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Kako Administracija sprecava da jeftinija nafta iz Venecuele dodje na Haiti

WikiLeaks Haiti: The PetroCaribe Files When René Préval took the oath of Haiti’s presidential office in a ceremony at Haiti’s National Palace on May 14, 2006, he was anxious to allay fears in Washington that he would not be a reliable partner. “He wants to bury once and for all the suspicion in Haiti that the United States is wary of him,” said US Ambassador Janet Sanderson in a March 26, 2006, cable. “He is seeking to enhance his status domestically and internationally with a successful visit to the United States.”This was so important that Préval “declined invitations to visit France, Cuba, and Venezuela in order to visit Washington first,” Sanderson noted. “Preval has close personal ties to Cuba, having received prostate cancer treatment there, but has stressed to the Embassy that he will manage relations with Cuba and Venezuela solely for the benefit of the Haitian people, and not based on any ideological affinity toward those governments.”Soon, however, it became clear that managing relations with those US adversaries “solely for the benefit to the Haitian people” would be enough to put Préval in Washington’s bad graces—especially when it came to the sensitive matter of oil.Immediately after his inauguration ceremony, Préval summoned the press to a room in the National Palace, where he inked a deal with Venezuelan Vice President José Vicente Rangel to join Caracas’s Caribbean oil alliance, PetroCaribe. Under the terms of the deal, Haiti would buy oil from Venezuela, paying only 60 percent up front with the remainder payable over twenty-five years at 1 percent interest.As the press conference rolled on, just a mile away from the National Palace, in the bay of Port-au-Prince, sat a tanker from Venezuela carrying 100,000 barrels of PetroCaribe diesel and unleaded fuel.Préval’s dramatic inauguration day oil deal won high marks from many Haitians, who had demonstrated against high oil prices and the lack of electricity. But it ushered in a multiyear geopolitical battle among Caracas, Havana and Washington over how oil would be delivered to Haiti and who would benefit.The revelations come in a trove of 1,918 cables made available to the Haitian weekly newspaper Haïti Liberté by the transparency group WikiLeaks. As part of a collaboration with Haïti Liberté, The Nation is publishing English-language articles based on those cables.The State Department did not respond to a request for comment on the disclosures in this article.According to the leaked US Embassy cables, Washington and its allies, including Big Oil majors like ExxonMobil and Chevron, maneuvered aggressively behind the scenes to scuttle the PetroCaribe deal.
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zahvaljujuci darovima koje je doneo, i ljubaznoj poseti gospodina alijeva ... iskopao sam kabl™ o azerbejdzanu happy.gif zaista steta sto nas i gospodja alijev nije udostojila prisustva.Mehriban-Aliyeva-first-la-007.jpg

The first lady of Azerbaijan has problems showing a "full range of facial expression" following "substantial cosmetic surgery, (done) presumably overseas," US diplomats say witheringly in US embassy cables released by WikiLeaks.In some of the cattiest comments to emerge from the leaked state department cables so far, diplomats shove the scalpel into Mehriban Aliyeva, the wife of Azerbaijan's president Ilham Aliyev. The cable written in January examines Aliyeva's family, the influential Pashayevs, describing them as one of oil-rich state's "most powerful families".Under the headline "A First Lady, Too, in Fashion", Aliyeva is dubbed more "fashion-conscious and daring" than the "average woman in majority-Muslim Azerbaijan". As well as substantial foreign cosmetic surgery, the first lady "wears dresses that would be considered provocative even in the Western world," it says."On television, in photos, and in person, she appears unable to show a full range of facial expression," it adds. The cable describes how in September 2008 Aliyeva and her two daughters hosted "second lady Lynne Cheney" – the wife of former US vice-president Dick Cheney. With exquisite bitchiness it recalls: "Prior to the Second Lady's arrival, while the three ladies were waiting for Mrs Cheney's car, one Secret Service agent asked 'which one of those is the mother?' Emboffs (embassy officials) and White House staff studied the three for several moments, and then Emboff said, 'Well, logically the mother would probably stand in the middle.'"The same cable talks disparagingly of Azerbaijan's political elite. "Observers in Baku often note that today's Azerbaijan is run in a manner similar to the feudalism found in Europe during the Middle Ages: a handful of well-connected families control certain geographic areas, as well as certain sectors of the economy." These families "collude, using government mechanisms" to keep out foreign competitors, it asserts.Despite being an MP, the president's wife appears "poorly informed about political issues", US diplomats tell Washington. Her family's vast business interests, meanwhile, include several banks, an insurance company, construction, travel, and – so far – Azerbaijan's only Bentley dealership. Her collection of contemporary art forms the basis of Baku's new museum of modern art, the cable adds.
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samo za fanove

WikiLeaks is auctioning off a chance to dine with Julian Assange to raise funds for its whistle-blowing activities -- although it will have to be lunch because he is under a court-imposed curfew. The website is offering eight lucky bidders the chance to have a meal with its founder and Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek in "one of London's finest restaurants", according to the listing on auction website eBay. Four of the places were put online on Monday for a week, and by Wednesday afternoon had attracted a top bid of £620 ($1,000, 700 euros), with the website promising that 100 percent of the final sale price will go to WikiLeaks. The lunch will be from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm on Saturday, July 2, and will be followed by a public discussion about the impact of WikiLeaks between Assange and Zizek. Assange will then have to head back to the country mansion in eastern England where he is living under a strict bail curfew while challenging an attempt by Sweden to extradite him to face questioning over alleged sexual assault. He is due back in court in London on July 12 to appeal a British judge's ruling in February that his extradition would not breach his human rights.
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ja sam citao da se on ne kupa mnogo cesto, pa cenim da je bolje podrzavati ga onako platonski, sa daljine

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a tek zizek! taj kako neki ovde nazivase pop-teoreticar?! jos ima i neurednu bradu.no, dupe bi dala da mogu da budem tamo. bice to pwnovanje na pwnovanje.

