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Bradley Manning case: British moral authority 'at risk'Welsh MP says UK must challenge US over treatment of soldier being detained for alleged leak of state secrets to WikiLeaks
Britain risks losing its moral authority if it fails to officially challenge the US government on its "cruel and unnecessary" treatment of the US soldier Bradley Manning, parliament is to be told.Ann Clwyd, chair of the all-party parliamentary group on human rights, will say on Monday evening that the UK's credibility in "places where human rights are not nearly so well observed" is at risk.She will call on the government to offer practical support to the British-based relatives of Manning, who is currently imprisoned on a US marine base, accused of leaking state secrets to the WikiLeaks website."I do not want us to get drawn into a discussion of the rights and wrongs of the WikiLeaks revelations. I would like us now to concentrate on the current conditions of detention for Bradley Manning," Clwyd is expected to say at the adjournment debate speech."Manning's case is important because of the message it sends out to the rest of the world about what kind of treatment the United States thinks is acceptable for people in detention. And, for us, it is important what we say – or what we don't say – because of the message that it sends out about what kind of treatment we in the United Kingdom and in the UK government think is acceptable."That matters in places where human rights are not nearly so well observed. People will pay attention in China and in Russia. And in Libya where we want to be on the side of those fighting for freedom from state repression."And most of all in Afghanistan – it matters to those UK and US service personnel fighting in Afghanistan what kind of image Britain and the US have in the world."Clwyd will draw on her experiences during the seven years she spent as special envoy to Iraq on human rights."It is my view that some of the greatest damage was caused to British and American efforts in Iraq when the stories of prisoner abuse emerged," she will say. "It undermined our moral authority at a time when we needed to explain that we were fighting for a better future for Iraq."The United States – and the UK, in the way we respond to actions of the US – needs to preserve that moral authority if we are to have a positive impact on the world and lead by example."Praising the Guardian's coverage of Manning's treatment in the US, Clwyd said she would be willing to visit the solider if his family asked her to."I have read the several accounts of Bradley's treatment which have appeared in the press – some very good accounts have been in the Guardian and from David Leigh in particular," she will say.But the account to which she has paid most attention is Bradley's own, in which he complains of "improper treatment" and "unlawful pre-trial punishment".Clwyd is the only politician to have directly questioned the foreign secretary, William Hague, over the government's position on Manning.She has sponsored an early day motion calling for the government to raise the case with the US administration. The motion is supported by 37 MPs, including co-sponsors Peter Bottomley, Jeremy Corbyn, Mark Durkan and Paul Flynn.Hague has previously said the UK government has not intervened because Manning's lawyer has said the soldier "does not hold a UK passport, nor does he consider himself a UK citizen"."Our standing on this matter is limited," Hague said during a parliamentary debate last month. "[Manning] is not asking for our help, nor considering himself British."But Clwyd is expected to call Hague's response a red herring. She will point out that Manning's mother, Susan, is Welsh and lives in Pembrokeshire, where Manning lived between the ages of 13 and 17, and she will point to calls from Manning's lawyer, David Coombs, for his client's detention status to be changed.Manning's treatment in the military prison in Quantico, Virginia, "ignores the repeated recommendations of the marine corps' own appointed psychiatrists", Coombs has said. His treatment "serves no purpose other than to humiliate and degrade Bradley Manning. I regard it as cruel and unnecessary."Human Rights Watch has called on the US government to "explain the precise reasons behind extremely restrictive and possibly punitive and degrading treatment" that Manning alleges he has received.Amnesty International has said "Manning is being subjected to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. This is particularly disturbing when one considers that he hasn't even been brought to trial, let alone convicted of a crime."The UN special rapporteur on torture is understood to have raised his concerns with the US administration and is waiting for a response.Clwyd quoted a recent column written for the Guardian by PJ Crowley, who resigned as spokesman for the US state department after criticising Manning's treatment, in which he repeated his conviction that it was "ridiculous, counterproductive, and stupid".
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secate li se "Kolateralnog ubistva"?novi kratki film o tome na Tribeca festivalu u Njucihttp://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/04/ethan-mccord/

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This trip to Serbia is absolutely awesome so farreci mu da se pravilno na hipsterskom kaze totally awesome

Edited by ToniAdams
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"Srbi i Rusi zapravo ne znaju ništa jedni o drugima", konstatovao je jedan američki diplomata 2009. godine.Srbi, kako objašnjava, tokom istorije i nisu imali istinske odnose sa Rusima. S druge strane, Rusi nisu ni bili zainteresovani za takve odnose, „ako se izuzme to što im je Srbija povremeno korisna, kao naivan i voljan pion na Balkanu"."Jedini pobednik u ovoj računici je Rusija koja će nastaviti da igra na kartu srpske naivnosti i tvrdoglavosti, kako bi zadržala svog igrača na Balkanu i sprečila Srbiju da pristupi NATO-u".
Shta reci, ljudi rade svoj posao za koji su placeni. To se zove profesionalac. :Hail:
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Питање за залудне: шта је Трибека?(знам, био тамо, само да видим шта ће вам све пасти на ум)
dobar klub u Fort Lee-u, NJ! :)
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