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dok zulijan ceka zalbeno sudjenje 12. i 13. jula, fakin visa ne spava

Visa Europe said Friday it has reinstated its block on credit card donations to whistleblower website WikiLeaks, after discovering it had been breached, prompting the website to launch legal action. "An acquirer briefly accepted payments on a merchant site linked to WikiLeaks," Visa Europe said in a statement issued in London. "As soon as this came to our attention, action was taken with the suspension of Visa payment acceptance to the site remaining in place." DataCell, the Icelandic data hosting service provider that handles WikiLeaks' donation collection, said Thursday that credit card payments to the whistleblowing website had become possible again. After Visa's move to reinstate the block, Datacell said it would pursue a complaint to the European Commission. It said in a statement Friday: "DataCell regards this action on behalf of Visa as a clear sign that they are not willing to solve the situation. "Therefore DataCell has, accompanied by WikiLeaks, instructed its lawyers to file a complaint to the European commission next week." Visa and MasterCard imposed a ban on all payments to the site in December as WikiLeaks began publishing some 250,000 secret diplomatic cables, sparking an international controversy.
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vidim, zaspali ste svi, a vodja novog sveta bije izgubljenu bitku.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange began his appeal Tuesday against extradition to Sweden to face rape allegations, with his lawyer telling a British court the case against him was legally flawed. The 40-year-old Australian appeared at the High Court in London seeking to overturn a lower court's rejection in February of defence arguments that he would have an unfair trial in Sweden. Assange's lawyer, Ben Emmerson, said the conduct described in a European arrest warrant issued by Sweden "fails to provide a fair, proper and accurate description of what is alleged against the appellant." He said Sweden was seeking his extradition for questioning over the claims of rape and sexual molestation by two women, "not for the purpose of prosecution". Emmerson also argued that Assange was a victim of a "philosophical and judicial mismatch" between English and Swedish law on what constitutes sex crimes, and extradition could therefore not proceed. One of the allegations on the warrant is of rape -- that a woman he was in bed with woke up to him having unprotected sex with her. But Emmerson said that once she discovered the situation, the woman consented, and the offence would not amount to rape in Britain. "We say what the authorities establish is that the offence, the circumstances as described, must be reasonably recognised as being rape in the United Kingdom," he said. The alleged incident "does not constitute the offence of rape as recognised in the UK," he added. Assange arrived at the central London court in a black car, declining to answer questions from a scrum of journalists. He was wearing a grey suit, blue tie, white shirt and glasses. A supporter yelled: "Keep fighting the American empire, Julian." Other backers at the court included campaigning journalist John Pilger. Former computer hacker Assange has been living under strict bail conditions, including wearing an electronic ankle tag and a curfew, at a friend's mansion in eastern England since December. The hearing on Tuesday and Wednesday is taking place before two judges. A decision is expected to be deferred until a later date. But Assange's Swedish lawyer, Bjorn Hurtig, said Tuesday there was a good chance the court will decide to extradite his client. "I think there is a big risk he will come here," Bjoern Hurtig told Swedish public radio. "I hope this is going to go as Julian wants but I believe the chances for change are fairly small," he said. Hurtig was censured by the judge in the previous case for being "unreliable" and trying to mislead the court. Assange's lawyers have signalled he is prepared for a lengthy legal battle and could take his challenge all the way to the Supreme Court. He was arrested in December after two Swedish women accused him of sexual assault -- allegations that Assange denies -- as his whistle-blowing website was in the process of releasing a huge cache of leaked US diplomatic cables. It was the site's latest dump of US government documents, following the release of secret military files about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and angered Washington. Swedish authorities want to question him over the sex assault claims, although he has not been formally charged. He has claimed the allegations are politically motivated. Assange has shaken up his legal team ahead of the hearing, replacing vocal media lawyer Mark Stephens with Gareth Peirce, a high-profile human rights lawyer. Assange has said his greatest fear was eventual extradition to the United States, where his lawyers argued he could be sent to the Guantanamo Bay detention facility or face the death penalty. US authorities opened a criminal investigation against Assange in July 2010 but are yet to bring any charges against him.
prvo sam se uplasila sto je otkacio stephensa, ali su me uverili da je ovaj pierce mnogo bolji za to sto sledi.
