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Edward Snowden claims US hacks Chinese targetsThe US has perpetrated hacking attacks on "hundreds" of targets in Hong Kong and mainland China since 2009, the former CIA analyst Edward Snowden has claimed.By Tom Phillips in Hong Kong5:00AM BST 13 Jun 2013In an interview with the South China Morning Post, Mr Snowden, who has been hiding in the former British colony since May 20, accused the US government of "hypocrisy" and claimed the National Security Agency (NSA) targets included computers belonging to the Chinese University of Hong Kong as well as "public officials, businesses and students.""We hack network backbones – like huge internet routers, basically – that give us access to the communications of hundreds of thousands of computers without having to hack every single one," the 29-year-old told the newspaper from a "secure location" in Hong Kong."Last week the American government happily operated in the shadows with no respect for the consent of the governed, but no longer. Every level of society is demanding accountability and oversight."In his first interview since disappearing from a luxury Hong Kong hotel on Monday lunchtime Mr Snowden slammed "the hypocrisy of the US government when it claims that it does not target civilian infrastructure, unlike its adversaries.""Not only does it do so, but it is so afraid of this being known that it is willing to use any means, such as diplomatic intimidation, to prevent this information becoming public.""Things are very difficult for me in all terms, but speaking truth to power is never without risk."A spokesman for the US Consulate in Hong Kong declined to comment on the claims on Thursday morning.Authorities in Hong Kong and Beijing have so far refrained from commenting on the case. But on Thursday a combative editorial in the South China Morning Post demanded "an explanation" from Washington, noting that US officials had spent "months" criticising Beijing for alleged state-sponsored hacking attacks on American businesses and government departments.Mr Snowden's claims about alleged hacking attacks on Chinese interests had "knocked the wind out of Washington's case against China," the newspaper argued. "It looks like a case of the pot calling the kettle black, except the pot is a lot darker in this case." Mainland media also leapt on Mr Snowden's allegations on Thursday. The China Daily said the case was "certain to stain Washington's overseas image and test developing Sino-US ties." "For months, Washington has been accusing China of cyber espionage, but it turns out that the biggest threat to the pursuit of individual freedom and privacy in the US is the unbridled power of the government," Li Haidong, from China Foreign Affairs University told the newspaper.Speaking to the South China Morning Post, Mr Snowden claimed to be acting in the global interest. "The reality is that I have acted at great personal risk to help the public of the world, regardless of whether that public is American, European or Asian." He refused to be drawn on reports that he may be offered asylum by Moscow."My only comment is that I am glad there are governments that refuse to be intimidated by great power."
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Sramotan text. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-06-13/online-snooping-zut-alors-.htmlTim Judah.

So, complaints that the NSA has invaded a lost paradise of privacy, or that the U.K. may have circumvented domestic laws to get information from the NSA seem overwrought. How did people not know that the Internet is public?
The basic dilemma, of course, is finding the happy medium between securing civil liberties and protecting us from evil-doers. Do I mind that the British intelligence service might ask the Americans what I have been up to on Facebook, instead of asking a judge for a warrant? Sure, a bit. How much would I mind if the same intelligence service failed to protect me from having my head chopped off by a high-street jihadist, as happened to a British soldier in London on May 22? Or if the intelligence service was unable to stop a pedophile gang from attacking my children because civil-liberties legislation prevented the government from gleaning clues from Facebook as to what was about to happen? I would mind a lot.
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sto te cudi, pa tim dzuda je veca konzerva od kraljice viktorije, i privatno i profesionalno. da se nekim cudom snouden nasao u ovim krajevima, msje dzuda bi bio medju prvima koji bi ga druknuo, ne sumnjam nimalo.

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Plasenje mecke resetom (ubistvom jednog britanskog vojnika u Londonu) je klasika. Na stranu ponovna "slucajna" zamena teza (ubistvo nije spreceno i pored snoopinga).Plus, svako ko citira 1 The Sun kao meru ispravnosti stavova je ozbiljno pogubio kompas.

