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whistleblowers: wikileaks, snowden i...

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To, to, samo oprezno, podrazumeva se da smo kriminalci dok ne uverimo moderatore u suprotno.Jebem ti vreme da ti jebem.

Podrazumeva se da je linkovanje piratskog sadrzaja na ovom forumu ilegalno. Suprotno nekima, ne podrazumevam da moderator ima vremena sve da zna i sve da proveri, tako da unapred skrecem paznju na cinjenicu da link nije problematican.

Da, u tome i jeste stvar, što to ne moraš da radiš zato što nije na tebi teret dokazivanja. Da li u prodavnici hvataš radnike za rukav i govoriš im da nisi strpao kulen u rukav jakne?Nebitno, mrzi me sad da ulazim u to, pošto bih morao da objašnjavam da linkovanje piratskog sadržaja nije ilegalno, nego hostovanje takvog sadržaja, i da je u pitanju samo odluka moderatora da ne ohrabruje pirateriju a ne nešto što ima veze sa bilo kojim zakonom naše zemlje.

Edited by vasudeva418

Ne znam za tebe, ali ja se ovde ne osecam kao na sudu. Nekako mi je prijateljskija atmosfera. Ne vidim razlog da ne skrenem paznju na nesto i izbegnem da mod mahinalno obrise nesto zato sto je video PirateBay link. Primer za slican propust imas ovde: http://www.parapsihopatologija.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=13555&view=findpost&p=1086962edit: a za ovaj drugi deo o pirateriji preko p2p mreza u globalu, koliko znam ovaj forum je izabrao da ne dozvoli linkovanje piraterije. Sto ja podrzavam, jer nema potrebe za tim - ima dovoljno lokacija na internetu gde tako nesto moze da se nadje

Edited by Venom

Спрема се 1 фешта.

Ovo će vjerojatno biti najveći kolosalni megaclusterfuckup u povijesti diplomacije.


The real-life Neo. :Hail:

Edited by Indy

Викиликс није ни близу важних вести у америчким гласилима.Рилиз из иминент, гуглајте своје омиљене топониме већ поподне.Плеј бај плеј.

The Sunday Telegraph has learnt that the first tranche of documents, to be published in full tomorrow after an initial release tonight, are expected to feature "lively commentaries" by US diplomats on world leaders, including Nelson Mandela, Robert Mugabe, the Zimbabwean president, Hamid Karzai, the president of Afghanistan, and Libya's Colonel Muammar Gaddafi of Libya.Coalition sources say Tuesday's haul will deal with North and South Korea, as well as Guantánamo Bay, while Wednesday's tranche will include comments on Pakistan and counter-piracy operations in Djibouti.Thursday will see attention focus on the Canadians and their "inferiority complex" while corruption allegations in Afghanistan will be under the spotlight on Friday. Saturday will cover Yemen while next Sunday will see the focus shift to China.
Викиликс није ни близу важних вести у америчким гласилима.Рилиз из иминент, гуглајте своје омиљене топониме већ поподне.Плеј бај плеј.
Danke!Počelo je, Spiegel topnička priprema:
  • “Obama prefers to look East than West.”
  • “Obama has no emotion towards Europe.”
  • “The US sees the world as a confrontation between 2 superpowers. The EU plays a secondary role.”
  • “Europe is not so important for the US.”
  • From the cover, we read that Ahmadinejad “is Hitler”, Sarkozy is “an emperor without clothes”, Karzai is “driven by paranoia”.

--..US have a snitch inside the German government, a member of the liberal FDP party. German chancellor Angela Merkel is described as “rarely creative and risk-averse”.

Либерти Валанс више воли када се копа по архивама КГБ

Wikileaks’ servers, which have been on-and-off for the past days, are under a distributed denial of service attack, according to Wikileaks’ twitter account.Guardian investigative editor David Leigh says on his Twitter account that the Guardian will publish the documents tonight “even if Wikileaks goes down”.

Wikileaks 'hacked ahead of secret US document release' Whistle-blowing website Wikileaks says it has come under attack from a computer-hacking operation, ahead of a release of secret US documents.http://www.bbc.co.uk...canada-11858637sa viki tvićera.

We are currently under a mass distributed denial of service attack. about 2 hours ago via web El Pais, Le Monde, Speigel, Guardian & NYT will publish many US embassy cables tonight, even if WikiLeaks goes down
ja mislio da su ispucali sve što su imali, kakvi sad cables su u pitanju :unsure:našao.
"The material that we are about to release covers essentially every major issue in every country in the world," Mr Assange told reporters by video link on Sunday. A journalist with Britain's Guardian newspaper said the files include an unflattering US assessment of UK PM David Cameron.
:lol:spiegelgoodbig.jpgvon paranoia i wild partys :lol:

Edited by Gonzo

opa, ima i vuka jeremića! sjebaše mu kampanju :(

4. © Levitte noted that the EULEX mission is having diplomatic problems with the Kosovar government and publicPARIS 00001254 002 OF 004after signing two technical protocols with Serbia. They are hoping to ensure continued calm as Kosovo heads into municipal elections. A/S Gordon stated that the Kosovars will have to accept the protocols but that it should be clearly explained that these are technical agreements that have no impact on Kosovo's independent status. Levitte also criticized Serbian FM Jeremic, saying that he is doing nothing to encourage Serb return or participation in Kosovo's government. Levitte noted that Jeremic "makes big promises" every time he comes to France, but doesn't follow through. Levitte no longer meets with him and does not consider him to be the "modern face of Belgrade" that he purports to be.

Edited by Gonzo

Muammar Gaddafi, who they say is accompanied everywhere by a "voluptuous blonde" Ukrainian nurse.

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