. I jedni i drugi ovo posmatraju prizemno i izvan vidokruga im ostaje da je ovo što se dešava zapravo fenomen razvoja informatičkog društva i sve ono kako će ovi događaji uobličiti budući svet i odnose u njemu. Pri tome ne mislim da međunarodne odnose, oni će biti isti i tu se slažem sa Ćirilovim, nego pitanja dostupnosti informacija, kontrole vlasti, javnosti. Na kraju ona se tiču i pitanja privatnosti. Jedno je bilo dok su curele sex tapes javnih ličnosti, ali kada procuri sex tape cele države onda se i to pitanje stavlja u žižu.
I tu je u pitanju odbrana pozicija, instinkt za samoodrzanjem.Kome treba Pancic/Lukovic, kad imas deset puta duhovitijeg Dzon Stjuarta?
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Ja ne znam otkud ta malogradjanska potreba da se pokaze da smo, Boze moj, iznad wikileaks-a s_w.gif
to je ista ona potreba koja je, nadala sam se, zamrla rusenjem/prenamenom bermudskog trougla grmec-sumatovac-zaboravih trecu. ista ona potreba da se do besvesti rabi satro sarkasticno koriscenje srednjeg roda za policiju/drzavu/vlasti/ koja vise nije duhovita ni mojoj kevi. danas se bavim proucavanjem nedeljnika, tj ova dva mucenika koji su kako-tako pokusali da se pozabave avanturom. vreme mu dade naslovnicu i prepric ko je haktivista, nin popricao sa par ljudi, mnjah.
nego Lubo, kako ti se svidja to sto je 4chan provalio u mainstream...od jutros su me 20 puta pitali sta je to, mnogo se mucim da objasnim i najosnovnije pojmove.4chan FTW! W00t!
ja maman jutros objasnila: to su oni sto bolje znaju kompjutere od mene. ali su mladji. posto sam za nju najpametnija na svetu, shvatila je da svet ostaje u dobrim rukama.
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ovo ima elemente rata. na paypal se izvrsi strateski pritisak, i oni deluju u skladu sa novim stanjem na terenu. to vise nema veze sa poslovnom politikom nego sa ogoljenom ravnotezom sila.

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od ovih nikada ni pisma ni razglednice.do jutros.

From: easyDNS Support [mailto:support@easydns.com]........Subject: [easyDNS] Important: The WikiLeaks Situation-----------------------------------------------------------------------This notice is being sent to all active domain holders on the system.Your easyDNS username is: ...............Email address on file for account: ...............Date username was created: 2005-04-19 04:21:26Username was created from: ...............In this email:1. The WikiLeaks Situation------------------------------------------------------------------------1. The WikiLeaks Situation------------------------------------------------------------------------It is not very often we send out an all-member email blast, so when we do, it's usually pretty important.First and foremost, everything is ok. Please read the information that follows carefully but understand that we would never do anything that we thought put our members at risk.The Basic Background:=====================On Friday, Dec 6th, easyDNS was mistakenly identified in various online channels as the DNS provider who revoked DNS Services for the controversial website Wikileaks, and a large internet backlash ensued against us.In fact, the Wikileaks DNS provider was a free DNS provider in New Hampshire called "EveryDNS.net". At some point this was mistakenly reported as "easyDNS", and it gathered momentum from there. The problem was compounded on Saturday, Dec 7th when the New York Times picked up the story, also incorrectly identifying us as the party who "unplugged" Wikileaks. The U.K based Guardian did the same thing again on Tuesday, December 7th.A timeline of events has been posted here: http://easyurl.net/5119eAnd our original rebuttal to the misinformation was posted here: http://easyurl.net/a3191easyDNS Added To WikiLeaks.ch DNS==================================On Sunday, Dec 5th, we were approached by a group acting on behalf of Wikileaks and asked to provide DNS for their fallback domain WikiLeaks.ch.We agreed to this on several conditions. http://easyurl.net/fbbffWe did not take this decision lightly, and whichever side of the fence you fall regarding what Wikileaks is doing, after being falsley accused of unplugging Wikileaks and taking an enormous amount of backlash for doing so, we felt we did not have much choice in the matter but to forge ahead and take on this challenge. http://easyurl.net/507d8We actually consider this part of the situation to be well in hand.Tonight the Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail ran a story about this bizarre sequence of events and we expect it to run in the print edition (possibly as the cover story) on Thursday, Dec 10.That story is here: http://easyurl.net/gandmHowever, and this is large part of the motivation for this email, the Globe story concluded with the following quotation, which we feel sends the wrong message, as I mispoke when I said the following:"Our lawyers have basically told us that if they want to shut us down