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prvo sam se uplasila sto je otkacio stephensa, ali su me uverili da je ovaj pierce mnogo bolji za to sto sledi.
Ova, ne ovaj - Peirce (ne Pierce) je žensko. ;) Danas je druga runda, btw. Edited by Suva krpa na dnu mora
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hvala, strepnja mi dublja nego nada pa nisam obracala paznju na rod :)druga tura zavrsena, sudija nije rekao kad ce odluka o zalbi biti objavljena.za to vreme, mili dzejkob siri istinu, ko ga je propustio u beogradu, sa recona pre neki dan, sve o toru, filteringu, cenzuri itd.

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idemo, njiki nam otkriva nove poslastice iz srbije.http://www.b92.net/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2011&mm=08&dd=28&nav_category=11&nav_id=537947

Vikiliks objavljuje i navode da su ljudi Vojislava Koštunice iz uprave rudnika Kolubara ilegalno prodavali ugalj i tako popunjavali lične i partijske blagajne.
U depešama koje su u ambasadi SAD pisane od 2003. do 2010. godine navode se sukobi i neslaganja između vodećih političara u zemlji, gde se na primer Mlađan Dinkić žali na predsednika Srbije Borisa Tadića.
ne kaže zašto u članku, valjalo bi iskopati tu depešu.
Deo domaće štampe je objavio nova dokumenta Vikiliksa u kojima se na slikovit način govori o ličnostima iz domaće politike. Tako je Vojislav Koštunica je u jednoj depeši nazvan Nosferatuom, dok se Dragan Marković Palma pominje se kao "ćelavi, zdepasti kik-boks gradonačelnik
U depešama se često vidi i kako domaći političari privatno zastupaju stavove koji odudaraju od onoga što zvanično govore. Tako Dragan Marković Palma govori da Srbija treba da gradi partnerstvo sa SAD, a ne Rusijom, a SNS se zalaže za podelu Kosova.
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malo socioekonomskog presjecanja

COMMENT 16. People are neither incompetent nor lazy in Serbia, but low productivity and mobility of labor, mass unemployment, long-term unemployment, low wages, and high wage disparities among the employed with similar qualifications have eroded the will and the incentive to work. Moreover, the rapid build-up of wealth by SAM's criminal and quasi-criminal classes has created a set of poor role models for younger citizens. This is not in itself a recipe for unrest. A bustling informal economy and continued (though minimal) state support for redundant workers have maintained a minimal standard of living for people, at least in comparison to the "bad old days" under Milosevic, thereby staving off political activism. That said, savvy populists, including the Radical Party, have already begun to use standard of living issues and comparisons to a Titoist "golden age" to entice economically disaffected but politically unsophisticated voters into their camp. POLT
DS DiSekcija
UNCLAS SECTION 01 OF 03 BELGRADE 000406 SIPDIS SENSITIVE E.O. 12958: N/A TAGS: PGOV KDEM PREL SRSUBJECT: Serbia: The Democratic Party's Future Challenge Summary ------- 1. (SBU) A recent Democratic Party (DS) Party Congress in Belgrade provided further evidence that the DS is not doing enough to strengthen its party machinery for the next parliamentary elections. Polling data suggests that the party has lost support over the last year because of cautious and often counterproductive tactics. The current strategy -- built around a promise of early elections and fears of the radicals coming to power -- does not address the real problems facing the party in the near future. End Summary --------------------------- Sound and Fury, Signifying? --------------------------- 2. (SBU) Serbian President Tadic continued to consolidate his control of the Democratic Party at a splashy DS party congress on February 18 that did little to address serious weaknesses in the party's structure and public image. Party elections -- carefully scripted beforehand -- favored middling insiders from the party bureaucracy who fended off a last minute effort by the former privatization minister to add an independent voice to the party's leadership. 3. (U) Tadic won 1,880 votes out of 1,931 delegates, amidst thunderous music from "Lord of the Rings," film clips showing some of his more dramatic public appearances, and an overall slick, made-for-TV production. Delegates confirmed an uninspiring slate for the rest of the party leadership, drawn from status quo insiders that had been carefully put together before the convention began. Head of the DS Parliamentary caucus Dusan Petrovic and party fund raiser Dragan Sutanovac -- the main proponents of the discredited DS parliamentary boycott -- joined Vojvodina President Bojan Pajtic (at least in part responsible for the DS's shocking loss of the Novi Sad Mayoral race in local elections in 2004), writer Vida Ognjenovic, and Belgrade Mayor Nenad Bogdanovic as DS Vice Presidents.
