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taj covek ce jednostavno umreti u nekoj celiji, bez sudjenja (posto nemaju za sta da mu sude) i to je to. resili su tako i to ce biti tako.puko sajt sa lajv fidom, naravno :frust: nakacilo se milijardu ljudi
cekaj, to se desava ovog trenutka? na bbc-u neki smor, na cnn-u beyonce prica kako je kul raditi za un. daj neki link za pracenje.
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link je pukao, sada gledam twitter. policija je jos tamo, neki pregovori su verovatno u toku, u podne kao treba da dobije azil a ovi kao ne daju. da se podsetimo, Assange treba da u Svedskoj bude ispitan zbog toga sto je navodno propustio da obavesti partnerku da nije stavio kondom i zbog toga UK radi nesto bez presedana u skorijoj diplomatskoj istoriji. sada sam citao taj britanski zakon po kome prete da ce stormovati ambasadu: mogu to da urade u slucaju teske pretnje po javnu bezbednost :isuse:

BREAKING NEWS: Police are massing at the Ecuadorian embassy in London where Australian WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is holed up after his request for political asylum.WikiLeaks tweeted this morning that two large police vans had arrived ‘‘to surround the Ecuadorian embassy in London’’ about midnight, local time.One person stationed outside the embassy, identifying hinmself as a "citizen journalist" with the twitter account https://twitter.com/alburyj,is video streaming the action.Your browser does not support iframes.A crowd is building in the west London street outside the embassy.Assange supporters are using social media to urge people to gather at the location. "Ecuadorian embassy" is trending worldwide on Twitter.Occupy Wall Street tweeted shortly after the raid: "ANNOUNCEMENT: #Assange supporters are calling for an occupation at #Ecuador's Embassy in #London RIGHT NOWA pizza delivery man arrived at the embassy door as police stood outside. However the driver, who later identified himself on the livestream as Georgie, left soon after without delivering the pizza.Earlier, the UK issued a "threat" to enter the embassy to arrest Assange, who has been taking refuge inside since June.The news comes as Ecuador prepares to announce within hours if it will grant political asylum to the WikiLeaks founder, Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino said .The British government has told Ecuadorian authorities it believes it can enter its embassy in London and arrest Assange.In Australia, Attorney-General Nicola Roxon says the Commonwealth has little power to intervene.Assange is wanted for questioning over sexual assault allegations in Sweden, but says he fears deportation to the United States, which may seek to convict him for his website's release of a trove of secret documents.Patino told a news conference that Ecuador received a written threat on Wednesday from Britain that "it could assault our embassy" if Assange was not handed over.
Edited by Marko M. Dabovic
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saopstenje ambasade Ekvadora:

ECUADOR SHOCK AT THREATS FROM BRITISH GOVERNMENTAn Ecuadorian government spokesperson commenting on the threats by the British Government to enter the Embassy said:“We are deeply shocked by British government’s threats against the sovereignty of the Ecuadorian Embassy and their suggestion that they may forcibly enter the embassy.This is a clear breach of international law and the protocols set out in the Vienna Convention.Throughout out the last 56 days Mr. Julian Assange has been in the Embassy, the Ecuadorian Government has acted honourably in all our attempts to seek a resolution to the situation. This stands in stark contrast to the escalation of the British Government today with their threats to breakdown the door of the Ecuadorian Embassy.Instead of threatening violence against the Ecuadorian Embassy the British Government should use its energy to find a peaceful resolution to this situation which we are aiming to achieve. “
tviterasi kazu da su u zgradu usli novinari, verovatno ce se ambasador obratiti medijima Edited by Marko M. Dabovic
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docim u australiji, premijerka and co verovatno i dalje ne razumeju whats the hoopla.ako prete Brtanci da ce prekrse teritorijalni integritet druge zemlje i nekoliko medjunarodnih konvencija zbog 1 njihovog drzavljanina, so fucking what.

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Posle cesljanja relevantnih podataka, zakljucujem sledece.Zgrada u kojoj se nalazi ambasada sama po sebi nije eksteritorijalna zona, ambasada se nalazi u stanu unutar zgrade. Ulazak policije u zgradu nije i narusavanje Becke konvencije. To ce mozda tek uslediti.

