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whistleblowers: wikileaks, snowden i...


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Taj filter, dabome, cinice ljudi, i sklon sam da verujem da ce oni taj posao raditi dobro ili nikako.
malo mi ko da pricam sa ogledalom kad ti odgovaram :Dali da, to je to. mislim, ovih pet medija je uslo u igru iz oba razloga, i komercijale, ali i zbog reputacije. i u jedno sam sigurna, bar kada su tri od pet u pitanju, ekipa koja radi na procesljavanju je apsolutno posvecena the poslu, nesklona patkometriji kao ideji vodilji i okapavaju vec danima. isto vazi i za bella i ekipu volontera u samom wlu.ko sto posumnjah juce, na biltovom presu desetak novinara. pitanje o asanzu postavljaju "strani placenici". toliko o tome.i evo idolopoklonickih internet revolucionara koji nabrajaju zasto je wl kul.podsetnik
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za pocetak danasnje sihte:

There has been no contacts between Swedish and US authorities on possible extradition of WikiLeaks boss Julian Assange, Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt said here Wednesday. "The answer is no," Bildt replied to AFP question whether there have been any contacts between Stockholm and Washington on possible handing over of Assange to the United States if he is brought to Sweden to face justice. Swedish prosecutors have filed an international arrest warrant against Assange who is accused of sexual molestation and rape. The 39-year-old Australian was arrested on Tuesday in England and made clear that he will fight extradition to Sweden. "We have independent judiciary, quite independently acting in accordance to the law and (which) does not have any contacts with Swedish political authorities or with any other authorities," Bildt said.
The detained founder of the WikiLeaks whistle blowing website Julian Assange should be helped and could even be put forward for a Nobel prize, a Kremlin source was quoted as saying Wednesday. "Social and non-governmental organisations need to think how to help him," a source in the Kremlin administration was quoted as telling Russian news agencies. "Perhaps he can be put forward as a laureate for the Nobel Prize," added the source, who was not named, in apparent reference to the annual peace award. The remarks may have been made with a degree of irony and Russia has so far played down the release of the US diplomatic cables and predicted they will have no major effect in its relations with the United States. However no further quotes or explanation from the source, who was quoted by all of Russia's main news agencies in a simultaneous dispatch, were forthcoming.
An anonymous group of hackers said Wednesday they had launched online attacks to shut down the websites of credit card Mastercard and a Swiss bank that cut off business ties with WikiLeaks. The self styled "hacktivist" group dubbed Anon_Operation said in one tweet that "www.mastercard.com/ is down" and the site of the credit card giant could not be accessed from Geneva. The Swiss post office banking service, PostFinance, confirmed Wednesday that its website was suffering denial of service attacks since it closed the bank account of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Monday. "Since the closure of the account, groups have launched 'Operation Payback' with the aim of blocking PostFinance by simulating hundreds of thousands of connections with the aim of overloading it," said PostFinance. Attempts to connect to the Postfinance.ch website on Wednesday produced error messages. "Target: postfinance.ch :: Grab your weapon and its settings: FIRE NOW!" said one tweet on Anon_Operation. PostFinance closed an account set up by Assange because he gave "false information" on his address, claiming he lived in the Swiss city of Geneva, in violation of banking and money laundering rules. The bank insists that any deposit belongs to Assange and the money can be transferred where he wishes. Visa followed its credit card rival in suspending all payments to WikiLeaks, a spokesman for the debit card company said Tuesday.
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australija mozda okrece curak

Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd Wednesday said the United States, not WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, was to blame for the leak of secret cables, pointing to a "core problem" with its diplomatic security. Rudd, himself the focus of embarrassing memos recently released by the whistleblowing site, said "the unauthorised release of these things by the US system" was the core problem, not WikiLeaks or Assange. "When you've got a quarter of a million cables pecking around out there, and on top of that you have people who have had access in the US system to these sorts of cables in excess of two million people, that's where the core of the problem lies," Rudd told commercial radio. "In terms of the dissemination in the information, you know, around the region or around the world, whether it's by WikiLeaks, by the Melbourne Age (newspaper), or by anybody else, well that's an entirely separate matter." "But my view is the core problem lies with the US protection of its own diplomatic communications." Rudd's comments come just days after Prime Minister Julia Gillard accused WikiLeaks of "grossly irresponsible" conduct and said the information published on the site was gathered through an "illegal act". Assange, an Australian citizen who was arrested in Britain Tuesday on Swedish sex charges, has accused Canberra of "disgraceful pandering" to his foes in a bid to protect its own interests. Rudd said Australian authorities would investigate whether Assange, 39, had broken any domestic laws but stressed that was at "political arms length from what the business of government is about." He also vowed to offer Assange the same consular assistance and support as any other Australian citizen in strife abroad, adding that "we intend to do that without fear or favour." An open letter calling on Gillard to support Assange and protect his basic rights was flooded by so much traffic Wednesday it caused the server to crash, with thousands of signatures including US academic and activist Noam Chomsky.