Meeting with President Tadic ---------------------------- 5. President Tadic told the delegation that his priority is to push for "full reconciliation" with Serbia's neighbors, cooperate fully with ICTY as a "moral obligation," and integrate with the EU and NATO as a "strategic imperative." Tadic told the delegation that Kosovo's independence would prevent his ability to continue reforming Serbia because he will lose the support of the Serbian people. Comparing Kosovo to Jerusalem, Tadic said that Serbia will "lose its identity if it loses Kosovo," and also that he could not "defeat his rivals." Tadic said the impact of Kosovo's independence on U.S.-Serbian relations would be similar to the deterioration in relations after the 1999 NATO bombing campaign. "I am the most pro-U.S. leader in Serbia," Tadic averred, "but explaining Kosovo's loss to Serbs is 'mission impossible.'"
Undiplomatic Escapades ---------------------- 4. (SBU) Whether driven by emotion, enthusiasm, professional inexperience, or political calculation, FM Vuk Jeremic crossed the line of diplomatic propriety. In a speech carried on Serbian Radio and Television, Jeremic called the administration of President Bush the "worst [u.S.] administration ever" and said that whoever was to win the American presidential elections could not "do worse."
6. (SBU) Local fire brigade extinguished fire after one and half hours. Fire department response was slow and access to property was delayed until at least 19:44 due to riot. Evidence shows that police protection was withdrawn from around the building several minutes before the rioters arrived. Police finally provided access for fire brigade around 19:44, breaking up the violence several minutes after the rioters had effectively started the fire and damaged the building. MUNTER
I Dinkić, ali ne znam jel to to. Kopajte dalje! biggrin.gif
8. (SBU) In a December 1 meeting, G-17 Plus party whip Suzana Grubjesic also linked the Kristo affair and the media campaign against Dinkic to the NIS energy deal. She described both as part of a broader campaign directed by presidential media advisor Nebojsa Krstic to undermine Dinkic and sideline him from the negotiations with Russia, commenting that she "did not buy" Dinkic's insinuation on "Utisak Nedelje" that high levels of DS were not involved. 9. (SBU) When asked whether the campaign against Dinkic represented an effort to oust G-17 Plus from the government, Grubjesic said that it was impossible to know who all was involved or what their goals were. She told us that she had long wanted G-17 Plus to provide minority support rather than participate in a government with the SPS and controversial Jagodina Mayor Palma's United Serbia (JS), but "for now" she was still in the minority within her own party; she thought that as time went by and the dynamics of government prevented her party from fulfilling its campaign promises (most notably infrastructure funding), the mood within G-17 Plus might shift.