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@ bergasapa ako ti je australija diktatura, shvati tako :Dedit: mada, ono sa cigaretama danas... close enough.

Edited by DarkAttraktor
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Posle cesljanja relevantnih podataka, zakljucujem sledece.Zgrada u kojoj se nalazi ambasada sama po sebi nije eksteritorijalna zona, ambasada se nalazi u stanu unutar zgrade. Ulazak policije u zgradu nije i narusavanje Becke konvencije. To ce mozda tek uslediti.
kakve stipse. ladno nisu mogli da se otvore za 1 ceo lot za ambasadu velike juznoamericke drzave, nego ih smestili u zgradu :isuse:
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da se podsetimo, Assange treba da u Svedskoj bude ispitan zbog toga sto je navodno propustio da obavesti partnerku da nije stavio kondom i zbog toga UK radi nesto bez presedana u skorijoj diplomatskoj istoriji. sada sam citao taj britanski zakon po kome prete da ce stormovati ambasadu: mogu to da urade u slucaju teske pretnje po javnu bezbednost
ovo je toliko neopisivo strasno... osecaj kao da te neko vezao za stolicu, dao ti psihoaktivnu drogu i ti gledas kako te taj pravi budalom, svestan si da te pravi budalom, ali cujes sebe kako izgovaras "da, tako je, kako ti kazes" i nista ne mozes da uradis i sutra ce sve biti isto... svejedno da li je nekome Assange dobar ili los lik u celoj prici, ova farsa bi trebala svakoga da pokrene na razmisljanje (barem).
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Assange dao izjavu povodom dogadjaja u kojoj je zatrazio ostavku ministra spoljnjih poslova UK:go Jules go, go Jules go cheer.gifcheer.gifcheer.gif

The following is a statement just released by Julian Assange about the dispute between the Ecuadorean and UK governments about its London Embassy:“In a communication this morning to the government of Ecuador, the UK threatened to forcefully enter the Ecuadorean embassy in London and arrest Julian Assange.The UK claims the power to do so under the Diplomatic and Consular Premises Act 1987.This claim is without basis.By midnight, two hours prior to the time of this announcement, the embassy had been surrounded by police, in a menacing show of force.Any transgression against the sanctity of the embassy is a unilateral and shameful act, and a violation of the Vienna Convention, which protects embassies worldwide.This threat is designed to preempt Ecuador’s imminent decision on whether it will grant Julian Assange political asylum, and to bully Ecuador into a decision that is agreeable to the United Kingdom and its allies.WikiLeaks condemns in the strongest possible terms the UK’s resort to intimidation.A threat of this nature is a hostile and extreme act, which is not proportionate to the circumstances, and an unprecedented assault on the rights of asylum seekers worldwide.We draw attention to the fact that the United Nations General Assembly has unanimously declared in Resolution 2312 (1967) that“the grant of asylum. . . is a peaceful and humanitarian act and that, as such, it cannot be regarded as unfriendly by any other State.”Pursuant to this resolution, a decision to grant asylum cannot be construed by another State as an unfriendly act. Neither can there be diplomatic consequences for granting asylum.We remind the public that these extraordinary actions are being taken to detain a man who has not been charged with any crime in any country.WikiLeaks joins the Government of Ecuador in urging the UK to resolve this situation according to peaceful norms of conduct.We further urge the UK government to show restraint, and to consider the dire ramifications of any violation of the elementary norms of international law.We ask that the UK respect Ecuador’s sovereign right to deliver a decision of its own making on Julian Assange’s asylum bid.Noting that Ecuador has called for emergency summits of OAS and UNASUR in response to this development, WikiLeaks asks those bodies to support Ecuador’s rights in this matter, and to oppose any attempts to coerce a decision.We note with interest that this development coincides with the UK Secretary of State William Hague’s assumption of executive responsibilities during the vacation of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.Mr Hague’s department, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, has overseen the negotiations to date with Ecuador in the matter of Mr Assange’s asylum bid.If Mr Hague has, as would be expected, approved this decision, WikiLeaks calls for his immediate resignation.”
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