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A jе ли још на снази онај закон по ком могу да те ребну 11000 ау$ ако свратиш на неки од забрањених сајтова?
Ne znam za to, jedino znam da ako te provajder uhvati da radiš nešto nedozvoljeno, ima prava da te jednostavno odseče (a posle će se ćeraš sa vlastima). Tako da stalno imam 1 aprijatan osećaj dok, ovaj, nabavljam muziku online. Oni (au.država) su se inače proslavili sa nekom listom sajtova koje će blokirati taj njihov filter, na kome su navodno pedofilski sajtovi (mislim, ne razumem da li je toliko nemoguće pohapsiti ta g-na, kad se već zna koji im je sajt), ali pored toga i neki drugi nepodobni sajtovi (antiaborcionistički i ne znam šta). Inače, tu listu je prvi objavio WikiLeaks :lol:
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Ne znam za to, jedino znam da ako te provajder uhvati da radiš nešto nedozvoljeno, ima prava da te jednostavno odseče (a posle će se ćeraš sa vlastima). Tako da stalno imam 1 aprijatan osećaj dok, ovaj, nabavljam muziku online. Oni (au.država) su se inače proslavili sa nekom listom sajtova koje će blokirati taj njihov filter, na kome su navodno pedofilski sajtovi (mislim, ne razumem da li je toliko nemoguće pohapsiti ta g-na, kad se već zna koji im je sajt), ali pored toga i neki drugi nepodobni sajtovi (antiaborcionistički i ne znam šta). Inače, tu listu je prvi objavio WikiLeaks :lol:
А ја сам вест чуо са неког од теоретичарских(рж) сајтова.Него, како су они то замислили да кажњавају грађане који забасају на те сајтове ако нису објавили који су то, него чекали Асанжа (или... стварно, како се тај чита? Асенџ)?
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tumblr_lbrtavBxAf1qd5ygvo1_500.jpgI can neither confirm or deny whether we do or do not have documents relating to your specific country or another. I will not tentatively or boldly speculate on whether it does or does not have any possible serious political significance. These sunglasses are brown because I couldn’t find black ones.
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Pa, ako nabasaš, nabasaš, sam si pao, sam se ubio. To je njihova logika. Valjda je Asanž... nemoj da pitaš Ozije o izgovoru, haha
A, имао сам прилике, био неки Лестванац (по презимену), рођен Ози... требало ми је неколико недеља да укачим шта му је шта. Ко у оном вицу, кад падне руски космонаут, искобељају га из падобрана и право у болницу, па у гипс... кад је дошао себи, осети како се гадно поломио, зна где је пао, па пита сестру- did I come here to die?- no, you came yesterday
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@ pacejahja to znam u fazonu, dodje australijanac u bronks i presretnu ga hommies, potegnu noz na njega i pitaju ga:- jo, did ju kejm hir tu daj ?- nou, aj kejm hir jester-daj :D

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Interesantno je 1 nasumično surfovanje kroz Google linkove koje izbaci pretraga na "Wikileaks". Iznenađujuće, ili ne, ali uopšte ne preovlađuje 1 pozitivan stav prema WL (i Assangeu). Slažem se s onim što je ranije pomenuo Buđa, ovaj topik može da se smatra "preoptimističnim".Kada se postavi pitanje koje su to političke snage koje u stvari podržavaju WL, odgovor je vrlo tanušan. Ne radi se ovde o pomahnitalim američkim ultrakonzervativcima kojima je Assange na nišanu (možda i bukvalno)... Ko uopšte podržava WL od "relevantnih faktora"? Nessuno. Ron Paul, njemu na čast, oglasio je podršku. Ali, on je relevantan malo više od mene.

Edited by Indy
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Kada se postavi pitanje koje su to političke snage koje u stvari podržavaju WL, odgovor je vrlo tanušan. Ne radi se ovde o pomahnitalim američkim ultrakonzervativcima kojima je Assange na nišanu (možda i bukvalno)... Ko uopšte podržava WL od "relevantnih faktora"?
