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Kabel sa spiskom industrijskih postrojenja nije trebao objavljivati iz moralne obaveze da se teroristima ne olakšava posao.
Kako im tačno olakšava posao?
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trol jeste, ali sad mi pade na pamet da pitam nesto sto me muci odavno: jel samo na ajvi ligu postoje bratstva i sestrinstva nazvana po grckim slovima? ako da, onda to baca novo svetlo na americku diplomatiju.
Јок море. Ту су почели, а онда су остали ејповали братимљење. Ако добро разумем, братства и сестринства су нарочито јака на богобојажљивом Југу.
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Kabel sa spiskom industrijskih postrojenja nije trebao objavljivati iz moralne obaveze da se teroristima ne olakšava posao.
Ratove nije trebalo počinjati iz moralne obaveze da ne bi bilo stotina hiljada žrtava + terorizma.Kada uporedimo ta 2 stava, postavlja se pitanje zašto su onda Manning i Assange na tapetu, a ne neko drugi?
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idemo, pocinje nova epizoda court tv-ja

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrived at a London court on Tuesday, hours after British police arrested him on a Swedish arrest warrant for suspected sex crimes, a court official said. Police sealed the street outside the City of Westminster magistrates court as a black unmarked car carrying several police officers and a silver-haired man believed to be the 39-year-old Australian raced into the car park. A court official said the extradition hearing was due to start at 1400 GMT and confirmed that Assange had arrived. Outside court, his London-based lawyer Mark Stephens said that Assange was "fine" after he surrendered to Scotland Yard's extradition unit at a police station in the capital on Tuesday morning. "It was very cordial. They have verified his identity. They are satisfied he is the real Julian Assange and we are ready to go into court," Stephens told reporters. Assange's lawyers have said they will fight all attempts to extradite him to Sweden. The legal process could take weeks or even months. Stephens did not say whether Assange would seek bail, but police sources said he may not be granted it because of the risk that he will try to flee the country.
i op-ed u the australian
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, in a newspaper opinion piece published Wednesday after his arrest in Britain, said the whistle-blowing website was "fearlessly" exposing facts in the public interest. In his commentary for The Australian newspaper, Assange made no mention of a legal case against him in Sweden over allegations of rape. He appeared in court after surrendering to police in London Tuesday. The 39-year-old Australian defended the controversial website's methods, and wrote that "not a single person, as far as anyone is aware, has been harmed" through its revelations. Assange likened his campaign to the World War I reporting of Keith Murdoch, the father of media baron Rupert Murdoch, which excoriated British generals' leadership of the Gallipoli campaign in which thousands of Australians died. "Nearly a century later, WikiLeaks is also fearlessly publishing facts that need to be made public," he wrote. Long-established newspapers have published its leaks but WikiLeaks alone "has copped the most vicious attacks and accusations from the US government and its acolytes", Assange said. The US State Department, joined by politicians in Australia, was chanting "a provably false chorus" that WikiLeaks was risking lives, national security and troops' safety. The Pentagon, NATO and Australia's government had all said there was no evidence of people coming to harm or of intelligence sources being compromised as a result of the website's reporting, Assange claimed. He accused Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard of a "disgraceful pandering" to calls from right-wing US politicians for his assassination or execution. "We are the underdogs. The Gillard government is trying to shoot the messenger because it doesn't want the truth revealed, including information about its own diplomatic and political dealings," Assange wrote. He recapped some of the many revelations made in a trove of US diplomatic cables obtained by WikiLeaks, and prior releases of US documents on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, arguing they were all in the public interest. Assange denied that he was anti-war, supporting the notion of "just wars" when nations have right on their side. "But there is nothing more wrong than a government lying to its people about those wars, then asking these same citizens to put their lives and their taxes on the line for those lies," he said. While steering clear of the rape investigation, and his possible extradition from Britain, Assange said Sweden was much more intimate with the United States than it lets on. "Sweden is a covert member of NATO and US intelligence sharing is kept from parliament," he said, citing the leaked cables. Assange recalled a landmark ruling in 1971 by the US Supreme Court, which upheld newspapers' right to publish the government's secret "Pentagon Papers" about the Vietnam War. "The swirling storm around WikiLeaks today reinforces the need to defend the right of all media to reveal the truth," he concluded.
