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harper lee

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It was arguably a fair outcome after Birmingham showed a marked improvement in the second half
Improvement? Ime mu je :ziga:.
Birmingham, however, are resilient opponents, as they demonstrated when they defeated Chelsea here a couple of weeks ago, and there was a sense that a goal might be coming as they started to crank up the pressure late in the second half. The introduction of :ziga: made a considerable difference, as Birmingham reverted from 4-5-1 to 4-4-2, and it was the giant Serbian's header from Roger Johnson's diagonal ball that created the opening for Gardner to nod in his fifth goal of the season."I thought we would win today," Redknapp said. "At half-time I felt sure we could win. I couldn't see any other result than three points. But when they brought :ziga: on – I've seen him before and I think that's the best I have ever seem him play – they started hitting him on the diagonals and he won a few headers. They pinned us in a little bit."
:Hail::ziga::ziga: Edited by Roger Sanchez
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novine vise pisu o :ziga: nego o asanzu!:ziga::Hail: :ziga:billy, izdrzi!:ziga:
asanz postavio zahtev: "ako mi ucinite cast da se moj intervju objavi pre :ziga:, dajem ekskluzivan samo za gardijan"
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Ako :ziga: bude odlučio da ugura i Totenhemu jedan danas, biće to više nego što moje prepuno srce može da podnese :Hail:
:ziga: nije zeleo da ovako mlad okončam, pa je umesto gola rešio da asistira :Hail: Hvala ti plemeniti :ziga:
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