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whistleblowers: wikileaks, snowden i...


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Ovo je njegov teren i sefa mu kabineta, Sergeja Ivanova.Ovde su se Ameri vrlo nervozno zaleteli na veleizdajnika™ i drzave koje ga pokrivaju. Putin je, cini mi se, pricao i kako nemaju obavezu da ga izrucuju, jer nije uradio nikakvo obavestajno krivicno delo, pa da se aktiviraju odredbe sporazuma o reciprocitetnoj ekstradiciji.

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if i could turn back time:

“MOSCOW, Feb. 10 2012 (UPI) — Russian officials Friday asked the United States to sign a bilateral extradition treaty or join existing international conventions.“The Justice Ministry proposes either signing bilateral treaties on the extradition of criminals and repatriation of convicts. The second variant for the U.S. is to join the existing convention mechanisms, we will try to persuade our U.S. partners to do this too,” Russian Justice Minister Alexander Konovalov said Friday.Currently, the two countries have no extradition deal, RIA Novosti reported.
Russia urges U.S. to sign bilateral extradition treaty12:14 PM (MSK) November 5, 2009Russia has reiterated its proposal to the United States to sign a bilateral extradition agreement, the Russian justice minister said.Although Moscow and Washington agreed in 2007 to draft an agreement on the extradition of crime suspects, further progress on the deal is still pending."We have reiterated our earlier proposal to the U.S. on the bilateral extradition agreement. In our opinion, it is wrong that countries such as the United States and Russia do not have even a basic normative document on extradition," Alexander Konovalov said after his recent visit to the U.S.
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pa kerry je brzo reterirao nakon onoga "isporučite ga", sad je na nivou "ostanimo prijatelji".ali da je vidljivo odsustvo elementarne promišljenosti u nastupima WH u zadnjih par meseci, i nevezano samo za duvače pištaljke, vidljivo je.

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To je ono sto ti uporno ne zelis da poverujes, a svi dokazi ti bodu oci, ali ne vredi. Ti si savrsen `gradjanin` kakvog drzave prizeljkuju.Sa tehnicke strane su koristili magnetofon kada nije bilo kompjutera.
Ne, bato, ja se drzim poznatih fakata koliko mogu. Ne prihvatam olako teorije konspiracije i kafansku politiku tipa "ma oni to sve snimaju".A ovo sa magnetofonom ti je malo smesno, verovatno znas to. Snimali su trilione razgovora na magnetofonske trake, jel'da.
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The escort.Sarah Harrison isn't a person who seeks publicity. However, the WikiLeaks staff member may get more than her 15 minutes of fame after she accompanied US intelligence whistleblower Edward Snowden on an Aeroflot flight from Hong Kong to Moscow on Sunday.Harrison, described modestly on WikiLeaks' website as a ''journalist and legal researcher'', has rarely spoken publicly, though she did preside at the international correspondents' Frontline Club in London when WikiLeaks released tens of thousands of Syrian government emails in July last year.Julian Assange was unavailable at the time, having just sought diplomatic asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy for fear of possible extradition to the United States.But those brief appearances belie Harrison's importance as one of Assange's closest and most trusted confidants over the past three years. It's no surprise that Harrison, who recently paid a private visit to Australia, was the person selected to meet Snowden in Hong Kong and escort him to Moscow where Ecuadorian diplomats were authorised to ensure his safe passage to Ecuador.In London, Assange has good reason to be pleased. From his cramped combined office, conference room and bedroom in the embassy he has pulled off a spectacularly successful covert operation.He has confounded the US government and especially those agencies he sees as his primary adversaries in WikiLeaks' battle for freedom of information and personal privacy - the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the US Department of Justice.
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prcaju Rusi Ameriku, a Snouden je jos u tranzitu, i tako nije u ruskoj jurisdikciji. posto mu je pasos ponisten, ne moze da stupi na teritoriju Rusije, a ako ne dobije azil ni u jednoj zemlji, teoretski bi moglo da se dogodi da ostane trajno u tranzitu.Ter.jpg

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mnogo opasnije od svega je sto je neko provalio u stan glena grinvolda u brazilu i ukrao kompjuter.sve sam sigurnija da je gg u najvecoj opasnosti od svih.

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mnogo opasnije od svega je sto je neko provalio u stan glena grinvolda u brazilu i ukrao kompjuter.sve sam sigurnija da je gg u najvecoj opasnosti od svih.
Ma jok, neće mu faliti dlaka sa glave, to neki slabiji igrač pokušava da se domogne informacija. Veliki igrači već imaju ono što je Snowden dao medijima da postepeno objave. Tu mislim na Amere, Britance, Ruse i Kineze.
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Pa, dobro, ako iskljucimo Manninga. Mozda.Sto se tice obijanja stana u Brazilu, mozda je slucajnost... ali, evo Glenna:

“When I was in Hong Kong, I spoke to my partner in Rio via Skype and told him I would send an electronic encrypted copy of the documents,” Greenwald said. “I did not end up doing it. Two days later his laptop was stolen from our house and nothing else was taken. Nothing like that has happened before. I am not saying it’s connected to this, but obviously the possibility exists.”
Skype se naravno prisluskuje.
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"I'd prefer not to deal with this issue at all," Putin said, questioned in Finland about Edward Snowden, the American whistleblower stranded in a Moscow airport. "It's like shearing a piglet - too much squealing, too little wool."
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Ne znam koliko je uopšte pametno Snowdenu da traži azil u nekoj od zemalja Latinske Amerike ili Islandu. Tamo može vrlo lako da bude žrtva nekog bizarnog incidenta ili kidnapovanja. Mislim da je prešao granicu posle koje se ne biraju sredstva u obračunu. Lako može da postane američki Litvinjenko.

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