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nije to bez veze - wikileaks, rusija, katar, kosovo, sepp blater... :naughty:

Čini mi se da je ovo velika tema na ovom forumu, Guardianu i možda NYT, a drugde je Sepp Blatter daleko pominjanija ličnost u prethodnih 24h. Hleba i igara, i ti radovi.
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GOVERNMENTS around the world today stressed that just because they are trying to crush Wikileaks to death, it does not necessarily mean that you will be next. Important officials in fancy offices in grand capital cities said theonly reason they are erasing the whistleblowing site from existence and trying to arrest its spokesman on some trumped-up rape charge was because it had done some things they didn't particularly like.One government spokesman said: "We know that you wouldn't do that. Sure, you might get upset about budget cuts, but that's all part of the everyday rough and tumble. It's not like you are engaged in a relentless campaign to expose us as liars, cheats and murderers."No, as far as you're concerned everything is going to be just fine. As long as you just keep watching television."Of course at some point we may have to step in and decide exactly which television programmes you're allowed to watch, but again, it's really nothing for you to get all worked up about."Especially with your diabetes and your high blood pressure."He added: "No, you'll be just fine with it, and of course if you weren't, then we would just switch you off as easily as pressing the stand-by button on your remote control. But that's obviously not going to happen to you. For goodness sake, why on earth would it?"So we're agreed then - everything's cool and that man that we're beating to death in the corner of the room is just some smart-alec with a horrible website - probably with photos of children on it - that could very easily have killed you. Good."Anyway, I think that's the second half of Loose Women coming on, so I'll let you get back to it."Sorry to have bothered you."

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cablegate.wikileaks.ch normalno radi na novoj adresi, idemo dalje. Business and usual. cool.gifOno što bi mene zanimalo je prepiska sa Pakistanom između 11. rujna i početka napada na Afghanistan. Tu je sigurno bilo zanimljivih stvari.

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ipak francuzi nisu bas tolike sline, vise legalisti, u duhu republike.

French web provider OVH said Friday it would ask a judge to rule on whether it can continue to host WikiLeaks after the government called for the whistleblower website to be kicked out of France. The legal challenge came after French Industry Minister Eric Besson called for WikiLeaks to be banned from French servers after the site took refuge there on Thursday, having been expelled from the United States. "We have decided to ask a judge to rule on the legality or not of this site being on French territory," OVH's managing director Octave Klaba said in a statement. "It's neither for the political world nor for OVH to call for or to decide on a site's closure, but for the justice system," Klaba said. "That's how it should work under the rule of law." Klaba said that OVH had only discovered it was hosting WikiLeaks after reading press reports. WikiLeaks ordered a dedicated server with protection from cyber attacks through OVH's website using a credit card to pay the "less than 150-euro" (200-dollar) bill, Klaba said. "OVH is neither for nor against this site... We neither asked to host this site nor not to host it. Now that it's with us, we will fulfil the contract. That's our job." Besson earlier asked the CGIET, the highest body governing the Internet in France, to find a way to expel the site from French servers, describing the situation as "unacceptable." On Thursday, WikiLeaks moved to OVH after American giant Amazon booted it off its servers following pressure from US politicians angered by the release of a quarter million secret diplomatic cables. "France cannot host Internet sites that violate the confidentiality of diplomatic relations and put in danger people protected by diplomatic secrecy," Besson wrote in the letter, a copy of which was seen by AFP. "Tell me as quickly as possible what action can be taken to stop this site being hosted in France, and firstly tell all operators that have helped host it of the consequences of their actions and then hold them responsible." The revelations have angered world governments to such an extent that the website is being forced to hopscotch around the world's servers, while also coming under massive cyber attacks aimed at bringing the site down.
@ rodzerbell kaze da bi gardijan trebalo da pusti pre i posle 9/11 pakistan. nyt se jos razmislja.
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Ovo je jedno od pitanja koje je danas bilo postavljeno u live Q&A streamu (moj bold):

JAnthonyJulian,I am a former British diplomat. In the course of my former duties I helped to coordinate multilateral action against a brutal regime in the Balkans, impose sanctions on a renegade state threatening ethnic cleansing, and negotiate a debt relief programme for an impoverished nation. None of this would have been possible without the security and secrecy of diplomatic correspondence, and the protection of that correspondence from publication under the laws of the UK and many other liberal and democratic states. An embassy which cannot securely offer advice or pass messages back to London is an embassy which cannot operate. Diplomacy cannot operate without discretion and the protection of sources. This applies to the UK and the UN as much as the US.In publishing this massive volume of correspondence, Wikileaks is not highlighting specific cases of wrongdoing but undermining the entire process of diplomacy. If you can publish US cables then you can publish UK telegrams and UN emails.My question to you is: why should we not hold you personally responsible when next an international crisis goes unresolved because diplomats cannot function.Julian Assange:If you trim the vast editorial letter to the singular question actually asked, I would be happy to give it my attention.
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.ch puce, ali tu su sad wikileaks.nl; wilileaks.de; wikileaks.finaleteh na svedskog hellu oko silovanja i legalizma.glenn greenwald opet razvaljuje. moracu da preispitam svoj centristicki levicarizam, pa da opet skrenem lijevo.

