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nakon istrage, maningu nove optuzbe za veleizdaju. moguca i smrtna kazna. ----------------WASHINGTON — Following an intensive seven-month investigation, the Army on Wednesday filed 22 additional charges against Pfc. Bradley Manning, accused of illegally downloading tens of thousands of classified U.S. military and State Department documents that were then publicly released by WikiLeaks, military officials tell NBC News.The most serious of the new charges is "aiding the enemy," a capital offense which carries a potential death sentence.

Pentagon and military officials say some of the classified information released by WikiLeaks contained the names of informants and others who had cooperated with U.S. military forces in Afghanistan, endangering their lives. According to the officials, the U.S. military rounded up many of those named and brought them into their bases for their own protection. But, according to one military official, "We didn't get them all." Military officials tell NBC News, a small number of them have still have not been found.Manning's lawyer, David. E. Coombs, did not immediately return a call from msnbc.com for comment.Manning, 23, was first charged on July 6, 2010, with illegally downloading and transferring defense information to an "unauthorized source," when he worked as a military intelligence analyst in Baghdad. He was also charged with obtaining 150,000 classified State Department cables, many of which were also eventually released by WikiLeaks.The charges filed Wednesday include 16 specifications of wrongfully obtaining classified material for the purpose of posting it on the Internet, knowing that the information would be accessed by the enemy. Other charges include the illegal transmission of defense information and fraud. While conviction on the charge of "aiding the enemy" could result in the death penalty, military prosecutors recommended that he be sentenced to life in prison if convicted on that charge alone. But the presiding military judge would have the authority to dismiss the prosecution's recommendation and impose the death penalty.Like the earlier charges, the charges made no specific mention of WikiLeaks.Pentagon and military officials also report that investigators have made no direct link between Manning and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.Manning remains in custody at the U.S. Marine Brig at Quantico south of Washington, D.C., awaiting court martial proceedings.Coombs, Manning's lawyer, has complained that his confinement conditions — in maximum custody under a “prevention of injury” watch — are unduly harsh and undermine his right to a fair trial. Manning has been confined in a 6-by-12-foot cell with a bed, a drinking fountain and a toilet for about 23 hours a day, Coombs has said.Anti-war groups, a psychologist group as well as filmmaker Michael Moore and Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg have called for Bradley to be released from detention. Amnesty International and other human rights organizations have condemned the Obama administration's imprisonment conditions.

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Prljava osvetnička mašta ne zna za granice.

The US army private suspected of giving classified material to WikiLeakswas forced to sleep naked in his cell at a Marine Corps prison near Washington, which his lawyer has said is inexcusable.The marines confirmed that Bradley Manning was made to relinquish his boxer shorts for about seven hours due to a "situationally driven" event.
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The marines confirmed that Bradley Manning was made to relinquish his boxer shorts for about seven hours due to a "situationally driven" event.
Laundry? :unsure:
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Vi se zezajte, ali meni je nekako muka kada pomislim u kakvim uslovima tog nesrećnika drže već 9 meseci bez suđenja. Dečko se verovatno već uveliko rastao sa razumom i tako će provesti ostatak života, a zašto? Zato što je bio jedan u dva miliona ljudi, spreman da pređe crtu i uradi nešto što smatra ispravnim. Uz svo poštovanje za Nesanža, Manning je istinski heroj ove priče.

Private First Class Bradley Manning, in detention at United States Marine Corps Base Quantico Brig in Virginia, was forced to strip naked on the evening of March 2nd, 2011, left naked in his cell all night and forced to stand at attention for the facility’s five a.m. wake-up call, according to his legal representative attorney David Coombs.Coombs posted a report earlier today on his website announcing the humiliating and degrading treatment his client was forced to endure. Coombs added that Manning has been warned that he will endure the same treatment again this evening. He noted, “This type of degrading treatment is inexcusable and without justification. It is an embarrassment to our military justice system and should not be tolerated.
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Стиже ми прослеђен имејл од једне пријатељице (иначе рок певаљке, одлична!) од таморж... изоставићу име. Живи у Дисију, те до Квантика има мање од сата вожње (да није гужве, пола сата би било доста).