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UNCLAS BELGRADE 000036 SENSITIVE SIPDIS E.O.12958: N/A TAGS: ECON PREL KPKO KV SRSUBJECT: SERBIA: HIGH-LEVEL OFFICIALS DISTANCE THEMSELVES FROM TADIC COMMENTS ON MITROVICA INCIDENTS REF: STATE 2463 1. (SBU) In conversations with the Ambassador on January 11 and 12, Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic and National Security Council chief Miodrag Rakic distanced themselves from inflammatory comments made by President Tadic following violent incidents in Mitrovica (reftel). In response to the Ambassador's assertion that Tadic was both wrong on the facts and had exacerbated the situation on the ground, Jeremic said that he had been out of the country when the statements appeared in the press and that he had called Tadic to inform him the comments were a mistake. Jeremic also stressed that he "personally made sure" that the GoS did not send letters, referred to in Tadic's comments, to UN Security Council members and EU officials. Rakic likewise indicated that he had not agreed with the move, and had also been away at the time of Tadic's comments. 2. (SBU) Tadic's foreign policy advisor Jovan Ratkovic had stood by the statements on January 6, insisting that EULEX inaction in the face of information warning of orchestrated violence by ethnic Albanians compelled Tadic to react. Ratkovic, drawing a parallel with the March 2004 unrest in Kosovo, also argued that Belgrade and the Kosovo Serbs had the most to lose from violence and therefore needed to warn others not to provoke it. MUNTER
Tomislav Damnjanovic, President of the G-17 Executive Board, told us on December 11 that the party wanted to make clear that G-17 was not responsible for this deal and feared the public would look back two years from now when the gas pipeline deal evaporated and blame Dinkic for the failure (ref A). Dinkic did manage to pressure the government into taking any deal signed for NIS to Parliament for ratification, but even without G-17 support a deal would likely pass as some opposition parties would support the sale. Progressive Party (SNS) head Nikolic said publicly that SNS would support the sale of NIS in the parliament, but then would call for new elections. 7. (SBU) Coalition partner Nenad Canak's League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina also criticized the NIS sale at their party congress on December 14. Canak said that he opposed the deal, but would continue to support the government coalition. Contract Details Still an Issue ------------------------------- 8. (SBU) In a conversation with us on December 15 DS Party energy expert Aleksandar Cirilovic told us that so far there was no plan for a Serbian government official to travel to Moscow to sign a NIS agreement this week, but that negotiations continued on the deal. Several sources close to the negotiations have told us that Gazprom had rejected Serbian proposals to provide additional guarantees regarding Gazprom's planned investments in NIS and environmental upgrades. The required phase-out of NIS's gasoline production monopoly was also a significant unresolved issue. COMMENT ------- 7. (SBU) The NIS sale is political, money is only discussed tangentially, the emphasis is on Serbia's keeping its word with Russia. The move to put PM Cvetkovic and FM Jeremic confidant Stefanovic in charge of closing the deal highlights the importance of this agreement to Tadic's DS. Jeremic's comments regarding the importance of Russia showed the government's true interest in the deal - a misguided and sentimental attempt to balance east and west. Gazprom is holding firm against detailed commitments in the NIS contract or additional provisions to further link the NIS sale to the South Stream gas pipeline. While the government initially sold this deal to the Serbian public as a package to help make Serbia a player in distributing gas in the region through South Stream, the "special relationship" with Moscow is now the key headline. Most people here expect the NIS deal to go forward, but the political and economic ramifications of the deal will remain a legacy of Tadic's administration. End Comment.
E ovo je taj:
MEDIA TO BLAME -------------- 2. (SBU) In their first meeting, Mladjan Dinkic, Leader of G17 Plus and Deputy Prime Minister, told the Charge that media attacks unfairly labeled him as the culprit for corruption and all things wrong in the government. Dinkic specifically blamed the "Kurir" tabloid for nearly continuous daily accusations against him. Such slander, he said, must be prosecuted, but it was not. He said he wanted to see stricter media standards for all. DEMOCRATS MAKE DINKIC THE CULPRIT ----------------------------------- 3. (SBU) Dinkic blamed his coalition partner the Democratic Party (DS) for the attacks, which he said made him "guilty for all the bad news in Serbia." Dinkic said he was frustrated with President Boris Tadic (DS) who he said did not publicly defend him against such attacks. "The government must protect me," Dinkic said, noting that Tadic was defending Socialist leader and fellow Deputy Prime Minister Ivica Dacic (SPS) and even Progressive Party (SNS) deputy leader Aleksandar Vucic, of the opposition. "If they do not, then why should I stay in this game [of government]," Dinkic asked rhetorically. Going further, Dinkic said public companies were financing such tabloids, such as "Pravda," "because President Tadic has ordered them to do so." He assured the Charge that he was "politically with the government" but that such character assassinations signified a "dangerous destruction of moral norms," which he would no longer tolerate.