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Žižek objašnjava Asanžu šta Asanž zapravo radi. Trenutno preko osme sezone dva'es'četvorke, što bi bio i moj primer.

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Ugodan je ćasak, samo jedan problem, ne mogu ništa da vidim od visokog konja na kom sedi Asanž.I od nekog bradatog masnog paža koji mu pomaže da se uspenje.

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Slavoj poriče bilo kakvu vezu sa Lejdi Gagom. Bože, pa nijednu pesmu njenu nisam preslušao. Žao mi je, slušam samo Šumana, šta da vam kažem, ja sam konzervativac.

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Žižek je obećao Ejmi da neće ni 'the S-word' koristiti, ali teško je to izbeći u sintagmi poput "right-wing bullshitters", jbg. Asanža su nečim ucenili - možete jednom da pogađate čime - pa ne pušta hiljade dokumenata. Eh, a mudra osoba mi je rekla da Džek Bauer ne sme da ima porodicu, ljubavnicu, rečju kurac - samo muda. Nije uvek dobro kad su ti spermatozoidi brži od njihovih crnih limuzina, izgleda. Inače je zadovoljan svime što je uradio za nas. Ako sad krenemo da mu dudlamo jaja, možda ćemo mu se za života odužiti. Truer words...

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Prepriči i zaključci ovog pbp-a. Zadrigli je skorovao brojne wubove mahom grupi-cupi publike (sa par obaveznih "sad si izdo panka, asanžeee" dobacivača, for color), voli svaka publika kad se baca hejt na reptilskije Republikance pa to ti je, tako da ih je prvo zaveo lakim pančlajnovima ("Newt Gingrich for me is, how do you say it, uh *snort*, scum of the earth. No, wait, I am being very precise here!"), a onda se perverzno dobijao gledajući njih kako se iskreno dobijaju na očigledne Staljin-kao-Kartmen provokacije ("trebalo bi mu zabraniti da se pojavljuje u javnosti", "treba ih sve u gulag" i slično). Nema tu, šou-biz mu u krvi. S druge strane bila Odbrana Asanžova i smrt od dosade. Dekonstruis'o čovek međunarodni sistem skroz, ergo, šta ima mene da izručuju. Neke od njegovih uspavljujućih rentova treba naknadno pažljivo preslušati jer tu ima gomile informacija koje nisu baš iz pablik domejna, mada valja biti svestan da su sklonost konspiracijskom mišljenju i hronična paranoja u njegovom slučaju profesionalne deformacije, jbg; so, judge accordingly, i praštajte mu svaku slabost, ipak se radi o jedinom čoeku na svetu čiji pouk u guzu imperiju ekšli zaboli (a i življi je i bolje se oblači od bin ladena). Ja se samo nadam da mu je Elsberg rek'o ono što je rek'o mladom Kisindžeru kad su ga inicirali u above-top-secret svet: dobićeš pristup gomili informacija koje tvoje dojučerašnje kolege nemaju, ali nemoj ni za trenutak da pomisliš da si popio svu pamet sveta i da i uskraćeni za te informacije nemaju nešto pametno da ti izlože (a onog second-banana nemca što si odjeb'o, neka si, he was cramping your style anyway, the little faker pussy, ja bi' dod'o). Treba paziti i na to da Žulijan neke svoje bifove protura kao teme od najvećeg značaja za opstanak života na planeti dok se u stvarnosti radi o malo više od neoproštenih cock-blockova (ne od zabludelih hjumn rajts aktivistkinja već mahom novinskih urednika). Neke informacije prodaje k'o da su revelejšni meta-gejt proporcija ("da li ste znali da je njujork tajms svojevremeno mesec dana sedeo na pentagon pejprs pre nego što je pisao o njima?" aha? i?), mada meni je recimo taj razobručeni hard-on for hate koji neguje prema Njujork Tajmsu neviđeni gilti pležr, prosto super mi je da neko kofama govana posipa Bila Kelera, dabogda mu presela penzija. Bacio je i par novih informacija/udbaških tračeva u priči kako je wl prizvao araBsko proleće, za one koji prate. Bio je u Egiptu 2007. (pardon, "živeo" je tamo), da se zna, kod mis Egipta u stanu :isuse: . Glavni utisak nastupa ostao je nepromenjen za asanž-kanon: nije lepo od žulijana što svakim pokretom svoga bića odaje koliko misli da svi treba da mu pušimo, ali mi možemo samo da mu pušimo, pa... Žižek na kraju skrušeno prcnuo Izrael. Prvo, pelstajn pejprs potvrdile da je Izrael tvrdoglaviji od Palestinaja. Drugo, za histerične reakcije na Obaminu riječ o siksti-seven granicama kao startnoj poziciji za pregovore nema mesta. Ništa kontroverzno, ali treba reći, a žiki uvek kaže, e i zato je ljudina. Kad se sve završilo (a strim još traje, a mikrofoni još nepogašeni), Žižek prilazi Žulijanu, nego da te pitam ja glavno: Je l' bila lepa mis egipta? Jes, jes, bila je lepa (skini mi se s kurca, old man.) Fejd-aut na Žižeka koji pita a što neće biti stola da rasprodajem mrč?

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