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The United States is pleased to announce that it will host UNESCO’s World Press Freedom Day event in 2011, from May 1 - May 3 in Washington, D.C. UNESCO is the only UN agency with the mandate to promote freedom of expression and its corollary, freedom of the press.The theme for next year’s commemoration will be 21st Century Media: New Frontiers, New Barriers. The United States places technology and innovation at the forefront of its diplomatic and development efforts. New media has empowered citizens around the world to report on their circumstances, express opinions on world events, and exchange information in environments sometimes hostile to such exercises of individuals’ right to freedom of expression.At the same time, we are concerned about the determination of some governments to censor and silence individuals, and to restrict the free flow of information. We mark events such as World Press Freedom Day in the context of our enduring commitment to support and expand press freedom and the free flow of information in this digital age.
htela nesto da zacrnim i u ova dva pasusa, ali ne mogu da se odlucim, sve je prelepo.
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Ljudi, sta je vama, sta ste se primili na taj DynCorp, ko da ste otkrili ne znam sta? Defense contractor kompanije postoje vec decenijama, cine ih ex-vojnici iz svih rodova US&A oruzanih snaga (a neke zaposljavaju i strane veterane™), komanduju im ex-generali i admirali sa debelim vezama u Pentagonu i ostalim strukturama vlasti, imaju masne ugovore da rade ono sto regularna vojska ne moze ili ne sme, odlicno su placeni, imaju ugovorom garantovan imunitet od bilo kakvih optuzbi, operisu i po land of the free kad zatreba. Osim navedenog DynCorpa, tu su i Blackwater/Xi, Triple Canopy, MPRI, i masa drugih.

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Ljudi, sta je vama, sta ste se primili na taj DynCorp, ko da ste otkrili ne znam sta? Defense contractor kompanije postoje vec decenijama, cine ih ex-vojnici iz svih rodova US&A oruzanih snaga (a neke zaposljavaju i strane veterane™)
Ово је политички за корекцију.Каже се "међународне ветеране".
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SAD "se ne tiče" hapšenje Asanža7. decembar 2010. | 20:01 | Izvor: Beta Vašington -- Hapšenje osnivača "Vikiliksa" Džulijana Asanža "u ovoj fazi" je bilateralno pitanje Velike Britanije i Švedske, kaže portparol Stejt departmenta Filip Krouli."Naša istraga se nastavlja, a što se tiče njegovog hapšenja, u ovoj fazi to je pitanje između Britanije i Švedske", rekao je Krouli.On je naveo da Vašington ne interesuje ono što se sa Asanžom dogodilo.Asanž se u Londonu predao policiji i pritvoren je ne zbog oktrivanja poverljive američke prepiske na svom vebsajtu koja izaziva potrese u svetu diplomatije, nego zbog optužbi o silovanju i seksualnom napastvovanju u Švedskoj, koja traži da joj on bude izručen. Britanska policija uhapsila je u utorak Asanža (39) na osnovu Interpolove poternice izdate po zahtevu Švedske. Švedska tužiteljka koja vodi Asanžov slučaj saopštila je da nema nameru da izruči Asanža SAD, kad se jednom nađe u Švedskoj. Asanžovi advokati međutim strahuju da će se ova pravna zavrzlama nekako završiti pred američkim sudovima. Krouli je ponovio da je čin davanje oko 250.000 tajnih dokumenta od strane nekog ko radi za američku državu nekom spolja "zločin" po američkom zakonu. "Mi smo izričito tražili od Asanža da vrati te ukradene stvari SAD, a on je odbio to da učini", rekao je Krouli. Sajt Vikiliks od 28. novembra objavljuje poverljive američke diplomatske depeše. Asanž je poslednjih dana meta mnogih pretnji smrću. Otkako je počeo da objavljuje dokumenta, bankovni računi Vikiliksa su otkazivani, njegovi veb sajtovi napadani, a američka vlada je počela krivičnu istragu, navodeći da je ta grupa ugrozila nacionalne bezbednosti i diplomatske napore širom sveta. Međutim, u SAD još nije podignuta nikakva optužnica protiv Asanža ili nekog povezanog sa Vikiliksom.
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mislim da je forumski puk iznenadjen delom o mladim decacima. :isuse:
Pod kojim staklenim zvonom zivi forumski puk™? :unsure:
Ово је политички за корекцију.Каже се "међународне ветеране".
Jeste, u pravu si. Dobri stranci = "international", losi stranci = "aliens". My bad.
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nezavisni liberman na glasilu prave javnosti u duhu onog ministra pravde sto je pisao optuznicu protiv kurve del ponte, kako bese, jojic ili tako nekako? bas me zanima da li ce nyt reterirati.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cC0icnThnD4ako vas mrzi da slusate, premotajte do kraja, izvanredno istrazivacko novinarsko pitanje o meniju u kongresuglen opet skuplja sve na jedno mesto. odlican dajdzest za one koji nemaju vremena da klikcu unaokolo

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Kako moze SAD da Asanza goni za "izdaju"? Kako australijski drzavljanin moze da "izda" SAD? Sta prica ova curka sa FOX Newsa?
Palinka kaže, ćurka repetira. To ima zadatak da bude glupo i time podilazi prosječnom gledatelju Fauxa.
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The fourth charge accused Assange of having sex with a second woman, Miss W, on 17 August without a condom while she was asleep at her Stockholm home.
:s_w: Asanz izgleda jebe bas nezno, cim se ova nije ni probudila!
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poznati kompjuteraski tabloid wired kaze da nam treba wl. kom se carstvu privoleti sada?