С друге стране, ако је подршка Асанжу (ајд' нек остане тако док не чујем негде како се каже) тако килава, од чега су се ови тако усрали?Пре ће бити да је створена атмосфера ко код Слобе, ко каже нешто тако одмах је домаћи издајник & страни плаћеник, бар у њиховим медијима, који покривају само 95% простора. Ако Ција може да одвоји пар хиљада људи да преправљају чланке на Википедији, колико су тек одвојили сада да котрљају дрвље и камење на њега и створе утисак како се васцело људство дигло у одбрану (и последње дане cool.gif) дипломатске тајности?
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Interesantno je 1 nasumično surfovanje kroz Google linkove koje izbaci pretraga na "Wikileaks". Iznenađujuće, ili ne, ali uopšte ne preovlađuje 1 pozitivan stav prema WL (i Assangeu). Slažem se s onim što je ranije pomenuo Buđa, ovaj topik može da se smatra "preoptimističnim".Kada se postavi pitanje koje su to političke snage koje u stvari podržavaju WL, odgovor je vrlo tanušan. Ne radi se ovde o pomahnitalim američkim ultrakonzervativcima kojima je Assange na nišanu (možda i bukvalno)... Ko uopšte podržava WL od "relevantnih faktora"? Nessuno. Ron Paul, njemu na čast, oglasio je podršku. Ali, on je relevantan malo više od mene.
Je l' moze link za Rona?Ron je, sada i u obliku svog sina, malo znacajniji, vole ga ovi iz cajanke. Bar tako pisu.Ako je podrzao, to je pravi libertarijanac.Podrzao je i Ken Livngston, bivsi gradonacelnik Londona (i mozda buduci).
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... vole ga ovi iz cajanke. Bar tako pisu.
E, pa ovde će da imaju malo problem. Da izmere koliko su stvarno "libertarijanci". <_< A koliko foliranti.link(Usput, Paulov stav se u komentaru naziva "nepopularnim", što dovoljno govori o razvoju situacije...) Edited by Indy
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2010-12-04: NSW Supreme Court solicitor: Letter to Australian Prime Minister Julia GillardSubmitted by admin on Sat, 12/04/2010 - 04:09By Peter Kemp, Solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW, on 2010-12-04Dear Prime MinisterFrom the Sydney Morning Herald I note you made a comment of "illegal" on the matter of Mr Assange in relation to the ongoing leaks of US diplomatic cables.Previously your colleague and Attorney General the Honourable McClelland announced an investigation of possible criminality by Mr Assange.As a lawyer and citizen I find this most disturbing, particularly so when a brief perusal of the Commonwealth Criminal Code shows that liability arises under the Espionage provisions, for example, only when it is the Commonwealth's "secrets" that are disclosed and that there must be intent to damage the Commonwealth.Likewise under Treason law, there must be an intent to assist an enemy. Clearly, and reinforced by publicly available material such as Professor Saul's excellent article:http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/dont-cry-over-wikil......Julian Assange has almost certainly committed no crime under Australian law in relation to his involvement in Wikileaks.I join with Professor Saul also in asking you Prime Minister why has there been no public complaint to the US about both Secretaries of State Condaleeza Rice and Hillary Clinton being in major breach of International law ie UN Covenants, by making orders to spy on UN personnel, including the Secretary General, to include theft of their credit card details and communication passwords. Perhaps the Attorney General should investigate this clear prima facie evidence of crime (likely against Australian diplomats as well), rather than he attempts to prosecute the messenger of those crimes.It is also disturbing that no Australian official has castigated Sweden for the shameful treatment Mr Assange has received ie his human rights abused, in that he has not been charged and served with papers in the English language regarding the evidence against him of alleged sexual offences. This is contrary to Article 6 of the European Covenant on Human Rights to which Sweden is a signatory nation.Those offences remain unclear and the Swedish prosecutor Ms Ny appears to be making up the law as she wants. It appears now, by Ms Ny's interpretation that when consensual sex occurs but if a condom breaks, the male party is liable to 2 years imprisonment for sexual assault. All this information is publicly available.An Australian citizen is apparently being singled out for "special treatment" Prime Minister. There are legitimate concerns among citizens here that his treatment by the Swedes is connected to US interests which are against the activities of Wikileaks, and you will note the strident, outrageous (and illegal) calls inciting violence against him in the US in demands for his assassination, by senior influential US politicians.Granted that in western political circles, Mr Assange is not flavour of the month, but what he is doing in my opinion, and in the opinion of many here and abroad, is vitally necessary to expose American foreign policy failures and potential war crimes and crimes against humanity--not for the purpose of damaging US interests but to make them accountable.While we have close and a good relationship with the US, there is no doubt that US influence and power is declining. That we appear to be still posturing, (given that declining power and a new paradigm of privately enforced accountability) to the US on the issue of Wikileaks is, Prime Minister, deeply disappointing.Yours FaithfullyPeter Kemp.‚(bold moj)
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Covek je car, uradio je istorijsku stvar i koliko god se trudili ovi sto ih harper li pominje, kofa je probusena, lavina je krenula. Oni ce to zataskati na neko vreme pouceni iskustvom, ali istina se ne moze sakriti od svih ljudi svo vreme, recenica koja mi je davala nadu kad je Milosevic jos kao diktator vladao Srbijom.
