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whistleblowers: wikileaks, snowden i...


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The Washington Post and Guardian U.S. won the Pulitzer Prize for public service, among the most prestigious awards in journalism, for their stories based on National Security Agency documents leaked by the former government contractor Edward J. Snowden.

Through a series of reports that exposed the N.S.A.'s widespread domestic surveillance program, the Post and Guardian U.S. sparked an international debate on the limits of government surveillance. The papers also came under heavy criticism by the American and British governments, with lawmakers accusing the two papers of compromising national security.

The committee said that it gave the award for the “authoritative and insightful reports that helped the public understand how the disclosures fit into the larger framework of national security.”

“This is the epitome of important reporting and the epitome of what public service in journalism is all about,” said David Remnick, the editor of The New Yorker, in a telephone interview on Monday afternoon.


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tamnu stranu zastupaju dva od najjezivijih mogućih predstavnika. ne mogu ovog wormtongue Hejdena da slušam kako se šali™ ama baš nikako.

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pa počelo već, ja sam i reagovao na Hejdenove pošalice. jako me iritira što iko smatra da dokazanog lažova treba pitati za mišljenje o ovome.


zašto je ovaj Reddit batica uopšte pozvan? nisam ga primetio do sada u raspravama na ovu temu.

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Deršovic, kakav smrda. napravi od protivničke pozicije stromena anticipirajući šta će protivnici da kažu i onda glasanje za svoju stranu proglasi za opoziciju toj izmišljenoj poziciji  :lol:

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nisi nista propustila. rekao je da bi teroristi bombardovali ovaj amfiteatar da ne postoji surveilance.


takodje ne bismo znali da je Sterling rasista da nije bilo leaka :frust:

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to, a i anticipirao je argumente svojih protivnika da bi ih predstavio kao teoretičare zavere + identifikovao njihovu poziciju sa pozicijom nekoga ko je protiv bilo kakvog prisluškivanja. ništa od Deršovica ne može da me začudi, ali me izrazito nervira  :D

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nisi nista propustila. rekao je da bi teroristi bombardovali ovaj amfiteatar da ne postoji surveilance.


takodje ne bismo znali da je Sterling rasista da nije bilo leaka :frust:


Najbiserniji deo je ideja da surveilance nije sporan zato sto su motivi vrhuske plemeniti, kao sto svi znaju.

Edited by Agni
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da, Alan Deršovic mrzi mučenje



What rattles his many critics the most, however, is the innovative exception Dershowitz draws for the Convention against Torture (1987). The Convention prohibits all forms of torture and provides for no exception. In fact, the prohibition against torture has attained the status of jus cogens–the peremptory norms of international law that cannot be abandoned or altered. Dershowitz confesses to know all this. Yet he makes an empirical argument to carve out an exception. Since torture cannot be eliminated in the real world, he argues: "Ay, think so still, ’til experience change thy mind." Dershowitz proposes that the legal system regulate torture by requiring state officials to obtain a judicial warrant before torturing.  Despite Dershowitz’s connections and influence, Israel refused to launch the proposed torture warrant, although it embraced the idea of exception to the Convention it had signed. However, when more than 90 percent of the Palestinian security detainees began to be tortured, the Israeli Supreme Court put an end to the fledgling exception.

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svaka Glenu čast na živcima. ja bi prešao na šamare još pre oko pola sata. užas, kakvi ljudi, ovo je tamna strana 1/1.

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