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neka je on retard (a jeste), ali fakat na Wikileaks sajtu pise

The emails show Stratfor's web of informers
neozbiljno, nepromisljeno, glupo.meni je Wikileaks jedno od vecih razocaranja digitalne ere.
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Ako su stvarno pretplatnici onda jeste neozbiljno. Ali to je možda neki namerni način sabotiranja Wikileaks. Ionako su se zamerili mnogima.
ma naravno da su pretplatnici, kakva sabotaza crna.
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ma naravno da su pretplatnici, kakva sabotaza crna.
hit bi bio da drže podatke o špijunima u Word Excel dokumentu (šta god to bilo) koji šalju kao attachmentu :D Edited by Lezilebovich
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Stratfor je privatna firma. Oni se nisu zvanicno bavili spijunazom vec analizama, uglavnom su bili losi. Iako ovi izvori govore da jesu bili angazovani na spijunazi od npr. privatnih firmi. Tako da formalno oni nisu imali nekakve spijune. To ne znaci da gore navedeni jesu bili deo njihove mreze za sakupljanje podataka.

From: "Marc Lanthemann" To: "Alpha List" Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 1:48:33 PMSubject: [alpha] INSIGHT - UKRAINE - Moscow-Kiev Spat - UA111CODE: UA111PUBLICATION: yesATTRIBUTION: STRATFOR sources in KievSOURCE DESCRIPTION: A senior pro-western diplomat in KievSOURCE RELIABILITY: BITEM CREDIBILITY: BDISTRIBUTION: AlphaHANDLER: LaurenYes, yes, the spat between Kiev and Moscow has been really fun to watch.But Yanukovich may be overstepping his bounds with the Kremlin if he keepsthis up. He has already really ticked off Putina**who didna**t like him tobegin with.You already pretty much know this storya**Putin never wanted Yanukovich inpower without a counter-balance to keep him in check. Putin knewYanukovich could win on his own, but wanted a super-majority in order tosolidify the Kremlina**s meddling in Kiev. He wanted that to beTimoshenko, not because she is pro-Russian, but that she was the mosteasily bought out of all the top politicians. Of course, this is what gother in trouble and arrested.But Medvedev has never liked Timoshenko, mainly because she gave him norespect in any meeting and would only deal with Putin personally. Medvedevmade the decision that Timoshenko cana**t be put into power, so he made adeal with Putin. Medvedev swore that he would keep Yanukovich in line ifPutin dropped his support of Timoshenko. Putin agreed in return for beingthe one to draw up the list of new Ukrainians going into power in the SBU,military, ministries, etc. Also that Russia would get the base extensionit had been pushing for.So when Timoshenko and Yanukovich showed up in Moscow at the end of 2009,the tandem broke the news to Yanukovich privately that they were willingto drop support for Timoshenko if he would agree to Putina**s list ofdemands. Yanukovich jumped all over it, naturally.Now that Yanukovich is acting out, Putin has snapped the leash on Medvedevto fix this. It is kind of a test for Medvedev. This is why the railingagainst Ukraine has come from Medvedev, not Putin. Question is which leverwill Medvedev pull to get Yanukovich back in line.--Lauren GoodrichSenior Eurasia AnalystSTRATFORT: 512.744.4311F: 512.744.4334lauren.goodrich@stratfor.comwww.stratfor.com
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Stratfor je privatna firma. Oni se nisu zvanicno bavili spijunazom vec analizama, uglavnom su bili losi.
3. ili 4. oktobra 2000. rekli su da ce Milosevic biti na vlasti jos najmanje jednu deceniju, posto ima siroku narodnu podrsku. Edited by Marko M. Dabovic
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Citirao sam Freda Bartona, potpredsednika Stratfora, a ne nekog tamo pretplatnika. Ovi emailovi su još samo jedna potvrda šta Imperija priprema Asanžu.
sta mu priprema?
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Ovaj Stratfor je dno dna. Daj bre da se i ja zaposlim za Stratfor pa da pisem ovakve "genijalne" mailove. Zakljucak je spektakluaran, Bosna je KLJUC.

"Bezbednosna situacija na Balkanu je složena i ima više aspekata. Prvo, mi moramo da držimo na oku bilo kakve bezbednosne probleme u Bosni. Bilo kakav pokazatelj da etničke grupe u Bosni teže većoj autonomiji ili da je nasilje ponovo krenulo. Podele između Muslimana i Hrvata su poebno ključne. Moramo da budemo upozoreni o svakoj naznaci nasilja vezanog za fudbal, organizovani kriminal, bilo šta što može da se pretvori u etnički motivisane zločine. Bosna je KLJUČ ovog regiona", piše u "Stratforovom" mejlu.
Jos jedan zakljucak je da je bezbedonosna situacija na Balkanu slozena, i da ima vise aspekata ..
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gde pise da je rec o saradnickom ugovoru? i da jeste tako, sta to dokazuje? kuca Russia Today odlucila da je Stratfor nekakva erzac CIA i sada svi treba da veruju u to?

Edited by Marko M. Dabovic
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Julian Assange to run for SenateWikiLeaks has announced that its founder and leader Julian Assange is planning to run for a seat in the Australian Senate.Assange is being detained in England ahead of a possible extradition to Sweden, where he is wanted for questioning over allegations that he sexually assaulted two women in 2010.He is currently waiting for a British Supreme Court decision on his appeal against the extradition.But WikiLeaks says despite his legal predicament, Assange is eligible to run for the Australian Upper House.In its announcement on Twitter, WikiLeaks said it would also be running a candidate against Prime Minister Julia Gillard in her Lower House Victorian seat of Lalor.
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