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lepo te pitam kako teroristima olakšava posao to što je neko stavio spisak stvari bitnih za US od A? ti dakako shvataš da teroristi ne mogu ni u najluđem ludilu da napadnu ni stoti deo tog spiska, a i da mogu, sigurno ne bi napadali pogone za proizvodnju lekova u Belgiji pošto je to neoportuna besmislica? ovaj spisak ugrožava Ameriku samo ako postoji sila dovoljno moćna i dovoljno kosmički stupidna da napadne sve te ciljeve odjednom, a takvoj sili sigurno ne treba wikileaks da identifikuje mete.potpuno je jasno koje su američke mete abroad, ne treba ti wikileaks da bi napravio spisak za jedno 10 minuta. po ovome tvome ispada da bi trebalo skinuti i Google Earth i Maps sa neta, zato što teroristima olakšava posao.nisam od tebe očekivao papagajisanje Fox-a. Edited by Marko M. Dabovic
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Ni meni nije jasno kako bi to bilo moguće.Ni u eri demokracije nije moguće ni zaratiti, ni zamiriti, ni smiriti bez tajne diplomacije. Neke kompromise se mora prihvatiti tajno odmah, a objaviti tek kad dođe cukor, neke kompromise se zbog sigurnosti svijeta i bojazni od reakcije uspaljene domaće ili strane demokratske javnosti ne želi objaviti još pokoje desetljeće (Kennedyjevo povlačenje Jupitera iz Turske za rješavanje Kubanske krize, npr.).Čim se prihvaća (ako se prihvaća) postojanje države, prihvaća se i postojanje organizacije čiji ljudi vode određene igre i kockaju na određen iracionalan način veličinama i pojmovima stranima normalnom demokratskom građaninu i individualcu, koji nama kao win-lose ili win-win situacije 'dočaravaju', približavaju i 'objašnjavaju' medijluk i/ili punditarija.Anarhizam nije a la carte menu iz kojeg možete uzimati pojedine dijelove.E sad, dio ove dobrodošle zabave za nas i cijeli svjetski puk je što je ovaj trač iscurio baš iz američkih dvora; što možemo voajerisat iza kulisa; nikakve štete nema osim za Amerikance koji će sad izgubiti poneke kvalitetnije ali i sitnije izdajničke kadrove tipa onog malog kancelarijskog Nijemca koji je dobio nogu.
U tome i jeste trik - transparentnoscu ta i takva drzav gubi opravdanje za kockanje. Sto se tice Kube i javnog mnjenja, well, nije li "tajnovita" drzava ta koja kreira strah da bi potom na tom strahu i "legitimitetu" opravdavala svoje postupke?Argument o diplomatiji kao tajnom trange-frange okviru za pronalazenje mira je tanak, jer jednako vazi i za raspirivanje rata.
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lepo te pitam kako teroristima olakšava posao
mozda ima siromasnih terorista, koji do sada nisu mogli da potplate jednog od 3 miliona sluzbenika i saznaju to nesto sto bi im koristilo u mracnim namerama, a sta mi ne znamo sta, a ni ne treba da znamo jer su to drzavna posla, a vlast je od boga.
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По свему судећи ће кабл о Младићу бити веома интересантан.ЕТА још увек није позната, али требало би да буде релативно скоро.

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Ratove nije trebalo počinjati iz moralne obaveze da ne bi bilo stotina hiljada žrtava + terorizma.Kada uporedimo ta 2 stava, postavlja se pitanje zašto su onda Manning i Assange na tapetu, a ne neko drugi?
To "na tapetu" je višeznačno. Manning je na krivičnom tapetu, jer je prekršio zakon. Obojica su nagazila na žulj moćnima, pa su na svakom mogućem tapetu, osvete&odmazde ponajprije. A na tapetu moralnih optužbi su Bush&Blair mnogo više nego i jedan od ove dvojice.
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lepo te pitam kako teroristima olakšava posao to što je neko stavio spisak stvari bitnih za US od A?
U međuvremenu sam naišao na podatak koji kaže da čitavih 2 miliona Amerikanaca u njihovom gargantuanskom državnom aparatu ima pristup dovoljnog nivoa da dođe do kablova ove vrste.Dakle, ko je zaista hteo da ima taj spisak, mogao je odavno da ga nabavi. A i onako kažu da je 10 godina zastareo.
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Visa has suspended all payments to WikiLeaks, a spokesman for the debit card company said Tuesday, after the website's founder Julian Assange was arrested in London. "Visa Europe has taken action to suspend Visa payment acceptance on WikiLeaks' website pending further investigation into the nature of its business and whether it contravenes Visa operating rules," a statement said. A Visa spokesman told AFP: "This is a decision we have taken ourselves. I am not aware that we have come under any pressure from any government."
posle mastera i viza.
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По свему судећи ће кабл о Младићу бити веома интересантан.ЕТА још увек није позната, али требало би да буде релативно скоро.
koliko je to skoro, u satima?
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