The Australian son of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange urged fair and apolitical treatment for his father and said he hoped his arrest in Britain wasn't a "step towards his extradition to the US." Melbourne-based software developer Daniel Assange, 20, said he hadn't been in contact with his father for a number of years, but called for him to be treated justly now that he had "finally" been arrested in Britain. "Let us do our best to ensure my father is treated fairly and apolitically," said Assange late Tuesday on the Twitter microblogging site. "I'm hoping this isn't just an intermediary step towards his extradition to the US." Writing under the pseudonym @somnidea, Assange said he couldn't see how Swedish prosecutors could "possibly convict" his father of the sex charges for which his extradition to Stockholm was being sought. "The behaviour of the Swedish legal system hasn't exactly been encouraging so far," he added, expressing doubts that his father would be treated fairly. Assange also defended his father against claims his publication of some 250,000 US diplomatic cables could leave him open to criminal charges. "If that is the case, then every single news outlet that has republished the cables or derivatives thereof is equally culpable," the genetics graduate wrote. Julian Assange was arrested in London Tuesday on a warrant seeking his extradition to Sweden on sex assault charges. The elusive hacker, 39, denies the allegations and his lawyers have said they will fight his extradition. Daniel Assange was reportedly born when Julian was just 18 and the identity of his mother is not known. He has kept his distance from the media and his father's lawyers say he has been subjected to death threats. Julian Assange's mother Christine Assange has told Australian media her son distanced himself from the family for their own safety due to his growing notoriety. The younger Assange wrote on his blog in August that he had "much respect for my father and his cause." "And these ridiculously ill-handled allegations of sexual abuse serve only to distract from the audacious awesomeness that he has actually done," he said.
i konacno, gde se krio zulijen
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange based himself for much of the past few months at a journalists club in London, the founder of the club said on Tuesday. The 39-year-old Australian was remanded in custody on Tuesday in Britain after being refused bail at a London court over claims of sex crimes in Sweden. He was widely thought to have been in the British capital in recent months and that was confirmed by Vaughan Smith, founder of the Frontline Club in central London. "He based himself at the Frontline Club for most of the period," Smith told AFP, referring to the past few months but saying he could not give an exact timeframe. Smith also said he had offered Assange an address for bail. Assange denies sexually assaulting two women in Sweden and has said he will fight an extradition request. His detention came as his website continued to release tens of thousands of leaked US diplomatic cables, causing embarrassment for governments worldwide. Over the past several months, apart from trips abroad, Assange was staying at the club, Smith said. Assange was given facilities to carry out his work at the club, where he also took part in several public debates on his whistleblower website WikiLeaks and the state of the modern media, said Smith. "He came to us," explained the club founder. "Essentially because we are independent... he felt it would be a reasonably safe place for him to operate out of. "It was also somewhere he could access journalists and speak to them." Smith said that he had attended Assange's court appearance on Tuesday to offer his support. "I am suspicious of the personal charges that have been made against Mr Assange and hope that this will be properly resolved by the courts," he added in a statement. Video journalist Smith, 47, set up the Frontline Club seven years ago in honour of colleagues at the Frontline Television News agency who died pursuing their work, according to the club's website. It regularly hosts talks by journalists and debates on the media, as well as documentary and film screenings.
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ana lind je tovarila muslimane u air cia i slala ih za egipat i gitmo. svedjani rade sve sto ima amerikanci kazu, i jos malo vise kao pravi odlikasi.edit: inace ove optuzbe za silovanje me podsecaju na onu izraelsku presudu arapinu koji se pretvarao da je jevrejin da bi mogao da bembe mlade jevrejke, tako da momci kad se ujutru probudite pored neke krs ribe, optuzite je za silovanje jer "sinoc nije tako izgledala"

Luba, znaci neko je ipak pitao Karla?