The greatest threat we face right now from WikiLeaks is not the information it has spilled and may spill in the future, but the reactionary response to it that’s building in the United States that promises to repudiate the rule of law and our free speech traditions, if left unchecked.

Why WikiLeaks Is Good for AmericaBy Evan Hansen December 6, 2010 | 7:49 pm | Categories: WikiLeaks A truly free press — one unfettered by concerns of nationalism — is apparently a terrifying problem for elected governments and tyrannies alike.It shouldn’t be.In the past week, after publishing secret U.S. diplomatic cables, secret-spilling site WikiLeaks has been hit with denial-of-service attacks on its servers by unknown parties; its backup hosting provider, Amazon, booted WikiLeaks off its hosting service; and PayPal has suspended its donation-collecting account, damaging WikiLeaks’ ability to raise funds. MasterCard announced Monday it was blocking credit card payments to WikiLeaks, saying the site was engaged in illegal activities, despite the fact it has never been charged with a crime.Meanwhile, U.S. politicians have ramped up the rhetoric against the nonprofit, calling for the arrest and prosecution and even assassination of its most visible spokesman, Julian Assange. Questions about whether current laws are adequate to prosecute him have prompted lawmakers to propose amending the espionage statute to bring Assange to heel or even to declare WikiLeaks a terrorist organization.WikiLeaks is not perfect, and we have highlighted many of its shortcomings on this website. Nevertheless, it’s time to make a clear statement about the value of the site and take sides:WikiLeaks stands to improve our democracy, not weaken it.The greatest threat we face right now from WikiLeaks is not the information it has spilled and may spill in the future, but the reactionary response to it that’s building in the United States that promises to repudiate the rule of law and our free speech traditions, if left unchecked.Secrecy is routinely posited as a critical component for effective governance, a premise that’s so widely accepted that even some journalists, whose job is to reveal the secret workings of governments, have declared WikiLeaks’ efforts to be out of bounds.We should embrace the site as an expression of the fundamental freedom that is at the core of our Bill of Rights.Transparency, and its value, look very different inside the corridors of power than outside. On the campaign trail, Barack Obama vowed to roll back the secrecy apparatus that had been dramatically expanded under his predecessor, but his administration has largely abandoned those promises and instead doubled-down on secrecy.One of the core complaints against WikiLeaks is a lack of accountability. It has set up shop in multiple countries with liberal press protections in an apparent bid to stand above the law. It owes allegiance to no one government, and its interests do not align neatly with authorities’. Compare this, for example, to what happened when the U.S. government pressured The New York Times in 2004 to drop its story about warrantless wiretapping on grounds that it would harm national security. The paper withheld the story for a year-and-a-half.WikiLeaks’ role is not the same as the press’, since it does not always endeavor to vet information prior to publication. But it operates within what one might call the media ecosystem, feeding publications with original documents that are found nowhere else and insulating them against pressures from governments seeking to suppress information.Instead of encouraging online service providers to blacklist sites and writing new espionage laws that would further criminalize the publication of government secrets, we should regard WikiLeaks as subject to the same first amendment rights that protect The New York Times. And as a society, we should embrace the site as an expression of the fundamental freedom that is at the core of our Bill of Rights, not react like Chinese corporations that are happy to censor information on behalf of their government to curry favor.WikiLeaks does not automatically bring radical transparency in its wake. Sites like WikiLeaks work because sources, more often than not pricked by conscience, come forward with information in the public interest. WikiLeaks is a distributor of this information, if an extraordinarily prolific one. It helps guarantee the information won’t be hidden by editors and publishers who are afraid of lawsuits or the government.WikiLeaks has beaten back the attacks against it with the help of hundreds of mirror sites that will keep its content available, despite the best efforts of opponents. Blocking WikiLeaks, even if it were possible, could never be effective.A government’s best and only defense against damaging spills is to act justly and fairly. By seeking to quell WikiLeaks, its U.S. political opponents are only priming the pump for more embarrassing revelations down the road.Evan Hansen is Editor-in-Chief of Wired.com.

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Palinka kaže, ćurka repetira. To ima zadatak da bude glupo i time podilazi prosječnom gledatelju Fauxa.
Либерман репетира ад нозиам. У оштрој конкуренцији гњида и уштви, тај се љигавац увек нарочито истакне.
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7.51pm: Last question being taken at Obama's press conference – and not a single journalist raised WikiLeaks or the US embassy cables. But why ask about the biggest story of the year when you can instead talk inside baseball about Republicans versus Democrats?
Silenzio stampa.
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