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harper lee

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The controversy surrounded a challenge by the Birmingham substitute Nikola Zigic on Rio Ferdinand before the ball broke for Bowyer to score. "It was handball and a foul on the centre-half," the United manager said. "He went straight through him. If the referee can't see that what chance have you got? In a game of that importance you expect to have a referee who can see that."
Waaaah! Waaaah! Bolje da je nastavio da bojkotuje medije nego što ovako dissuje 1 Žigu. Sad sam gledao snimak, Ferguson uopšte nije reagovao posle gola, a odjednom sad kenja da mu je bilo "očigledno". BTW zašto je tako "posebno važan" meč Birmingham-Man Utd?Ian Dowie upravo priča kako je sve OK jer će se sudije kasnije u sezoni odužiti Mančesteru za grešku :lol: Mislim, OK, svi to znamo, ali zar sad sme i otvoreno da se kaže?
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