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Kakvi su debili ovi nasi politicari, iznose prljav ves iz vlade pred strane ambasadore, tuzakaju se medjusobno, govore kontra zvanicne politike vlade ciji su clanovi, pravdaju se pred americkim ambasadorom kao pred kevom...jad i beda.

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Razgovori sa izraelskim naseljenicima u West Bank-u..

US interested in what makes American-born settlers tickBy HERB KEINON 08/30/2011 01:27 WikiLeaks releases 2005 cables from US embassy in TA to Washington focusing on mindset of 2 American women living beyond the Green Line.Talkbacks (1)In the beginning of 2005, with the internal Israeli debate over withdrawal from the Gaza Strip at a fever pitch, the US embassy in Tel Aviv sent two cables to Washington focusing on the mindset of two unnamed American women living beyond the Green Line.The women went to the embassy for routine consular matters and were willing to “discuss the broader subject of life in a West Bank settlement.”RELATED:WikiLeaks releases 3,925 diplomatic cables about IsraelOpinion: A settler’s ‘reality’ in a universe far, far awayThe new batch of hundreds of diplomatic cables sent out from the US embassy in Tel Aviv published on the WikiLeaks website last week includes one from January 20, 2005, with the subject title: “Snapshot of a West Bank Amcit [American citizen] Settler,” and another a couple weeks later, on February 10, entitled, “Another West Bank Amcit Settler’s account.”The first relates to a US consular officer’s conversation with a 36-year-old American citizen who went to report the birth of her “American citizen child” at the embassy. The woman, unnamed, immigrated to Israel at the age of 20, married an Israeli Technion graduate who works in Tel Aviv, and lives in Neve Tsuf.“As a resident of the West Bank she is technically within the consular district of the US Consulate in Jerusalem,” the cable read. “However she said that she did not wish to travel through east Jerusalem streets ‘surrounded by Arabs’ to get to the Consulate. She would go there only if accompanied by her husband, who is usually armed.“When asked why, if she fears east Jerusalem, she is willing to live in a settlement in the heart of the West Bank, she said that she thinks of Neve Tsuf as a suburb of Tel Aviv. She feels secure at home and is comforted by the presence of Israeli soldiers in her settlement and on the roads. She does not feel that she is in any more danger in Neve Tsuf than she would be in Tel Aviv.”The cable said the woman “considers herself religious and cited ideological reasons, not financial incentives, for moving to Neve Tsuf. She believes that the God-given land of Israel includes the West Bank.However, she also cites practical reasons for wanting to live in a settlement. She says that, whereas within Israel she would live in an apartment, in Neve Tsuf she has a house.”The cable then quoted a Nefesh B’Nefesh study saying that 4 percent of American immigrants to Israel in 2004 settled over the Green Line. In 2004, the cable said 1,700 Americans immigrated to Israel, roughly the same number as in 2003.According to the cable, signed by then-US ambassador Dan Kurtzer, the woman “opposes the disengagement plan and the creation of an independent Palestinian state.She said there are ‘21 Arab nations, and they don’t need another one.’ In a tone more sheepish than strident, she said the conflict in Israel and the territories is part of the biblical struggle between the Jews and the ‘sons of Ishmael.’ However, she said she is not an ‘Arab hater.’ She stated that an Arab built her house.”In the second cable, also signed by Krutzer, the US consular officer spoke with an American citizen living in Elkana who had come to the embassy to renew the US passports for her children.This woman, neither whose name nor age was provided, is a mother of five who moved to Elkana with her Israeli-born husband two months before the discussion at the embassy.Like the first interviewee, this woman cited “pragmatic reasons” for the move, saying her family could afford a large house with a yard in Elkana, whereas in Jerusalem, they could only afford a small apartment.The cable said the woman spoke highly of the communal atmosphere in the settlement, as well as the “quality of people.”“The observation that settlement residents are ‘nice’ is a recurring one,” the cable read in a parenthetical comment.“One American citizen resident of the West Bank settlement Karnei Shomron compared these communities to small towns in the American mid-west.”The woman, who “professed not to be certain that Elkana is indeed east of the Green Line at all,” told the consular official that it was important to her that the community was inside the separation fence.“She denied having personal ideological reasons for moving to Elkana,” the cable read. “Her husband, on the other hand, was primarily motivated by ideology.Her husband and children faithfully attend anti-disengagement protests and rallies.She said the Elkana schools provide the children with free busing to these events.”

