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harper lee

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Posted (edited)
Da se pinuje ako :ziga: pobedi Arsenal i podari Birminghamu prvi trofej jos od 1963!:ziga:
hoces da kazes kad pobedi? :ziga: Edited by Timmi
hoces da kazes kad pobedi? :ziga:
Pa sad, Arsenal ipak ima tih 0.00000000000001% sansi!:ziga:

kakva rapsodija srece!Big Zig dosao na ostrvo da pokaze englezima kako se igra glavom. a bogme i srcemsta reci...:ziga:

:ziga: arsenal ce platiti surovu cenu sto je onomad menadjer bio sleppost-599-12970071429669.jpg

Sad sam stigao kući i odmah sam došao ovde:ziga: :Hail::ziga::Hail::ziga::Hail:

14 min: With smiley_hail.gifwreaking his unique™ brand of havoc in the West Ham penalty area, the ball breaks to Craig Gardner just outside the penalty area. He tries a shot, but scuffs it harmlessly wide.
"I don't know if it's his height that makes him look clumsy or ungainly," muses Sky's commentator on the subject of smiley_hail.gif, apparently overlooking the fact that it's the big Serb's clumsiness and ungainliness that tends to make him look clumsy and ungainly.
dry.gifGuardian je uglavnom prosvijetljen.
Sad sam stigao kući i odmah sam došao ovde:ziga: :Hail::ziga::Hail::ziga::Hail:
to je zato sto svi putevi vode k :ziga:!:ziga::Hail::ziga:
The Serb moved to Birmingham from Valencia last summer for £6m and this was his sixth goal for the club.
Сваки :ziga: гол вреди милион фунти!

Zato nije ni otisao u Arsenal gde bi davao po 30 golova. Nema Venger tih para :Hail:

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