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whistleblowers: wikileaks, snowden i...


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Četvrto, koliko je bilo na mitingu podrške za Snoudena ispred Bele kuće? Mnogo manje nego na koncertu Jelene Karleuše, mogao si da ih izbrojiš ... A od tog broja, ko zna koliko je bilo "bezbednjaka" ...
Podseti me sad nesto na ovo, pa da dodam. Tacno je da ne samo da je slaba podrska za Snowdena u USA, nego cak i pada (nesumnjivo pod uticajem masivne kontrapropagande). Ali, situacija u ostatku sveta nije slicna. Mislim da je ovo jedna od onih stvari koje vode ka sve vecoj polarizaciji (ako vec nije dovoljno velika) izmedju "prosecnog Amerikanca" i ostatka sveta (pritom ne mislim na tradicionalno anti-americki nastrojene zemlje, tipa Pakistana).
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Zanimljiv tekst Philipa Giraldija o prisluskivanju medju saveznicima.Obama’s assertion that when he wants to know what is happening in Germany he picks up the phone and calls Chancellor Angela Merkel is characteristically facile but ultimately irrelevant. U.S. policymakers have an interest in secret German negotiating positions on trade agreements as well as on internal debates relating to likely responses to Washington’s initiatives in places like Afghanistan. Admittedly the need for such information is not critical, but the NSA often collects intelligence on an opportunity basis just because the mechanisms that exist enable it to do so without any particular degradation of its coverage of genuine priority targets. In short, much electronic intelligence collection takes place just because it is possible, not because there is any clear objective in mind.Do the German BND, Turkey’s MIT, and Italy’s SISMI avail themselves of opportunities to listen in on U.S. Embassy phone calls in their respective countries? They certainly do, but no one does it like the Americans, and efforts to suggest that there is some kind reciprocity in bad behavior are misleading.

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nicaragua it is:

Nicaraguan Media Publish Snowden Asylum Request Letter182105777.jpgNicaraguan Media Publish Snowden Asylum Request Letter© RIA Novosti. Valery Melnikov13:38 07/07/2013BUENOS AIRES, July 7 (RIA Novosti) – Nicaraguan media published on Sunday a letter by ex-CIA employee Edward Snowden requesting asylum in the Central American country as the fugitive intelligence expert rejects the possibility of a ‘fair trial’ in the United States where he may face ‘life in prison or even death.’A copy of the letter was posted on the website of Nicaraguan Radio Ya. The letter is dated June 30 and was written in Moscow and addressed to “representatives of the Republic of Nicaragua.”“I, Edward Snowden, citizen of the United States of America, request asylum in the Republic of Nicaragua because of the risk of being persecuted by the government of the United States and its agents in relation to my decision to make public serious violations on the part of the government of the United States of its Constitution, specifically of its Fourth and Fifth Amendments, and of various treaties of the United Nations that are binding on my country,” the letter reads.“I believe that, given these circumstances, it is unlikely that I would receive a fair trial or proper treatment prior to that trial, and face the possibility of life in prison or even death.”Some of the charges brought against Snowden by the US Justice Department are connected to espionage and may entail life in prison, the ex-CIS employee said in his letter.An international precedent for providing asylum to figures in similar circumstances has been established by Ecuador granting asylum to anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, Snowden said in his letter, comparing his case to that of American soldier Bradley Manning “who made public government information through WikiLeaks revealing war crimes.”Manning, who was arrested in May 2010, pleaded guilty in February 2013 to 10 criminal counts related to the biggest security breach in US history, leaking hundreds of thousands of classified war logs about US operations in Iraq and Afghanistan to WikiLeaks. He faces from 20 years in prison to life imprisonment.Snowden, who is wanted by the US for leaking details of secret state surveillance programs, has submitted more than 20 requests for asylum. Most have been rejected, or countries have told the former National Security Agency contractor that he must be present on their soil to submit such an application.Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced on Saturday that Caracas would be willing to grant Snowden asylum. "In the name of America's dignity ... I have decided to offer humanitarian asylum to Edward Snowden," Maduro said during a military parade marking Venezuela's independence day, Reuters reported.On Friday Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega said his country would “receive Snowden with pleasure,” according to Sky News.Also on Saturday, Bolivia became the third country to say that it would be prepared to offer political asylum to the fugitive intelligence expert, according to media reports.Snowden arrived in Russia on a flight to Moscow from Hong Kong on June 23. The United States has revoked Snowden’s passport, and he is now believed to be holed up in the transit area of Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport.Russia was one of the countries to which Snowden submitted an asylum application, but he withdrew his request after President Vladimir Putin said Monday that Snowden would only be able to stay if he “stopped his work aimed at harming our US partners.”
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Ne pratim baš nešto situaciju u Centralnoj Americi ali ovako odokativno bih rekao da će u Nikaragvi biti bezbedan otprilike koliko i u Maroku.

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Istrgovao bi to Ortega jednako dobro kao sto je istrgovao svoju poziciju nakon poraza na izborima 1990.Za neupucene: nakon poraza privatizovao je pola drzave na ime svoje familije i svojih ortaka, dogadjaj poznat kao "La piñata".

