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feministkinje strajk bek! odlicna je naomi wolf.

Dear Interpol:As a longtime feminist activist, I have been overjoyed to discover your new commitment to engaging in global manhunts to arrest and prosecute men who behave like narcissistic jerks to women they are dating.I see that Julian Assange is accused of having consensual sex with two women, in one case using a condom that broke. I understand, from the alleged victims' complaints to the media, that Assange is also accused of texting and tweeting in the taxi on the way to one of the women's apartments while on a date, and, disgustingly enough, 'reading stories about himself online' in the cab. Both alleged victims are also upset that he began dating a second woman while still being in a relationship with the first. (Of course, as a feminist, I am also pleased that the alleged victims are using feminist-inspired rhetoric and law to assuage what appears to be personal injured feelings. That's what our brave suffragette foremothers intended!).Thank you again, Interpol. I know you will now prioritize the global manhunt for 1.3 million guys I have heard similar complaints about personally in the US alone -- there is an entire fraternity at the University of Texas you need to arrest immediately. I also have firsthand information that John Smith in Providence, Rhode Island, went to a stag party -- with strippers! -- that his girlfriend wanted him to skip, and that Mark Levinson in Corvallis, Oregon, did not notice that his girlfriend got a really cute new haircut -- even though it was THREE INCHES SHORTER.Terrorists. Go get 'em, Interpol!Yours gratefully, Naomi Wolf
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sve mi je jasnija luba, političari ionako nisu nikad bili na dobrom glasu, no junoše slobodne štampe su nepovratno diskreditovane u ovoj kabl avanturi.
Jbg, nekom novinaru burek, nekom pljeka, nekom patuljak u korsetu, uvek ima načina...
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Palinka kaže, ćurka repetira. To ima zadatak da bude glupo i time podilazi prosječnom gledatelju Fauxa.
jedam moj kolega, fox gledalac, ne znam da li je prosecan, verovatno ne, je danas ludovao kako treba da ostave asanza na miru jer nije nista lose uradio. mislim da ova hajka o izdaji i slicnim glupostima moze malo i da se vrati desnicarskim jastrebovima jer u ovom trenutku je anti-vasingtonsko raspolozenje jace od patriotizma kod dobrog dela fox populacije. tu se malo tetka zaigrala.
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and that Mark Levinson in Corvallis, Oregon, did not notice that his girlfriend got a really cute new haircut -- even though it was THREE INCHES SHORTER.Terrorists. Go get 'em, Interpol!
odličnost :lol:
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sve mi je jasnija luba, političari ionako nisu nikad bili na dobrom glasu, no junoše slobodne štampe su nepovratno diskreditovane u ovoj kabl avanturi.
videcemo kako ce se srbija sutra pokazati. u goste nam dolazi karl bilt, pa se moze upitati kakve su namere sveda.samo se plasim da imaju vaznija posla, treba stici kod dzeremaje u pola devet ujutru.
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ja mislio to ima samo u pornjavama, ona spava, on se prikrade i napumpa je na kvarnjaka.
ima i u vicu o frigidnoj fati. ono kad se fata budi ujutro pa kaze - uh mujo sto sam se fino naspavala, a dokad si ti nocas jebo?nego, meni bilo bas interesantno kad sam pre neko jutro na radiju cuo jednu od prvih implikacija ovih curenja. bio gost u vestima high commissioner of pakistan. ameri su, kazu vesti, ponudile pakistanu da se brinu o njihovim nuklearnim postrojenjima i naoruzanju jer kod njih ima dosta terorista i simpatizera pa se plase da je moguce da nesto od tog nuklearnog arsenala pasti njima u sake, pa pitaju gosta sta misli o tome. kaze pakistanac - njima da damo, pa vidite da su busni ko sito! nek daju oni nama, kod nas ne curi. slatko sam se nasmejao.
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poznati kompjuteraski tabloid wired kaze da nam treba wl. kom se carstvu privoleti sada?
Wired nije nikakv tabloid, pa ni kompjuterski. To je nabolji casopis koji se na popularan nacin bavi informacionim tehnologijama koji sam video.U svakom slucaju :thumbsup: za Wired.
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ima i u vicu o frigidnoj fati. ono kad se fata budi ujutro pa kaze - uh mujo sto sam se fino naspavala, a dokad si ti nocas jebo?nego, meni bilo bas interesantno kad sam pre neko jutro na radiju cuo jednu od prvih implikacija ovih curenja. bio gost u vestima high commissioner of pakistan. ameri su, kazu vesti, ponudile pakistanu da se brinu o njihovim nuklearnim postrojenjima i naoruzanju jer kod njih ima dosta terorista i simpatizera pa se plase da je moguce da nesto od tog nuklearnog arsenala pasti njima u sake, pa pitaju gosta sta misli o tome. kaze pakistanac - njima da damo, pa vidite da su busni ko sito! nek daju oni nama, kod nas ne curi. slatko sam se nasmejao.
mozda je po sveckom zakonu duzan da je probudi i narajca pre fircanja
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mozda je po sveckom zakonu duzan da je probudi i narajca pre fircanja
a možda ima i odredba da ako je gospođa narajcana a frajer ima erektilnih problema i ne uspe da je zadovolji ima odgovara za maltretman. Edited by Gonzo
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i za kraj danasnje sihte, za pravnicke afasionade

The team may also fight the extradition on human rights grounds – including that Assange could be unfairly deprived of his liberty in Sweden and that the massive media attention would make it even more difficult for him to have a fair trial. But it's unlikely that Assange will avoid extradition, say legal experts. And the legal process in Britain is likely to be rapid, thanks to the EAW system, which was introduced in 2004 to allow for the fairly prompt transfer of suspects from one European country to another.“I know that there is a suggestion that the warrant is being misused in some way for political purposes against [Assange], but I can’t really see any evidence of that at face value,” says Mark Mackarel, a lecturer at Dundee Law School in Scotland and an expert in the EAW. “I don’t doubt that there are all sorts of efforts to undermine WikiLeaks, even to the extent that individuals are being leaned on to inconvenience or make life difficult for [Assange], but I think that the actual surrender process under the EAW is quite a transparent one." Mr. Mackarel says Sweden would have a lot to lose by pursuing Assange for purely political reasons.“OK, there have been some suggestions that Sweden is bowing to political pressure and is, for example, requesting his surrender for reasons other than the prosecution of the offense," says Mackarel. "But there really would have to be some substantial backing or evidence for a British judge to accept that and refuse the surrender on those grounds. For Sweden to misuse the warrant in this way would be potentially hugely damaging for it.”There was some surprise in court Tuesday when the judge, Howard Riddle, refused bail for Assange on the grounds that there was a risk he would fail to surrender. Others pointed out, however, that bail was difficult to secure in rape cases.The next crucial hearing to deal with Assange's arguments for why he should not be extradited to Sweden must take place within 60 days of his arrest this morning. He would be likely to be extradited on the 61st day if unsuccessful.Since its introduction, the EAW has largely been hailed as a success for removing the political and administrative elements of decisionmaking that had dogged the previous system of extradition in Europe. Instead, the process is run entirely by the judiciary.
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a možda ima i odredba da ako je gospođa narajcana a frajer ima erektilnih problema i ne uspe da je zadovolji ima odgovara za maltretman.
cekaj, sto za maltretman? prvo, nije ispostovao ugovor, drugo - sto je ona svoju jetru akala? treba da mu se sudi za nepostovanje ugovora i za trovanje.
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