Edited by najgori
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U Britaniji je ceo dan juče i sinoć hapšenje proteklo veoma zapaženo. Sjajno je bilo što su prikazali rutinski demanti Stejt Deparmenta gde oni, je li, nemaju nikakve veze s time, nisu vršili nikakve uticaje, uporedo sa izjavom Defence Secretaryja, očigledno nepripremljenog u poseti Avganistanu, kako u kamere govori da je srećan zbog toga i da su to dobre vesti. Sinoć na BBC-jevom Newsnightu muški pokrili celu priču, s akcentom na to da će USA najverovatnije pokušati da izposluje izručenje Asanža u Ameriku, pre nego što bi se ovaj izručio Švedskoj, sudeći po onom što je rekao Julian Knowles, britanski ekspert za oblast ekstradicije. Potom intervjuisali bivšeg top sudiju, zaboravio sam mu ime, ali bio je Attorney General u prošloj administraciji, taj čovek već vidi Asanža na američkom tlu gde mu se sudi za protivdržavne delatnosti.U odlično vreme (juče) je stigao i kabl o tome da je Libijska vlada pretila britanskoj da će zamrznuti ekonomske odnose sa Britanijom u slučaju da osuđeni terorista Abdel Baset al-Megrahi ne bude oslobođen iz škotskog zatvora i pušten da se vrati u Libiju. Megrahi je na inicijativu škotske vlade 2009-te zaista pušten iz zatvora da bi umro u Libiji pod izgovorom da ima "još tri meseca života" (živ je i dan danas), a ceo slučaj je okinuo ogromno nezadovoljstvo javnog mnjenja u Škotskoj i celoj Britaniji. Čak se i u to vreme sumnjalo da je vlada Škotske bila pritisnuta iz Londona na ovakav potez, ali se razlozi nisu tačno znali, mada se sumnjalo na to da Libija upravo treba da potpiše nekoliko multimilionskih ugovora sa tadašnjom laburističkom vladom, što je Jack Straw, tadašnji ministar inostranih to i tada, a i sinoć demantovao da "ima ikakve veze". Ovo je vlada Britanije tada uradila na svoju ruku, čak su i krugovi američke vlade bili izuzetno ljuti zbog ovakvog poteza, a najnoviji kabl donosi interesantne momente.

The British government's deep fears that Libya would take "harsh and immediate" action against UK interests if the convicted Lockerbie bomber died in a Scottish prison are revealed in secret US embassy cables which show London's full support for the early release of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi.
Fantastično je pratiti kako mediji sve ovo pokrivaju. Ono što je relativno lako primetiti je što je u vreme oslobađanja al-Megrahija, dakle pre godinu i po dana, cela javnost brujala o ovom oslobađanju na apsolutno svim medijima 24 sata dnevno jedno par nedelja. Od kada je ovaj kabl sinoć otišao u javnost, više se spominje (osim na Gardijanu) kao nešto usputno, zaboravljeno i ad acta u čitavoj operi koja se dešava oko hapšenja Asanža i toga koliko Amerika zaista ima šanse da uskoči i da ga dobije pre Švedske. Jedino je malo više pažnje dobio sinoć na Newsnightu gde je prilično jasno podvučeno da je London na svoju ruku insistirao da vlada Škotske pusti ovoga i da se potom "snalazi kako zna i ume sa nezadovoljstvom" pod potpuno sumnjivim tvrdnjama da je al-Megrahi jednom nogom u grobu, a sve zbog ekonomskih interesa UK i Gadafijevih pretnji. Na vestima je kabl uglavnom samo ovlaš pomenut kao i ponovni demanti Jack Strawa kako "su sve to samo gluposti bez trunke istine". Kao i uvek, fantastično je pratiti The Sun koji ovo za sada ni ne pominje, iako je pre godinu i po dana šištao kroz uši o oslobađanju muslimanskog zlikovca, do te mere da je sam Sun sprovodio istragu o sastancima Pitera Mendelsona i Gadafijevog sina gde je oslobađanje ugovoreno. Kao i pre neki dan, na naslovnoj strani The Sna danas su na naslovnoj stranici Viktorija Bekam i Kameronova žena, i neki veliki naslov o reformi zatvorskih kazni. Tek kopajući po sajtu se može naći samo izveštaj da je Asanž uhapšen zbog "sex crime allegations", sa related articles da Asanž poseduje informacije o NLO-ovima. Sky news nisam ni gledao, ali verovatno i oni kao i drugi kolegijalni sisači Murdokovog kurca teraju sličnu liniju farmizacije čitave priče.
