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whistleblowers: wikileaks, snowden i...


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Da, oni su već hteli to da revidiraju i kroz javne diskusije da prilagode aktuelnim uslovima, ali ova stoka ih je pretekla i nepotrebno izazvala štetu neprocenjivih razmera.
Ма то навикло да чак и ценовник у својој кафил... кафетерији проглашава СтрогоПов документом, треба ти сиQрити клиренс чак и за фискални од баба сере... и онда та доктрина о томе која је штета потребна а која није никако не стигне до јавности. Уместо да су је поделили новинарима на пра... пресици, да лепо науче да разликују, јок, то крије преко потребан јавни документ ко змија ноге. Професионална дезинформација типа шизофренија са салатом од параноје.
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Zanimljivi izvodi iz intervjua Snowdena.
There has been speculation that Snowden has rigged up a type of “dead man’s switch” so if the NSA, or a similar spy agency, hurt or kill him, then a cache of thousands of documents would be released on to the internet.Snowden denied this and likened the scenario to a “suicide switch”, alluding to people who might want the information on the internet, unchecked and unredacted, and would kill him for the sake of it.
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Serija tweetova NSA "zvizdaca" Thomasa Drakea (od juce) - okrenuo sam ih obratno hronoloski, od prvog do poslednjeg, da moze da se cita.

Prop whoppers. Rolling Out the Big Lie. #NSA perjures itself in the court of public opinion on @60Minutes 1/34Facts trump latest #NSA NatSec prevaricating shuck & jive before public & Undersight 'Where is the Intelligence' Committee. 2/34NSA all in. Silent on ability to separate all US to US metadata & content at the site & time of intercept/collection. Why? 3/34Wants to hide absence of any probable cause, suspicion or relevance. All relevant, because NSA can, just in case. 4/34Because 4th Amendment simply in the way of the NatSec Surveillance State & Surveillance is society's Protectorate safety net. 5/34Justified by general rubber stamp secret court auto-warrant or pretextual warrantless mentality. 5a/34NSA gets to argue it's just one big program while claiming they missed 9/11. Lie. Had data, didn't share, find or take proper action. 6/34Search for ‘person of interest’ needles by increasing size of data seizure stack. Straw turns into faux needles. Seize 1st, search all. 7/34Truth is bulk copy blanket dragnet US to US comms was/remains blatant violations of 4th Amendment. How? 8/34Thru secret domestic electronic surveillance program(s) & NOT Foreign to Foreign & Foreign to US. Metadata is the index to content. 9/34For NatSec & NSA, it’s an all or nothing 0 sum game & everybody is treated as 'foreign' for justifying kabuki dance relevancy. 10/34NSA data renditioning persona info. If we buy it, we are duped. Disclosures to date revealing massive scale of spying. More to come. 11/34Note: Encryption not a panacea absent protected anonymity. Can still associate metadata. Need ephemeral keys. 12/34NSA programs extend to violating sovereignty of other nations and their citizens' rights far beyond catching 'bad guys.' 13/34NatSec & NSA want an ever bigger data crowbar and hammer. Why? As Hayden said "We had the power." 14/34Evidencing obsessive compulsive need to pry out, break up & collect all the data then hoard to 'protect' it all. 15/34I sent a letter to Alexander in early November 2005 detailing ready to go superior collection/processing capability from before 9/11. 16/34Use of break thru info analytic tools that did both - providing superior intel & security while also protecting privacy & liberty. 17/34However he went w/ Son of failed Trailblazer program 'take it all' multi-billion $ data indiscriminate haystack making technology. 18/34Instead of "know what you have" multi-million privacy & citizen rights protecting data sensing technology keeping it all in context. 19/34Ended up losing my job at NSA. Was laterally arabesqued to empty desk devoid of any responsibility. 20/34NSA is so disingenuous: we don't want names, just numbers (as if they were not synonymous). 21/34That's same as taking phone white pages & redacting names (subscriber) & addresses (location). 22/34NSA says NOT reading comms content or listening in on calls of US absent warrant. Really? More disclosures=mirror of mendacity. 23/34No, just storing them until we want to do so in the future or whenever we feel like it?? Parallel Construction principle. 24/34If we are not catching on by now, we are fools. It is so obvious. 25/34Can’t tailor an inherently mass surveillance program. Take it all mentality is surveillance spying writ large. 26/34NSA holds key to turn key tyranny. Turning key deprives us of liberty replaced by a patho-paternalistic racket making ppl subjects. 27/34The idea that NSA should simply get a free rein with cybersecurity & given even more surveillance is just over the top. 28/34The suspicion of the '90s that stopped NSA involvement in public key encyrption is now multiplied a 1000 fold & with good reason. 29/34Never was so much spent to collect everything. Systematically data harvesting the planet: rendering it devoid of protection & privacy 30/34Willful privacide is a US-state sponsored goal far beyond mandate to find bad guys. 30a/34While violating so much of our citizen sovereignty & ending up knowing so little to stop hardly anything. 31/34All part of NSA’s ruthless drive for digital omniscience. 32/34Have to destroy privacy and anonymity in the name of security? I don't think so. 33/34Have to get rid of liberty in order to save it? I don’t think so. 33a/34Martin Luther King Jr. said “noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good” 34/34
Edited by Indy
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Fascinantno, zaista
The insert method and other variants of QUANTUM are closely linked to a shadow network operated by the NSA alongside the Internet, with its own, well-hidden infrastructure comprised of "covert" routers and servers. It appears the NSA also incorporates routers and servers from non-NSA networks into its covert network by infecting these networks with "implants" that then allow the government hackers to control the computers remotely.
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Nikada nismo ni ziveli u "normalnom" svetu. Ova prica oko NSA nece imati nekih tezih posledica nego samo sminkanje, kao i obicno. Pravi action tek moze da se ocekuje ukoliko dodje do nekih tektonskih promena u americkoj politici usled sledece ekonomske krize.

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Tehnologija za anonimnost izvora (SecureDrop) uvodi se i u jos jedne novine. Originalni kod za SecureDrop je autorski rad Aarona Swartz-a (kome je danas jednogodisnji "pomen").

SecureDrop works like this: Say you have evidence of wrongdoing committed by corporations, government, or other organisations. You can begin the secure whistleblower process by using Tor, an internet browser that masks your IP address, allowing you to keep your location and identity anonymous. (So, as you will see from our step-by-step instructions, your first step will be to download Tor, for free.)After you upload the file it will be encrypted and stored on the TGM SecureDrop Vault server until our journalists download and decrypt it. TGM SecureDrop Vault does not log any identifying metadata and both journalists and sources are encouraged to regularly delete messages, so there won’t be any trail left behind even if someone wants to find it.If we find evidence that we can act on, we’ll initiate an investigation into what we’ve seen. Importantly, the TGM SecureDrop Vault also allows us to maintain communication with the original sender, to verify the information or otherwise follow up.While no system can provide perfect security, all these added layers make SecureDrop much more secure than the channels we normally use to communicate digitally, if also less convenient. SecureDrop aims for ease of use; it is still decidedly more involved than sending an e-mail – but in some cases it’s worth the extra effort.
Edited by Indy
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The author of the @wikibaghdady Twitter account claims to be leaking inside information about the background and activities of ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham, the most powerful al-Qaida force fighting in Syria). He started posting on December 10, and continues up to today. He presents a cursory sketch of the history of the Islamic State in Iraq (al-Qaida in Iraq), Jabhat al-Nusra, and the background leading up to ISI’s attempt to subsume Nusra within a larger, unified jihadi command, the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS).The first question that emerges is whether this posted material is authentic or cleverly-composed fiction.
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