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Realno je najsigurniji u Rusiji, pitanje licne slobode je druga stvar. Sto kazu Englezi beggers can`t be choosers. Jos jedanput se pokazao nepromisljenim kada je odbio ruski azil cim je cuo Putinove diplomatske izjave.Ipak se on nalazi na njihovoj teritoriji. Kad bi hteli mogli bi sada bez ikakvog gubitka obraza da ga izruce. Nudili smo mu azil, odbio je, predajemo ga...

Edited by noskich
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Demokracija demokraciju mije: http://www.smh.com.au/world/snowden-says-states-in-bed-with-nsa-20130707-2pkbw.htmlThe US National Security Agency operates broad secret spying partnerships with other western governments now complaining about its programs.NSA spies are "in bed together with the Germans and most other Western states" Snowden said in comments made before his exposure of US espionage practices came to light last month and printed in German news weekly .

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Snowden za brazilske novine - zanimljivo (posebno za nas Ozije, ali i šire).Snowden reveals Australia's links to US spy webUnited States intelligence leaker Edward Snowden has provided his first disclosure of Australian involvement in US global surveillance, identifying four facilities in the country that contribute to a key American intelligence collection program.Classified US National Security Agency maps leaked by Mr Snowden and published by US journalist Glenn Greenwald in the Brazilian O Globo newspaper reveal the locations of dozens of US and allied signals intelligence collection sites that contribute to interception of telecommunications and internet traffic worldwide.The US Australian Joint Defence Facility at Pine Gap near Alice Springs and three Australian Signals Directorate facilities: the Shoal Bay Receiving Station near Darwin, the Australian Defence Satellite Communications Facility at Geraldton and the naval communications station HMAS Harman outside Canberra are among contributors to the NSA's collection program codenamed X-Keyscore.Pine GapThe New Zealand Government Security Communications Bureau facility at Waihopai near Blenheim also contributes to the program.AdvertisementX-Keyscore reportedly processes all signals before they are shunted off to various "production lines" that deal with specific issues and the exploitation of different data types for analysis - variously code-named Nucleon (voice), Pinwale (video), Mainway (call records) and Marina (internet records). US intelligence expert William Arkin describes X-Keyscore as a “national Intelligence collection mission system”.Worldwide webThe documents published by O Globo show that US and allied signals intelligence collection facilities are distributed worldwide, located at US and allied military and other facilities as well as US embassies and consulates.Fairfax Media recently reported the construction of a new state-of-the-art data storage facility at HMAS Harman to support the Australian signals directorate and other Australian intelligence agencies.In an interview published in the German Der Spiegel magazine on Sunday, Mr Snowden said the NSA operates broad secret intelligence partnerships with other western governments, some of which are now complaining about its programs.Mr Snowden said that the other partners in the "Five Eyes" intelligence alliance of the US, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand “sometimes go even further than the [National Security Agency] people themselves.”He highlighted the British Government Communications Headquarters “Tempora” program as an example:“Tempora is the first 'I save everything' approach ('full take') in the intelligence world. It sucks in all data, no matter what it is, and which rights are violated by it. ... Right now, the system is capable of saving three days' worth of traffic, but that will be optimised. Three days may perhaps not sound like a lot, but it's not just about connection metadata. 'Full take' means that the system saves everything. If you send a data packet and if makes its way through the UK, we will get it. If you download anything, and the server is in the UK, then we get it.”Mr Snowden also argued that the “Five eyes” partnerships are organised so that authorities in each country can "insulate their political leaders from the backlash" when it became public "how grievously they're violating global privacy".The Der Spiegel interview was conducted by US cryptography expert Jacob Appelbaum and documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras via encrypted emails shortly before Mr Snowden revealed himself publicly as the source of leaks of highly classified information on US signals intelligence and surveillance programs.Another US NSA whistle-blower William Binney also recently disclosed that Australia was involved in the trial of an earlier US-designed Internet traffic interception and analysis program codenamed "ThinThread".Other countries involved in the trials were the UK, Australia and Germany a decade ago. ThinThread was not adopted but Australia has also been directly involved with later collection programs codenamed "Trailblazer", "Turbulence" and "Trafficthief".StrandedThe US government has charged Mr Snowden was offences including espionage and cancelled his passport.He has been stranded at a Moscow airport for two weeks after leaving Hong Kong where the US Government has sought his extradition.Three Latin American countries, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua, have now offered Mr Snowden political asylum after European Governments last week denied their airspace to a plane carrying the Bolivian president Evo Morales home from a conference in Moscow after the US State Department alleged that the former US intelligence contractor was on board.Russian officials have publicly urged Mr Snowden to take up Venezuela's asylum offer. Venezuelan Foreign Minister Elias Jaua said on Sunday that his government had not yet been in contact with Mr Snowden.Mr Jaua said he expected to consult on Monday with Russian officials. Mr Snowden is being assisted by the anti-secrecy organisation, WikiLeaks.
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“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. ”National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era, Published October 28th, 1976 by Penguin Books
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