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An anonymous group of hackers said Wednesday they had launched online attacks to shut down the websites of credit card Mastercard and a Swiss bank that cut off business ties with WikiLeaks.The self styled "hacktivist" group dubbed Anon_Operation said in one tweet that "www.mastercard.com/ is down" and the site of the credit card giant could not be accessed from Geneva.The Swiss post office banking service, PostFinance, confirmed Wednesday that its website was suffering denial of service attacks since it closed the bank account of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Monday."Since the closure of the account, groups have launched 'Operation Payback' with the aim of blocking PostFinance by simulating hundreds of thousands of connections with the aim of overloading it," said PostFinance.Attempts to connect to the Postfinance.ch website on Wednesday produced error messages."Target: postfinance.ch :: Grab your weapon and its settings: FIRE NOW!" said one tweet on Anon_Operation.PostFinance closed an account set up by Assange because he gave "false information" on his address, claiming he lived in the Swiss city of Geneva, in violation of banking and money laundering rules.The bank insists that any deposit belongs to Assange and the money can be transferred where he wishes.Visa followed its credit card rival in suspending all payments to WikiLeaks, a spokesman for the debit card company said Tuesday.
Fuckin cyberpunk live :Hail:
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Sky news nisam ni gledao, ali verovatno i oni kao i drugi kolegijalni sisači Murdokovog kurca teraju sličnu liniju farmizacije čitave priče.
kad si elitista. ona plava teta sto vodi uvece vesti se bas dosta uzbudila, cak je u jednom trenutku rekla, oni su nam rekli da ce da umre, a evo ga, jos je ziv!ali onda su prevagnule tuition fees, i price o zatvoru u kome je zulijen, pa vise nije bilo vremena.mada je ovo meni jos superije. dobro obavesteni cnn
"3.34pm: My Washington-based colleague Richard Adams has been watching CNN's coverage. He spotted this gem:WhenKen Loach appeared leaving the courtroom just now, to much excitement, it was shown live on cable news here and CNN were utterly stumped. "Who was that gentleman? It may be Julian Assange's attorney; we're tr...ying tofind out."
dzidza brani zulijena, kako se sad opredeliti, majku mu.
Udruzzenje novinara Srbije (UNS)podrzzava objavljivanje diplomatskih depessa na sajtu Vikiliks, rekla je danas predsednica tog udruzzenja Ljiljana Smajlovich. Ona je navela da svi imaju pravo da znaju ssta njihove vlade rade u njihovo ime, ssta taje od gradjana, kao i da gradjani imaju pravo da saznaju da li ih one obavesstavaju pogressno ili nedovoljno. "Novinarstvo ne sme da bezzi od kontroverzi da ne bi dovelo u neprijatnost politiccke, vojne ili ekonomske lidere i mochnike", istakla je Smajlovich. Preka njenim reccima, takva vrsta novinarstva uvek sa sobom nosi i rizike, pa je zbog toga Dzzulijan Asanzz pokussao da deluje iz SSvedsske zato ssto je hteo da se koristi najliberalnijim zakonom u novinarstvu. "CCini mi se da su njegovi mochni protivnici uspeli da izvrsse i politiccki pritisak na pravosudje u SSvedskoj", kazala je Smajlovich. Ona je navela i da novinari u Srbiji imaju razloga da strahuju od sliccnih pritisaka pravosudja koje nije dovoljno nezavisno od vlasti i da u Srbiji postoji veliki raskorak izmedju onoga ssto politiccari govore i rade. Prema njenim reccima, nedavno usvojen zakon o elektronskimkomunikacijama je udar na zakonsko pravo novinara da sstite tajnost svojih izvora, jer omoguchava sluzzbama bezbednosti da jednim pritiskom na dugme dobiju izlistanu komunikaciju novinara sa svojim izvorima. "Novinari u Srbiji, mozzda visse nego u drugim zemljama imaju razlog da iskazzu solidarnost sa osnivaccima Vikiliksa", istakla je Smajlovich.