vfpmarquee_internal.gifdonate.png March 10, 2011Dear ~~~~~, Bradley Manning has had another week of abuse in the Quantico Marine Brig. He is being forced to be naked every night and to stand naked the next morning to get his clothes back. He is being denigrated and humiliated in an extremely punitive way. He is now in his 10th month of virtual solitary confinement. Please join us this Sunday, the 13th, at the 5th and K Busboys and Poets, 4p.m for a fundraiser for Bradley Manning. The suggested donation is $20 and there will be a silent auction as well. There will have music and excellent speakers including Kevin Zeese, co-founder of Voters for Peace. Invite your friends and family! Here is the Facebook event page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=146868212035167A week later, and a day after the a White House protest being led by four veterans groups, that Voters For Peace has endorsed, there will rally to support Bradley Manning in the Quantico/Triangle area at 2p.m., Sunday the 20th. We will gather adjacent to the intersection of Rt. 1 (Jeff Davis Hwy) and C Street. We will then march about a quarter of a mile to the Iwo Jima Memorial and deposit a bouquet of flowers honoring those killed in war. We will then, remaining completely nonviolent turn onto a Fuller Road and approach the main gates of Quantico Marine Base.Among the speakers at the rally are Daniel Ellsberg, Col. Ann Wright, Jeff Patterson of the Bradley Manning Support Network, and David House who will join us immediately after visiting his friend Bradley at the brig. Invite your friends and family! Here is the Facebook event page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=125274010879028 Thank you for your support of Bradley Manning. Voters for Peace

VotersForPeace is a nonpartisan organization that does not support or oppose candidates for office.

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Ево и наставка... ал' ми се нешто чини да се нису прославили:

vfpmarquee_internal.gifdonate.png March 12th, 2011

Join us in Washington, DC March 18-20th to protest the ongoing wars and call for the release of Bradley Manning.This March 19th Voters for Peace is endorsing a protest led by four veterans groups, Veterans for Peace, Iraq Vets Against the War, March Forward! And Vietnam Veterans Against War, that will include mass civil resistance at the White House. Join us and participate. We are seeking to have more than the 131 vets and their allies who were arrested in December

building the resistance needed to end the wars risk arrest. I will be one of them, join me. For more on this event visit Stop These Wars. ferner_arrest.jpg

On March 20th, there will be a

march and protest in Quantico, Virginia at the Marine Base where Bradley Manning is being held in solitary confinement. Manning has not been found guilty of any crime yet his pre-trial detention has morphed into pre-trial punishment, as he has been held for 9 months in solitary.On March 18th there will be a pre-event at Bush Boys and Poets (5th and K Streets, NW) that will feature music and inspiration. Daniel Ellsberg leads a cast of great speakers.These wars are killing people every day, destroying families, forcing people from their homes and undermining U.S. national security and the economy. President Obama is once again putting forward a larger weapons and war budget, this one the largest since World War II, despite the faltering economy. Please join us in Washington, DC-area for these important events. Kevin ZeeseExecutive DirectorVoters for Peace


More information:Friday, March 18th, 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM Pre-event, speakers and music at Bus Boys and Poets, 5th and K Street, NW, Washington, DCSaturday, March 19th, 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM, Pre-event briefing,

St. Stephen's Church, 1525 Newton Street NW (corner of 16th)Noon rally at Lafayette Park1:00 PM Civil Resistance at the White HouseMore information see www.StopTheseWars.orgSunday, March 20th, Rally and March to Quantico for Bradley Manning2 pm, Main St. and Rt. 1 (Jeff Davis Hwy.), Quantico, VASee bradleymanning.org for more information.Two 56-person buses have been reserved for five hours. Board buses in front of Union Station, 2 Massachusetts Avenue NE, in Washington, D.C., at 12:30 p.m.Buses will be boarding to return from Triangle/Quantico at 4:30 p.m.To reserve tickets for the bus ($10 round-trip): www.couragetoresist.org/bus

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U aferi Wikileaks, "evropski nalog za izručenje" svakako nije najbitniji aspekt, ali Asanžov slučaj jeste bacio dodatno svetlo na nedostatke tog instituta.

Assange case highlights EU arrest warrant 'abuses'EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The EU arrest warrant scheme under which WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is set to be extradited to Sweden is a "threat to human rights," as it is often abused with harsh consequences for the lives of the people concerned, Europe's chief human rights defender Thomas Hammarberg said Tuesday (15 March).
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Aj nek nađe neko originalni transkript (gde je Luba?)Do tada...EXCLUSIVE-Delhaize's Serb buy grew on corruption-cable

