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whistleblowers: wikileaks, snowden i...


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aj probaj po drugoj dijagonali :lol:tekst je objašnjenje kako se došlo do trenutnog stanja pravnih tumačenja a kozinsky nije baš srećan zbog toga:

"Those of you who've had the good fortune to be born in the United States simply have not known the absence of freedoms," says Judge Alex Kozinski, Chief Judge of the U.S Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. "You can only imagine, but not experience, what it's like to live in a society where these freedoms are absent."Born in 1950 to Holocaust survivors, Kozinski grew up as a committed communist in Bucharest, Romania. On his first trip outside of the Iron Curtain, in Vienna, Austria, he experienced forbidden luxuries like bubble gum and bananas. It was his first taste of freedom, and it caused him to become, in his words, "an instant capitalist."Today, Kozinski is responsible for some of the most influential - and controversial - legal decisions in the United States. Kozinski's rulings have challenged the Obama administration over the issue of same-sex marriage. In a case that tested the limits of parody and artistic expression, he has weighed in on whether a Barbie doll qualifies as a sex object. In one of the most influential dissents in recent memory, he caused federal prosecutors to drop all charges against a defendant who'd been convicted of smuggling of illegal immigrants across the U.S.-Mexican border.
pa i prvo pitanje glasi:
You've been critical about erosions in the Fourth Amendment over time. What are some of the benchmark cases that have contributed to that erosion? And what are the conditions in society or conditions in the making of law that have contributed to this kind of erosion or degradation?
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Nemam vremena, sorry... mnogo znakova na ekranu, malo vremena. Posebno kad ga zakomplikuju i hoce da budu mnogo vickasti. Ovih dana za mene trebaju mp40-like poruke, ne te kim filbijevske zapetljancije.

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ask and ye shall receive: :lol:

Edward Snowden Is A Ron Paul Supporter

Edward Snowden, the man behind one of the biggest national security leaks in U.S. history, is a fan of former Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas).According to campaign finance reports, Snowden donated $250 to the libertarian's presidential campaign twice in 2012. Paul has long railed against government secrecy and intrusion into private life.Snowden told The Guardian that he voted for a third-party candidate in 2008, although he was optimistic about President Barack Obama's promises."A lot of people in 2008 voted for Obama. I did not vote for him. I voted for a third party," he said. "But I believed in Obama's promises. I was going to disclose it [but waited because of his election]. He continued with the policies of his predecessor."In a statement sent out Monday afternoon, Paul praised both Snowden and Guardian journalist Glen Greenwald: “We should be thankful for individuals like Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald who see injustice being carried out by their own government and speak out, despite the risk. They have done a great service to the American people by exposing the truth about what our government is doing in secret."The Guardian broke the news last week -- based on documents from Snowden -- that the NSA has been collecting millions of phone records of Verizon customers."I wish I could say I was shocked at the reports the NSA is secretly spying on the private phone calls of millions of Verizon customers," said Paul in a statement. "However, this is a predictable result of a government that continues to erode our liberties while promising some glimmering hope of security."Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) introduced a bill on Friday that would prevent the government from obtaining the phone records of Americans without "a warrant based on probable cause."This story has been updated with a statement from Ron Paul.

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ovo je, imo, odlicno ! pa sa PR stanovista i medijskog hendlovanja njegovog slucaja u US ovo je puno zahvalnije nego da podrzava Bernie Sandersa !

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Barem 1 sorta libertarijanaca je sirokogrudog raspolozenja:

It’s up to us to make sure his [snowden's] heroic act is not in vain. He appears to be a confirmed libertarian, and an informed and articulate one at that. Libertarians are in the vanguard of this fight, and have been from the beginning: it’s no accident that Sen. Rand Paul is introducing legislation – the Fourth Amendment Restoration Act – to shut down the Panopticon now. Thank the gods for the Glenn Greenwalds, the Daniel Ellsbergs, and the rest of the honest liberals who defend the long and distinguished civil libertarian tradition on the left – they are our invaluable allies
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Cim sam cuo da je prebegao u HK odmah sam pomislio sta radis, Rusija bi bila daleko daleko bolje resenje:http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/blog/2013/jun/11/nsa-prism-scandal-russia-would-consider-edward-snowden-asylum-claim-live-coveragehttp://rt.com/news/russia-consider-asylum-snowden-517/

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Neće Rusi da imaju posla sa njim, pošto i oni imaju sistem za praćenje interneta i telefonskog saobraćaja, SORM-2 ^_^
Pa? Kao da ce moci i njih da whistleblowuje?
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Pa? Kao da ce moci i njih da whistleblowuje?
Ma zezam se.FSB mu ne bi dao ni da uđe u njihove prostorije.Da je pobegao kod Rusa odmah bi mu zalepili etiketu izdajnika. Beg u Rusiju bi bilo loše rešenje za ono što je naumio. Edited by slow
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Da je pobegao kod Rusa odmah bi mu zalepili etiketu izdajnika. Beg u Rusiju bilo bi loše rešenje za ono što je naumio.
Ne znam SBBKBB, uglavnom da sam na njegovom mestu bio upravo bih se zaputio u Rusiju.Koje su alternative? Kuba, Iran, DPRK? Rusija je po meni najrobustnija opcija. DPRK bi mogao da ga zameni za neke ustupke, a u sve tri zemlje bi mu bila ogranicena sloboda kretanja. Verujem da bi mu Rusi dali drugi identitet.Ma koliko je plemenito njegovo istupanje, opet ne vidim nuznost da od sebe pravi metu. Mogao je ostati anonimus, uzeti te lepe pare koje je zaradio i preseliti se negde gde jos moze da se dise. Juzna Amerika, jugoistocna azija ili neko ostrvlje.Lepo isisa sav novac, nabavi drugo drzavljanstvo sa promenjenim imenom, pripremi teren na zeljenoj destinaciji. Da otkaz, kaze svima da ide u ranu penziju i onda za pola godine objavi to sto ima. Edited by noskich
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Barem 1 sorta libertarijanaca je sirokogrudog raspolozenja:
rand štiti američke građane, to mu je posao doduše, mene realno zanima šta će biti sa raznim klijentima googla, ms-a, fb-a i ostalih spomenutih mastodonata www-a, koji, alas, nisu američki sitizeni.pitanje je da li su to tzv globalne kompanije koje imaju stotine miliona nekakvih korisnika van usa i teže da im budu uslužne, ili su to američke kompanije koje će, stani-pani, odraditi posao za 1 nacionalni interes? my guess je opcija b).
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Ne znam SBBKBB, uglavnom da sam na njegovom mestu bio upravo bih se zaputio u Rusiju.Koje su alternative? Kuba, Iran, DPRK? Rusija je po meni najrobustnija opcija. DPRK bi mogao da ga zameni za neke ustupke, a u sve tri zemlje bi mu bila ogranicena sloboda kretanja. Verujem da bi mu Rusi dali drugi identitet.Ma koliko je plemenito njegovo istupanje, opet ne vidim nuznost da od sebe pravi metu. Mogao je ostati anonimus, uzeti te lepe pare koje je zaradio i preseliti se negde gde jos moze da se dise. Juzna Amerika, jugoistocna azija ili neko ostrvlje.
Čovek je borac za ljudska prava, američki patriota, nije mu cilj bilo samo da raskrinka sistem praćenja građana već i da dostojanstveno podnese udarce koji će ga sigurno zadesiti. Mislim da njemu nije najbitnija lična bezbednost i konformitet već mogućnost da iznese istinu i upozori američku javnost na kršenja slobode i privatnosti. Edited by slow
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