And WikiLeaks is really one of the very few, if not the only group, effectively putting fear into the hearts of the world’s most powerful and corrupt people, and that’s why they deserve, I think, enthusiastic support from anyone who truly believes in transparency.
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Covek je car, uradio je istorijsku stvar i koliko god se trudili ovi sto ih harper li pominje, kofa je probusena, lavina je krenula. Oni ce to zataskati na neko vreme pouceni iskustvom, ali istina se ne moze sakriti od svih ljudi svo vreme, recenica koja mi je davala nadu kad je Milosevic jos kao diktator vladao Srbijom.

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Julian Assange: Zapad je slobodan kao što su slobodni jazavci ili pticeAutor/izvor: SEEbizLONDON - The Guardian je poslijepodne omogućio korisnicima svog web portala da postave pitanja u obliku komentara najtraženijem čovjeku danas, osnivaču WikiLeaksa - Julianu Assangeu.Iako se stranica zbog preopterećenosti srušila prije nego je Assange počeo odgovarati, chat je na kraju ipak održan, a Guardian je naknadno objavio Assangeove odgovore. Kaže da ga nije iznenadio publicitet kojega su dobile objave s WikiLeaksa posljednjih dana u svjezttskim medijima.- Uvijek sam vjerovao da će WikiLeaks imati veliku ulogu u svijetu i na određeni način bilo je jasno da to čini još 2007. godine kad je zbog nas promijenjen ishod izbora u Keniji. Mislio sam da će trebati dvije godine, a ne četiri da nas cijeli svijet prepozna kao bitne, tako da i dalje malo kasnimo rasporedom. Još je puno posla pred nama. Što se tiče prijetnji smrću koje dobivamo, one su svima poznate, ali poduzimamo odgovarajuće mjere predostrožnosti da se zaštitimo. U onim granicama u kojima nam je to dostupno s obzirom da nam je protivnik svjetska velesila.Pokušaje cenzuriranja WikiLeaksa posljednjih dana, naročito u SAD-u, Assange je nazvao posljedicom "fiskalne blokade" koju su nametnule zapadne Vlade.- Zapad je fiskalizirao osnovne odnose moći kroz mrežu ugovora, zajmova, dionica, banaka i tako dalje. U takvom je okruženju lako zagovarati slobodu govora jer promjene na političkoj sceni ne donose promjene u ovom dobro uhodanom sustavu. Zapadni govor, kao nešto što rijetko ima stvaran utjecaj na moć, je slobodan kao što su slobodni jazavci ili ptice. U državama poput Kine postoji cenzura zato što govor i dalje ima moć koje se država boji. Cenzuru uvijek trebamo promatrati kao ekonomski signal koji nam otkriva potencijal moći slobodnog govora. Napadi koje SAD vrši na nas izvor su velike nade, nade u govor koji će biti dovoljno jak da razbije fiskalnu blokadu.Korisnici su postavili pitanja o svemiru dan nakon što je Američka agencija za svemirska istraživanja NASA najavila dokaze postojanja života u svemiru.- Primao sam mailove od raznih čudaka, koji pišu o NLO-ima, ili pak kako su otkrili antikrista na nekoj zabavi. No dosad nitko nije zadovoljio naša dva pravila oko objavljivanja. Međutim, u nekim dokumentima, koji se tek trebaju objaviti, uistinu se spominju NLO-i, bio je odgovor osnivača WikiLeaksa.Assange je istaknuo kako je ponosan na ulogu koju ovih dana ima WikiLeaks, a čudi se da je njegova važnost prepoznata nakon četiri, a ne dvije godine postojanja. Veliki interes korisnika donio je u samo dva sata na Guardianovu webu više od 1000 komentara iz cijelog svijeta.
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Ovim svetom upravljaju od svega uplaseni, nakurceni diletanti cija je jedina zajednicka tacka to sto moraju da plate za seks ili ga ne bi imali nikad.
smile.gif dec it folks.
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I ja sam u tom raspoloženju, ali mi malo kvari veselje pomisao da to ne ide bez interneta (ili world wide web-a neke druge vrste), a zna se ko drži infrastrukturu. Zato i nema takvih aktivnosti u npr. Kini, a bogme neće ih biti ni u Australiji ako se pitaju neki od vodećih ljubitelja internet filtera (koji su trenutno baš i na vlasti). OK, znam da to filtriranje baš i ne radi kako treba, ali je činjenica da mogu da ti zavrnu slavinu kad im se ćefne.
A jе ли још на снази онај закон по ком могу да те ребну 11000 ау$ ако свратиш на неки од забрањених сајтова?
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Inače, glupost naših medija je bezgranična.Iz najave Da možda Ne danas na RTSu:

Kad je reč o Srbiji, građani vape za informacijama sa Zapada o tome da li je Radovanu Karadžiću američki diplomata Ričard Holbruk zaista obećao da mu se neće suditi
Građanima koji vape (isuse.gif) RTS je mogao već davno izguglati:post-349-12914074855105.jpgkoji je i bez Wikileaksa već odavno dostupan.
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