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Za one sa jeftinijim ulaznicama, bez registrovanog naloga na najbratskijem forumu samo delic prenosim ovde:

1. Zigic2. Gardner3. FergusonZigic was absolutely class when he come on..
Zigic changed the game............Ferguson was awesome
In no particular order1. Zigic - Still frustrating to watch but definitely had a big impact on the game. Creates space for the team and provides genuine goal scoring opportunities. His introduction was the key part in the Blues turning it around2. Gardner - Shocking first half, would not have been surprised if he had been subbed. However when we upped the tempo he came more into the game and made his forward runs and had goal scoring. Seems to be able to read Zigic's knock downs fairly well and be able to profit from them3. Ferguson - When we upped the tempo he was an integral part of it. Very calm under pressure and a fantastic passer of the ball. Great defensive performance as well.
1. Zigic - the game changer. Wouldn'tve gone forward and pressed them without him to aim at.2. Gardner - what can you say about Craig Gardner? Just a Blues legend in the making.3. Bowyer - thought although played at LM, he was full of running for all 120 minutes and scored a cracker.
Jerome or Zigic? Zigic. Game changer as usual and it's a crime that he gets as much abuse as he has done. He's a big player that looks clumsy and is, that's a product of being so blinking big. He changed the game in as much as WHO didn't know how to cope with him. His lay offs were at times frustrating but at times brilliant and his height meant that two WHO players were taken out dealing with him when the ball was in the air, one for the aerial challenge and tuther for the second ball he creates - that left space to play in.
They cacked themselves when they saw Zigic, Bowyer played really well and Gardener.
1) Zigic - Hero 2) Gardner - Legend3) Ferguson - Lion
....Zig ....I have been one of his greatest doubters but hey....the lad delivered on his promise....Big Zig Takes on Wembley!!!! being filmed by Hammer apparently...
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Samo da dodelim jedan poveci minus svim :ziga: ljubiteljima, ukljucujuci tu i sebe, zbog propustenog epski vidovitog tweeta!Neka nam je :ziga: svima u pomoci sa takvim nemarom! :blush:

NikolaZigicOnly 2-1 last night in the semi-final. I am confident. I am excited to play in Wembley ;-)13 Jan Favorite Retweet Reply
Neka se nevernici pokaju, zar im treba jos dokaza??:Hail::ziga:
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Samo da dodelim jedan poveci minus svim :ziga: ljubiteljima, ukljucujuci tu i sebe, zbog propustenog epski vidovitog tweeta!Neka nam je :ziga: svima u pomoci sa takvim nemarom! :blush: Neka se nevernici pokaju, zar im treba jos dokaza??:Hail::ziga:
vido je panta i uplatio tiket!danas je bogat covek!:ziga::Hail::ziga:
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