iako sam jos uvek fascinirana markom stephensom (lista klijenata objasnjava cv na 18 strana) novi advokat je jos veca zverka
High-profile human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson will represent WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in his fight against extradition from Britain to Sweden, Robertson's office said on Wednesday. Robertson, a barrister who has dual British and Australian nationality, has appeared in some of the highest-profile freedom of speech trials in British history. He was also among the defence team in the trial for the IRA bombing of the Brighton hotel which targeted then prime minister Margaret Thatcher in the mid-1980s. "I do believe he is representing him," a member of staff at Robertson's Doughty Street Chambers in London told AFP. According to his personal website, Robertson is a member of the United Nations Justice Council, having served as the first President of the Special Court in Sierra Leone.
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Sky news nisam ni gledao,
Fokus im je na reformi visokog obrazovanja i protestima koji su tim povodom najavljeni. WikiLeaks ako pomenu negde u pregledu štampe, pomenu ga.
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Fokus im je na reformi™ visokog obrazovanja i protestima koji su tim povodom najavljeni. WikiLeaks ako pomenu negde u pregledu štampe, pomenu ga.
Dobro, jebi ga, sad će i finale X Factora.
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Kako god, ja nisam uopste pesimista u pogledu istrazivackog novinarstva. Verujem da ce se danasnji oblici naprednog blogovanja, hacktivizma, whistle blowinga itd, u nekom trenutku homogenizovati u jedan novi oblik distribuiranog izvestavanja koje ce imati participatorne mehanizme dostupne svim faktorima neke velike price, kao i filter na kraju koji ce odstranjivati rekla-kazala i pretvarati masu informacija u - pricu. Taj filter, dabome, cinice ljudi, i sklon sam da verujem da ce oni taj posao raditi dobro ili nikako.
Ja jesam, i to poprilično. Možda će preživeti nešto što će se ticati globalnih tema, ali ovako, na lokalnom nivou? Em neće valjati sa cost-effective strane, em će biti nepotrebni. Sadašnji mediji su PR izlozi, i sve će više biti takvi u budućnosti. Očekujem totalno zatiranje svakog iole slobodnijeg novinarstva kroz gomilu autocenzura, a kamoli eksternih pritisaka. Kome treba informacija, kada može da se poturi 10 PR saopštenja, i još da se naplate sa strane?Novinarstvo na lokalnom nivou (kada kažem lokalnom, mislim na ovu zemlju i okruženje, dakle ne na stvari koje se dotiču globalnih tema) očekuje sudbina Milana Pantića, što bukvalno, što figurativno, u svakom domenu. Ostaje samo žal što ćemo svi mi i dalje nositi odrednicu "novinara"; ona je trebala da ostane pokojnom Milanu, i još pokojem čoveku koji može sa ponosom da se diči njome. Ostali je ne zaslužuju.Zahvalite Guglu i korporativnom sistemu maksimizovanja profitabilnosti u svim medijima, BTW. Ovo važi ne samo za nas, već i šire.BTW, bilo je pre par strana reči o Guglu i zaštiti informacija :lol: ali tek sad vidim, jer sam proveo određeno vreme AFK. Dakle, svako ko želi može da tipla Guglu, toj dobroj, finoj "dont be evil" firmi i dobije sve informacije koje hoće / da bude promovisan nauštrb drugih. Neke informacije direktno od njih, neke poverljivije tako što nekom od menadžera sune kintu. Sve u svemu, u ovoj zemlji Vip mobile za smešnu sumu novca, i u relativnom i u apsolutnom smislu, može da dobije šta god hoće vezano za Telenor. Važi i obrnuto. Isto tako, mogu da dobiju za sve ostale medije šta god požele, iako su to šatro poverljive informacije. To oni dele među sobom. Tako isto oni imaju sve informacije o medijima u Srbiji, saobraćaju i slično, prave statistike i interpretiraju ih kako kome odgovara. Čak i ne bi bilo toliko strašno da su samo gigantima dostupne te informacije, već su dostupne svakoj bogovetnoj agencijici koja će da plaća danak. Pa onda ona deli dalje te informacije kako kome treba i kako ko poželi / polati. Informacije su na izvol'te, i to ne važi samo za Gugl u Srbiji, već svuda. Uz malo dimne zavese prema spolja. Samo je pitanje cene potrebne da se ta zavesa malo razgrne.Ne mislite valjda da se džipovi, stanovi i ostale sitnice kupuju od plate, makar ona bila i 1,5 - 2,5k evrića? How yes no. Sve sam ugledni menadžer do uglednog menadžera.