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Zarkovic o tome kako su se politicari medjusobno ogovarali po ambasadama
Ambasade: Izvor površnih vestiTabloidi su se dočepali novih Vikiliksovih otkrića o izveštajima američke ambasade iz Beograda u kojima se, na tabloidnom nivou, prepričavaju razgovori s akterima domaće javne scene. Ruku na srce, nema tu ništa što nismo znali o našima, ali i o Amerikancima.Između rozbifa i pite od jabuka, prelivene sladoledom, naši ljudi su skloni da lupaju gluposti, isto kao što su spremni da na Dan državnosti, nezavisnosti SAD, stanu u red pred rezidencijom još u podne, usred julske pripeke piju ugrejanu koka-kolu, jedu lažne pljeskavice, sve da bi bili viđeni u društvu ekselencije najveće svetske sile koja je posle javljala da ovi naši imaju slab karakter, tanke živce i dvoličnu politiku.A onda oko osam stotina depeša uhvati Vikiliks, pa se onda naši dočepaju Vikiliksa i tu se ne zna ko manje zna, a ko je veći idiot. Oduvek sam tvrdio da su te ambasade praizvor lošeg novinarstva i površnih analiza, ogovarači u svetskim razmerama i život me je naučio da tamo ne idem, osim kad mi kuma peva, ali to je jednom godišnje, zna se gde, a i onda se pravim blesav.Proveo sam, zbog službene dužnosti, gotovo celu noć nad hiljadu i nešto strana tih papira. Shvatio sam da je Dinkić ogovarao Tadića, da su svi ogovarali Koštunicu, da je Palma raskrinkan kao Arkanov čovek, da su Nikolić i Vučić oduvek bili protiv Šešelja i još svašta nešto što sam i sam znao, kao i većina građana u Srbiji, a ponešto od toga sam znao i bolje nego američki izveštači.Ali, nečega tu nema – paljevine američke ambasade u Beogradu. Ako ima besmislenih detalja, poput ispovesti Vlajka Senića o lažnom monarhizmu Vuka Draškovića, morala bi tu negde da bude i priča o događaju koji je temeljno uzdrmao srpsko-američke odnose.Dva su zaključka mogućna: da onaj ko pušta presretnute beleške američke diplomatije ne razume značaj ovog događaja, prvi, i drugi, zaključak da je izveštaj o tome po stepenu tajnosti klasifikovan na način koji je i Vikiliksu bio nedostupan. Naravno, moguć je i treći zaključak – da ja to nisam pronašao u šumi dojava o tome ko je s kim večerao i kakve je sve gluposti lupao. Ali, čitaocima "Vremena" obećavamo da ćemo u narednom broju objaviti dosije pod radnim naslovom "Srbija, iz ugla američke ambasade", s ambicijom da na osnovu objavljenih dokumenata utvrdimo kako su se uzajamno lagali, obmanjivali, ogovarali i potkopavali i kako su se Amerikanci sprdali s gorostasima naše javne scene zagrcnute slatkim prelivom preko šnicle.
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