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whistleblowers: wikileaks, snowden i...


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..Livingston (bivsi Labour gradonacelnik Londona, Cavezov prijatelj) je jedini bio na visini zadatka - naprotiv, da smo znali za ove stvari mozda rata u Iranu ne bi ni bilo. I joj je dodao, ovde je rec samo o toma da mocni i bogati hoce da zastite svoje uhodane seme, a ne o sigurnosti gradjana...
oft:majkemi, kako se zapravo kaze - iran ili irak?ontopic i onteorijazavere*:internet pokraden!sada ce naravno sve iskokosariti, termini izrazi ce postati irelevantni nevazni,e da bi nam uterali uterali jos koju kontrolu po aerodromima._________*ontologija, srp.
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svedska opravila zahtev za hapsenje, francuske sline pokleknuce pred ministrovim zahtevom da skloni wikileaks sa svojih servera, a evo ga deo q&a iz gardijana.vasudeva, jesi ti ovo pitao?

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said Friday in a question and answer session on The Guardian newspaper's website that his team was taking security precautions due to "threats against our lives". "The threats against our lives are a matter of public record. However, we are taking the appropriate precautions to the degree that we are able when dealing with a super power," Assange wrote in response to a reader's question. A Canadian pundit called earlier this week for him to be assassinated for leaking US diplomatic cables, while former Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee said those responsible for the leaks should face execution. Assange also said that some of the diplomatic memos obtained by the whistleblowing website contain references to UFOs, although he did not give further details. "It is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the 'cablegate' archive there are indeed references to UFOs," he wrote when asked if any of the documents he had received referred to extraterrestrial life. The online session was delayed for nearly an hour due to what The Guardian said were technical problems triggered by "huge" demand. This came shortly after WikiLeaks was briefly forced off the Internet by cyber attacks following its decision to publish some 250,000 US diplomatic memos. WikiLeaks had to find a new Swiss domain name Friday after its original wikileaks.org address was shut down as it was suffering massive attacks. Assange's London-based lawyer, Mark Stephens, said Friday that a "state actor" was likely to blame for the the "sophisticated" efforts to take down WikiLeaks.
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i jos

The Swiss Pirates Party, which owns the domain name currently used by whistleblower website Wikileaks, warned Friday that the website could face further blockages. The original wikileaks.org domain was taken offline at 0300 GMT Friday by its American domain name system provider, EveryDNS.net, following reports of massive attacks on the site. The site then came back online on Friday with the Swiss domain name wikileaks.ch. However, the Swiss Pirates Party said that the Swiss name is also registered with EveryDNS.net. "As the Swiss domain is also listed with this provider, there is a risk of further blockages. Discussions are ongoing internally about if and where the data should be moved," said the party in a statement. The Pirates Party, which campaigns for Internet freedoms and transparency, was founded in 2009 with more than 120 people attending its founding meeting. Denis Simonet, who heads the group, told AFP it had registered the domain name wikileaks.ch six months ago. "We did it to support WikiLeaks," he said in an emailed reply, adding that it was not done at the request of Julian Assange, founder of the whistleblower site. Simonet said that the redirection had worked since the registration of the domain. "They just communicated that domain as an official working one today without informing us before. We knew about that with the first questions from a newspaper," he added. Assange said last month that he was considering requesting asylum in Switzerland, among other places, and basing the website in the fiercely neutral Alpine country. "That is a real possibility," Assange said when asked whether he and the website might relocate, adding that Switzerland, and perhaps Iceland, were the only Western countries that his outfit feels safe in. Assange told Swiss national television TSR that WikiLeaks was examining the possibility of creating a foundation that would allow it to operate out of Switzerland, and confirmed that he might apply for asylum. Assange's defence fund also has a bank account with the Swiss Post Office, according to the WikiLeaks website.
i zanimljiv prepric jednog kabla
A Wikileaks memo says the Council of Europe's Secretary General, Terry Davis, threatened to go public about the use of a NATO facility in Kosovo as a secret prison after the alliance failed to cooperate with a CoE investigation.According to a memo dated December 2005, the alliance had failed to provide adequate responses to seven requests for information sent by the Council, CoE.The comments were made in a meeting between Davis and the US ambassador to France. “Given NATO's obstructionism", Davis told the ambassador, "he would have no choice but to "go public" over the issue in early 2006,” the memo reads.According to the memo, Davis said that Kosovo was a “black hole” for the CoE committee on the Prevention of Torture, CPT, as NATO was not cooperating with his requests for information.At the time, the CoE rapporteur, Dick Marty, was investigating US use of secret prisons and extraordinary rendition in Europe and in January 2006 he produced his first report.Extraordinary rendition is the abduction and illegal transfer of a person from one nation to another.Since 2001, it is believed that the US has used rendition and secret prisons to move terrorist suspects across the world and sometimes to countries where torture is used to extract information, it is alleged.In the 2006 report, entitled "Alleged Secret Detentions in Council of Europe Member States", the CoE complained that it had not been able to inspect camps in Kosovo.According to the report, Gil-Robles, the CoE’s Commissioner for Human Rights, had concluded that NATO’s Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo had “many parallels with Guantanamo: prisoners arrested without recourse to any kind of judicial procedure or legal representation”.Bondsteel is one of the US's largest post-war military bases on foreign soil and is located in southern Kosovo.The memo released by Wikileaks goes further than the CoE report, saying that it was suspected that the US used Kosovo as a secret CIA prison.“Davis concluded that others, but not he, had begun to 'connect the dots' and were speculating that Kosovo might be a site for secret CIA prisons free from international scrutiny,” it reads.A more lengthy CoE report, released in June 2006, entitled "Alleged Secret Detentions and Unlawful Interstate Transfers involving Council of Europe Member States", again described Kosovo as a “black hole” for CoE's inspections.“This is frankly intolerable, considering that the international intervention in this region was meant torestore order and lawfulness,” the report said.The report also revealed that a fax from the Egyptian Ministry of European Affairs, sent to the Egyptian embassy in London, intercepted by Swiss Intelligence Services, listed Kosovo as the site of a CIA secret prison.NATO has consistently denied the claims. When contacted yesterday, the organisation’s Brussels headquarters refused to comment.
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E, džebaji ga baš sada za "ufoe". Meni je bitnije što neko profila Huckabee-a ima takve ideje. Uostalom, ni to nije neko čudo... Zgrešiš li protiv Amera bilo gde, kriv im si na svakoj tački planete, koja je očito njihovo igralište. A australijske vlasti naravno izvode svoj uobičajeni oralni seks prema velikom bratu prema pacifika, jebe im se što im drkaju državljanina. Zna se da je njima Amer iz establishmenta preči od bilo kog zemljaka.Jedna stvar koju sam primetio, barem kad su australijski političari u pitanju od bilo koje sorte - praktično niko ne pominje ovo o čemu mi pišemo na ovom topiku. Čak ni "moji" zeleni čije tweetove pratim. Znači, u tome je zajeb Assangea, što se svi političari osećaju ugroženi od njega, zajedno sa medijima. Tako da je on završio svoje ili skroz, ili će morati u duboku ilegalu.