they'll show up with an injunction and we'll have to follow it and then try and have it overturned later,"This may connote that we think we, as a company, may be shut down. We do NOT think this is going to happen at all.What I meant to convey in the quote is:"If they want US (easyDNS) to shut THEM (WikiLeaks) down, they'll show up with an injunction, and we'll have to follow it, etc etc".And if that happened, we would be terminating service to wikileaks alone.Further information about this clarification is here: http://easyurl.net/gm2We wanted to let you know as an easyDNS member, that we are taking every measure to ensure that this situation does not disrupt the continuity of your domain services at all.In conclusion, we believe we have taken the course of action that fits who we are as a company.If you've been dealing with us for any amount of time then hopefully you know what kind of company that is. I also hope you agree that, regardless of your opinion of Wikileaks itself, we are playing the hand we've been dealt in accordance with who we are as a company.In short, we think this is the right thing to do, and that is why we're doing it.------------------------------------------------------------------------If you are not already subscribed to our blog feed in your favorite RSS reader, I suggest doing so via http://blog.easydns.org, or making a habit of checking the blog for updates.We also put out info as it happens on Twitter, http://twitter.com/easydns------------------------------------------------------------------------As always, if anyone has any questions or concerns regarding any of these issues, feel free to email me or call me voice.Thank you,Mark Jeftovic, <markjr@easydns.com>President & CEO, easyDNS Technologies Inc.ph. +1.416.535.8672 ext 225http://www.easydns.com/
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Pa evo pitanja za tebe: da je ruski ili kineski donji ves istresen na ulicu, da li bi ti isto tako bio kritican prema wikileaks?Ono sto jes, bilo bi bolje da malo saraju okolo, no ni ovo nije lose :D
Bio bih kritičan u istoj meri u kojoj sam sada. I ne mislim da sam nešto posebno kritičan samo mi treba malo više da potpadnem pod euforiju pa posmatram celu ovu stvar iz više dimenzija.
I tu je u pitanju odbrana pozicija, instinkt za samoodrzanjem.Kome treba Pancic/Lukovic, kad imas deset puta duhovitijeg Dzon Stjuarta?
Da, to je zanimljivo pitanje. S tim što ne bih išao tako daleko put Jona Stewarta. Ipak je to za Srbiju još uvek dosta udaljeno. Meni je Pančićevo histerisanje nad internetom oduvek ličilo na pitanje egzistencije. Ko će da plaća da njega čita u vremenu kada se na forumima i blogovima mogu naći ljudi sa mnogo zanimljivijim stilom i boljim informacijama te razumevanjem dešavanja. Pri tome ne mislim da je Pančić loš, samo ga je vreme pregazilo u velikoj meri, a njegov odgovor na to je da bude još "istiji", ali i to je zato što ne zna drugačije.
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After a group which has dubbed itself "Anonymous" vowed to intensify its "war of data" against Mastercard, Visa and other groups which have cut funding to the website, the Swedish government then came under attack. In an online chat with ..., organisers of the group said thousands of volunteers were taking part in their defense of WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange, whom they described as a "free-speech martyr." "We started off with a small amount of users (below 50)," they said. "Now, we are at around 4,000." "We recruit through the Internet, that means, everywhere: imageboards, forums, Facebook, Twitter... you name it, we're using it," they said.
i advokati:
Lawyers for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said they will meet him later Thursday in a London jail, where he remains in "very good spirits" and confident of winning his fight against extradition. They will discuss a possible bid to win his release on bail ahead of a December 14 hearing on extradition to Sweden, where Assange is wanted for questioning over rape allegations, lawyer Jennifer Robinson said. "We will be seeing him today," Robinson told AFP. Asked if they would be seeking a hearing before the scheduled one on December 14, she said: "I would rather not comment on that because it is a matter we will be discussing with him today. "I believe he is fine. My colleague Mark Stephens spoke to him yesterday and he was in very good spirits. He (Assange) was confident that we will be able to clear his name and that we will be able to beat this." High-profile human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson, who has dual British and Australian nationality, is to represent Assange in his fight against extradition. The lawyer for the two women in Sweden who brought the sexual assault claims against him insisted Wednesday, however, that the claims have nothing to do with the furore over WikiLeaks.
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