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Znaci "sheeple" zaista postoji, imaju svoju ideologiju, glasnogovornike..."Evo ti na tanjiru moja sloboda i privatnost, ja nemam sta da krijem".A super mu je logika za londonskog glavosecu, mali problem sa postavkom je u tome sto tom vojniku jesu isekli glavu uprkos rafiniranom sistemu nadzora interneta.edit: preduhitrio me Indy, dok ja stisnem post dugme, on se vec osevapi

Edited by Marko M. Dabovic
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Znaci "sheeple" zaista postoji, imaju svoju ideologiju, glasnogovornike...
Stvarno si se tek sad u to uverio? Života mi, ja više cenim jednog Aleksa Džonsa i Dejvida Ajka od polovine prosečne populacije.
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pa nisam bas ocekivao ovakvu poplavu hipokrizije.
Pa to ima još kod Domanovića. Što bi sad bilo drugačije?Dižem ulog, više cenim jednog Aleksa Džonsa i Dejvida Ajka od polovine prosečne populacije uzete zajedno. Edited by Bakemono
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Uz rizik da budem vrlo predvidljiv, to je stara prica.

cypher-matrix.jpgCypher: You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize?[Takes a bite of steak]Cypher: Ignorance is bliss.

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David Icke is right (sort of)04/11/2011Conspiracy theorist David Icke believes that the world is run by lizards. To be specific, it is run by a crossbreed of reptiles and men who live in the middle of the Earth, drink blood, and come from Alpha Draconis. Devilish shape-shifters, their first family are the Windsors and they govern us through royal bloodlines. The lizard people control things via the banking system. We monkey men are their slaves, freedom is an illusion. I have a fantasy wherein I meet Mr. Icke at a party, I go up to him and say, “David, I am a reptoid and I can confirm that everything you believe is true.” Then I run away, leaving behind a happily validated madman. Some dismiss Icke as a media-hungry simpleton who got high while watching V: The Miniseries in the 1980s and mistook it for a newsreel. Others suspect that the lizards are a racist analogy for the Jews. Certainly Icke’s theory corresponds with classic tropes of the Neo-Nazi conspiracy genre: the world is controlled by an inter-related species through the money supply. But this is probably unfair. Icke has denounced anti-Semitism many times and there’s no hint of hate speech in his writings. Indeed, it is wrong to dismiss the Icke phenomenon out of hand. His books sell well and he’s had a big cultural impact. [The 2008 Minnesota race was so close that it went down to recounting individual spoiled ballots. On one of them, some wag had crossed out all the candidates’ names and written in their place “The Lizard People”.]Conspiracy theories like Icke’s are usually a rational attempt to make sense out of a series of bizarre and frightening events. It is a fact that Western democratic governments have conspired against their citizens. The list of atrocities in America is shocking. The federal government’s assault on Ruby Ridge, Idaho in 1992 and the Branch Davidian compound at Waco, Texas in 1993 ended in the deaths of dozens of innocent citizens. In neither case was the government’s intention malign, but it was guilty of gross incompetence and bending the Constitution. Watergate, Gulf War Syndrome, the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, Chappaquiddick, the Kennedy assassination, all have raised questions about the honesty of federal agencies. What the conspiracy theorists do is to draw links between these individual violations of human rights to create a unifying theory. The principle is rational but the process and outcome are not. They bury genuine crimes beneath illegitimate or untested data, creating links between unconnected events, building pattern upon pattern of duplicities that kaleidoscope into a big mess of crazy. But it is wrong to dismiss as irrational or insane Icke’s desire to bring order to the universe, to make sense of the violent, corrupt, dumb things that governments do to their own people. Nor is retrospective conspiracy thinking limited to mad white people. The popular myth within the African-American community that AIDS was created by the government to control the black population developed in the 1970s in tandem with revelations that public health officials had denied treatment to black syphilis sufferers to examine the disease’s long term effects.Moreover, Icke offers an unusual way of expressing a fear of impersonal forces that is common to all of us. If Icke is writing metaphorically about a world run by lizard men, then he is a genius (the corollary to that is that if he’s writing literally, then he’s a nut). The world is slipping beyond the control of the individual as technological, social, and economic change make larger structures of organization necessary and inescapable. The linkage of economies has rendered nation states a sham; the threat of terror demands a multilateral approach; human rights legislation defending the rights of grand minorities chips away at individual freedom of speech. While the internet has increased our access to information, it has also made the world seem smaller. Government agencies grow like bacteria swelling in a Petri dish. Before the Second World War, the British didn’t even have to own passports. Now the government gathers our DNA, eye scans, and tax records. The logic of the slow loss of control is horrible and overwhelming. The desire to find someone responsible for it is understandable.But what is more terrifying than David Icke’s fantasies of evil reptilian kitten-eaters from another planet is that all of this is not planned. It is random. The War on Terror was started not by the President of the most powerful nation in the world but by a handful of amateur criminals. It is far more frightening to admit that all of the crazy stuff that happens is spontaneous rather than organized and rational. With a few notable exceptions, modern Western societies are not evil and well organized. They are mad and inept. If that was not true, then wouldn’t David Icke have been assassinated by now?
Edited by Syme
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