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jos odgovora:

Asked on the Guardian forum what would happen to the US documents if he or WikiLeaks were "taken out", Assange replied that he had taken precautions. "The cablegate archive has been spread... to over 100,000 people in encrypted form. If something happens to us, the key parts will be released automatically," he said. "History will win. The world will be elevated to a better place. Will we survive? That depends on you."
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Jedna stvar koju sam primetio, barem kad su australijski političari u pitanju od bilo koje sorte - praktično niko ne pominje ovo o čemu mi pišemo na ovom topiku. Čak ni "moji" zeleni čije tweetove pratim. Znači, u tome je zajeb Assangea, što se svi političari osećaju ugroženi od njega, zajedno sa medijima. Tako da je on završio svoje ili skroz, ili će morati u duboku ilegalu.
to je to, nema tu više razlike jesu li iz usa, italije ili kirgistana, dal su ih opleli, dal strahuju da će ih oplesti, ili samo strahuju da će lukretivni i uticajni business as usual čiji su deo biti ugrožen, sistem sad deluje kao jedna duša i jedno telo, kao opasna zverka saterana u ćošak. sigurno je da će im jebati kevu, al se nadam da će asange i društvo nestati in the blaze of glory, što će reći, ne bez da dumpuju negde sve što imaju, i o kablovima, i o vojsci i o bankama.edit: luba mi opet čita misli i odgovara. hvala! biće na kraju spread the word, po torentima, diskovima, guerilla all the way! Edited by Gonzo
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biće na kraju spread the word, po torentima, diskovima, guerilla all the way!
I ja sam u tom raspoloženju, ali mi malo kvari veselje pomisao da to ne ide bez interneta (ili world wide web-a neke druge vrste), a zna se ko drži infrastrukturu. Zato i nema takvih aktivnosti u npr. Kini, a bogme neće ih biti ni u Australiji ako se pitaju neki od vodećih ljubitelja internet filtera (koji su trenutno baš i na vlasti). OK, znam da to filtriranje baš i ne radi kako treba, ali je činjenica da mogu da ti zavrnu slavinu kad im se ćefne.
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Nisam ni ranije imao neko narocito misljenje o tom ispranom i bledunjavom svetu celavih, impotentnih muskaraca u za dva broja vecim sakoima i cvikerima sa tankim zlatnim ramom, muskobanjastih, krivonogih i zgurenih zena i praznoglavih sirokih osmeha i plavih kosa uvezanih u rep koji dobro izgledaju na bilbordovima, ali posle ovih reakcija na wikileaks jednostavno ne mogu iz sebe da iscedim nista sadrzajnije od najcistijeg, najdubljeg i najrudimentarnijeg prezira. Ovim svetom upravljaju od svega uplaseni, nakurceni diletanti cija je jedina zajednicka tacka to sto moraju da plate za seks ili ga ne bi imali nikad.Fuj. Dobro smo zivi.

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Asanž: Da, ja sam australijski državljanin i veoma mi nedostaje moja zemlja. Ipak, australijska premijerka Džulija Gilard i general Robert Mekliland su u poslednjih nekoliko nedelja jasno stavili do znanja da je moj povratak nemoguć i u saradnji sa američkim vlastima nastavili da progone mene i moje saradnike. To nas dovodi do pitanja šta zaista znači biti australijski državljanin i da li to išta znači?
indi, jesi li se zapitao? :lol:
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indi, jesi li se zapitao? :lol:
Jesam, baš u jednom od postova iznad. Australijski vođi naravno nisu budale, oni su svesni da većina njihovih glasača ne daje 5 para za nekog Asanža, kao uostalom i 99% čovečanstva. Čini mi se da je ovo velika tema na ovom forumu, Guardianu i možda NYT, a drugde je Sepp Blatter daleko pominjanija ličnost u prethodnih 24h. Hleba i igara, i ti radovi.
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