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sigurno cete vi kompjuterasi ovo razumeti, ja jedva naucih kakva je razlika izmedju ddosa i dosa i dosta mi.ruski beba spinuje

The detained founder of the WikiLeaks whistle blowing website Julian Assange should be helped and could even be put forward for a Nobel prize, a Kremlin source was quoted as saying Wednesday. "Social and non-governmental organisations need to think how to help him," a source in the Kremlin administration was quoted as telling Russian news agencies. "Perhaps he can be put forward as a laureate for the Nobel Prize," added the source, who was not named, in apparent reference to the annual peace award. The remarks may have been made with a degree of irony and Russia has so far played down the release of the US diplomatic cables and predicted they will have no major effect in its relations with the United States. However no further quotes or explanation from the source, who was quoted by all of Russia's main news agencies in a simultaneous dispatch, were forthcoming.
jedno fino novinarstvo u kombinaciji sa kablom.
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Taj video je so full of win :D
Kaže čovek "g'day", a u komentarima mu odgovaraju "Julian, you're such a badass!" :lol::isuse::Hail: Pitam se da li je neki Aussie ranije izazivao takve reakcije?(OK, Nick Cave je van svake konkurencije kad je badassery u pitanju, mislim od ovih "normalnih".)
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BTW, bilo je pre par strana reči o Guglu i zaštiti informacija :lol: ali tek sad vidim, jer sam proveo određeno vreme AFK. Dakle, svako ko želi može da tipla Guglu, toj dobroj, finoj "dont be evil" firmi i dobije sve informacije koje hoće / da bude promovisan nauštrb drugih. Neke informacije direktno od njih, neke poverljivije
Da, može svako ko želi, pod uslovom da je američka vlada. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/11/18/microsoft_does_not_charge_for_government_surveillance/
Microsoft does not charge for government surveillance of its users, whereas Google charges $25 per user, according to a US Drug Enforcement Admission document turned up by security and privacy guru Christopher Soghoian.
Nije ništa zanimljivo u tome što da ju podatke o korisnicima kad im vlast zatraži sa sve sudskim nalogom, zanimljivo je to da transfer podataka naplaćuju 25 dolara po glavi. (Yahoo naplaćuje $29.) Troškovi habanja tastature, i to. :)
As Soghoain points out, Google and Yahoo! may make more money from surveillance than they get directly from their email users. Basic Google and Yahoo! email accounts are free. Department of Justice documents (PDF) show that telcos may charge as much as $2,000 for a pen register.On the one hand, Microsoft could be commended for choosing not to make a single penny from government surveillance. But on the other, Soghoian says, the company should at least charge that penny, as that would create a paper trail. "You don't like companies to make money spying on their customers, but they should charge something," Soghoian tells us. "You can't FOIA Microsoft's invoices, because they don't send any invoices."
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kaze pakistanac - njima da damo, pa vidite da su busni ko sito! nek daju oni nama, kod nas ne curi. slatko sam se nasmejao.
dzidza brani zulijena
Nobel prize, a Kremlin source
Skupljaju se sa svih strana. Što da ne, kad su se Ameri tako fino namjestili, ćebuj dok su naguženi i puno ne pitaj. Ahmed&Nedžad? Za sad ništa? Ameri dobivaju pljuske s lijeva i s desna, jednom zbog šlamperaja s baratanjem informacijama, drugi put zbog autoritarne konspirativnosti. Očekujem da bitange nastave izvirati u buljucima.
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da, jadni Amerikanci, zinula i ala i vrana a njih nema ko da brani isuse.gifinače nisam znao da se razotkrivanje ubijanja civila vodi kao "šlamperaj sa baratanjem informacija", zanimljiv pogled na tu stvar

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