* Delhaize buying firm linked in 2007 with corruption-cable* Cable cites evidence of sweetheart deal with customs* Ambassador recommended Serb owner be denied U.S. entryBy Adam TannerBELGRADE, March 21 (Reuters) - Belgium's Delhaize, which this month agreed to buy Serbia's largest retail chain from the most prominent tycoon in the Balkan state, is dealing with a man whose firm was built up through corruption, according to a U.S. embassy cable from 2007.Tycoon Miroslav Miskovic, the owner of Delta Holding, was worth a billion dollars in 2007 before the world financial crisis, according to Forbes, wealth which at the time placed him among the richest 1,000 people in the world. Earlier this month he agreed to sell his Delta Maxi supermarket chain to Delhaize, a retailer, for 932.5 million euros ($1.3 billion), one of the largest foreign investments ever in the European Union applicant country.The cable, obtained by WikiLeaks and seen by Reuters, cited evidence the U.S. embassy had obtained that Delta Holding had prospered because of a sweetheart deal with Serbian customs in the 1990s. It also recommended that Miskovic be denied permission to visit the United States, saying his fortune "was made on the backs of the Serbian people as they struggled through crippling sanctions and hyperinflation while he collected on their misery."Miskovic declined comment on the cable, saying he never gives media interviews, and Jelena Krstovic, head of Delta's corporate communications department, also declined to comment in detail about the allegations, saying only that "Delta Holdings has always worked according to Serbian law."Delhaize said in a statement to Reuters it had and would continue to act "in full transparency and according to all legal obligations in the process to acquire 100 percent of Delta Maxi Group", adding that the deal clearly has the full support of Serbia's government. Officials at Delhaize declined to respond to questions about whether the Belgian company knew of the allegations when it negotiated to purchase Delta Maxi, or whether the allegations would affect, or had affected, the process of the bid.Following Yugoslavia's demise in the 1990s, many people with political connections across the Balkans grew rich during the war and chaos left by the former Communist state's collapse. Because Serbia was under international sanctions, there were considerable opportunities for well-connected business owners to enrich themselves. Even today, Serbia ranks 78th in Transparency International's 2010 Corruption Perceptions Index, below countries including Lesotho, Cuba and China.Such a past can complicate deals for international investors. "Speaking generally, I think the best situation for a buyer is to actually do due diligence and then not have the matter raised, because criminal actions have to be brought by somebody else and in effect it's letting the sleeping dogs sleep," said Ronald Given, managing partner at the law firm Wolf Theiss in Croatia.Luka Dadic, a corporate lawyer with experience in the Balkans added: "You are generally liable for the past wrongdoings of a company, both in a civil and criminal sense." Yet actions dating back to the 1990s may fall under the statute of limitations to offset such a legal risk, he added.SWEETHEART DEALAs a private company, Delta does not detail its finances, but the cable, written by the then U.S. ambassador to Serbia says: "We now have solid (evidence) that Miskovic was the beneficiary of egregious political corruption."He dominates banking, insurance, and consumer goods in Serbia after obtaining massive wealth as a beneficiary of official corruption by Slobodan Milosevic in the mid-1990s."Miskovic spent six months in Milosevic's government in 1990. According to the cable, Yugoslavia's then director of customs Mihalj Kertes, who was very close to Milosevic, granted special treatment to Delta, including a 45-day grace period to pay customs duties. Other firms had to pay on the spot.The deal also allowed Delta to unload cargo in Belgrade rather than at the border, and allowed him to keep the goods in storage at customs until he needed them, the cable said."This also gave him an unfair advantage, and in addition allowed him to benefit from hyperinflation as goods sold much later on were valued at their invoice amount from the date of entry," the ambassador wrote.During the 1990s, Serbia experienced one of the greatest periods of hyperinflation in history, even introducing a 500 billion dinar bank note in 1993. At the height of the crisis, prices rose so fast that restaurant diners were asked to pay their bills at the start of a meal rather than at the end."Finally, and most damning, Miskovic was allowed to clear goods through customs simply on the 'promise' that the company would pay duties within the allotted 45 days," the cable continued."So whatever customs fees paid by Delta were paid after 45 days of hyperinflation had cut into the bill," the document said.According to one customs official cited in the cable, the firm sometimes paid no duties at all.The 2007 U.S. cable said the embassy had obtained a copy of a 1996 letter from customs director Kertes allowing Delta special treatment, and the text of the letter was appended to the cable. A second customs official confirmed to the embassy the workings of the arrangement, the cable said. Customs officials contacted by Reuters on Friday did not respond by Monday."We think it only fitting that Miskovic, at the very least, be treated similarly by our consular system, so that he does not derive the further benefit of access to the U.S. from his pillaging of Serbia," the ambassador wrote.Former customs director Kertes was sentenced to jail for embezzlement last December following an earlier conviction for his role in an assassination plot against Milosevic's political rivals.According to Delta Holding's website, the company had turnover of 2.5 billion euros in 2009 and employs 24,000 people. (Editing by Simon Robinson and Sara Ledwith)

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Добро, Фањо, по чему се 2.0 разликује од оног, само два ускршња поста изнад? Таман сам мислио да је испливало још нешто, кад оно то исто исто.Него... што то није испливало пре него што је Делез пазарио? :wicked:
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Šokantno otkriće 3.0 biggrin.gif
Rusija koristi zabludu Srbije da je ključni faktor u dinamici sila sa Zapadom kako bi je odvukla od integracija u Evropsku uniju i NATO, navodi se u depešama američkih diplomata, objavljenim na Vikiliksu, koje prenosi agencija Rojters.
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