Zapravo, ako smo nesto naucili iz objavljivanja Washington Papers svojevremeno to je da ce ova akcija Wikileaks-a imati jak kratkorocni i prakticno nikakav dugorocni efekat, kad je diplomatija u pitanju. Kad su mediji u pitanju, to je nesto sasvim drugo.Inace, zanimljivo je da najostrije kritike i najmastovitiji predlozi za ucutkivanje i eliminaciju Wikileaks-a dolaze upravo iz onih drzava koje se obicno hvale svojom transparentnoscu i vecnom plemenitoscu i ispravnoscu svojih motiva. Slusanje zapadnih diplomata na ovu temu proizvodi mi konstantni nagon za povracanjem.
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2010-12-04: NSW Supreme Court solicitor: Letter to Australian Prime Minister Julia GillardSubmitted by admin on Sat, 12/04/2010 - 04:09By Peter Kemp, Solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW, on 2010-12-04Dear Prime MinisterFrom the Sydney Morning Herald I note you made a comment of "illegal" on the matter of Mr Assange in relation to the ongoing leaks of US diplomatic cables.Previously your colleague and Attorney General the Honourable McClelland announced an investigation of possible criminality by Mr Assange.As a lawyer and citizen I find this most disturbing, particularly so when a brief perusal of the Commonwealth Criminal Code shows that liability arises under the Espionage provisions, for example, only when it is the Commonwealth's "secrets" that are disclosed and that there must be intent to damage the Commonwealth.Likewise under Treason law, there must be an intent to assist an enemy. Clearly, and reinforced by publicly available material such as Professor Saul's excellent article:http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/dont-cry-over-wikil......Julian Assange has almost certainly committed no crime under Australian law in relation to his involvement in Wikileaks.I join with Professor Saul also in asking you Prime Minister why has there been no public complaint to the US about both Secretaries of State Condaleeza Rice and Hillary Clinton being in major breach of International law ie UN Covenants, by making orders to spy on UN personnel, including the Secretary General, to include theft of their credit card details and communication passwords. Perhaps the Attorney General should investigate this clear prima facie evidence of crime (likely against Australian diplomats as well), rather than he attempts to prosecute the messenger of those crimes.It is also disturbing that no Australian official has castigated Sweden for the shameful treatment Mr Assange has received ie his human rights abused, in that he has not been charged and served with papers in the English language regarding the evidence against him of alleged sexual offences. This is contrary to Article 6 of the European Covenant on Human Rights to which Sweden is a signatory nation.Those offences remain unclear and the Swedish prosecutor Ms Ny appears to be making up the law as she wants. It appears now, by Ms Ny's interpretation that when consensual sex occurs but if a condom breaks, the male party is liable to 2 years imprisonment for sexual assault. All this information is publicly available.An Australian citizen is apparently being singled out for "special treatment" Prime Minister. There are legitimate concerns among citizens here that his treatment by the Swedes is connected to US interests which are against the activities of Wikileaks, and you will note the strident, outrageous (and illegal) calls inciting violence against him in the US in demands for his assassination, by senior influential US politicians.
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