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Striker Nikola Zigic says it has been no tall order settling in at Blues - despite a hectic couple of months since he signed on at St. Andrew's. In the last eight weeks the 6ft 8in frontman, signed from Valencia, has been on World Cup duty with Serbia, had a very brief family break and more lately covered the best part of 20,000 miles with his new club on their pre-season tour of Hong Kong and China. But the man courted by Alex McLeish for some time and snapped up ahead of several other top clubs - including, reportedly, Aston Villa - has taken it all in his giant stride. And he has no fears about taking on the power and the pace of the Barclays Premier League either. Zigic told club press officer Chris Kershaw in this interview for bcfc.com: "I have got no complaints at all and am thoroughly enjoying being part of the club and the team. I am beginning to understand more with each day. "I have actually been to China before and enjoyed it then also. The experience was extremely positive this time too. It would have been nice to have seen a little bit more of the real China but that's the problem that you have when you go on tours - you don't get to see a great deal of the places that you are in because it is about going there to work but what I saw was great, the people were really friendly and kind and it was everything I expected plus a little bit more. Everything was perfect for us. "La Liga is quite physical too. It may not be as fast as the Premier League but I will certainly do my best to adapt. I'm pretty sure I will be able to do that. I do have to adapt a bit physically but I am working very, very hard on that in training to step up the pace. I have noticed in training that Birmingham are a good passing team and that is a good style to have to adapt to. "I am not sure about the Aston Villa interest. Maybe there could have been but I'm certainly not aware of it. It may even have come after I had already decided to join Birmingham. Birmingham came in for me and it was something I wanted to do. I wanted to move on to the next level." Blues manager Alex McLeish has impressed Zigic, who has sight his sights on helping to play his part in the club building on what was achieved in the top flight last time around. And the striker is urging everyone around him at the club to do the same. "It's obvious that Alex is a perfect gentleman. He has got an incredible amount of experience but is still prepared to learn and I am extremely confident in being able to play for him. "It is always very difficult to predict what is going to happen but certainly personally I have always tried to better what has gone before. There is no point in turning up if you are not going to do that." But is Zigic, who unsurprisingly also tried his arm at basketball after shooting up in height at the age of 19, going to be bothered whenever people make reference to him being the tallest player in the Barclays Premier League? Zigic, who has been called up for Serbia's home friendly against Greece on Wednesday 11 August, finished: "Absolutely not. People do mention it but I've got no problem with it at all. In many ways I think it helps me to stand out from the crowd."

Ah taj, pogled!post-127-12803945353582.jpg

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:lol: Priznajem, pogresio sam. :ziga: je veliki, oprostice neoprostivo :Hail::ziga:
:ziga: ti je unapred oprostio, nevernice angry.gif , posto je :ziga: znao da ces ti to da napises, pre nego sto si i pomisli da pocinis svetogrdjeأكبر :ziga: (Ziga akbar - u prevodu "Ziga je veliki!")
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:ziga: ti je unapred oprostio, nevernice...
Ne huli! Nisam nevernik, pu, pu... samo gresnik i prostodusan. Kao sto rece, :ziga: je veliki, cudni su putevi njegovi, namenjeni meni, malome.
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Vidim da neki jeretici smatraju da bi izvesni Babić, Babović, Babuškić... mogao biti nova ikona... Hmmmm, neko je nekad tako mislio i da je "vartburg" u rangu "ajkule".Pa neka bude, koji li je to auto bolji od "vartburga"? :lol::ziga: :ziga: :ziga:

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Ne huli! Nisam nevernik, pu, pu... samo gresnik i prostodusan. Kao sto rece, :ziga: je veliki, cudni su putevi njegovi, namenjeni meni, malome.
Uf, da, sad sam i ja zgresio. Zamo :ziga: moze da kaze ko je veran, a ko nije.:Hail::ziga:
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Beograd -- Samouki graditelj narodnih instrumenata Josip Komljenović iz Bariča, stvorio je desetak novih duvačkih instrumenta, koji se koriste širom sveta.Napravio je novu frulu i patentirao žigafon i jerkofon usavršavajući tradicionalni kaval i nei. Njegove instrumente koriste vrhunski muzičari, ali ih u Srbiji ne priznaju.Zainteresovao je najveće instrumentaliste na svetu ali mu nije pošlo za rukom da prve srpske instrumente izučavaju u muzičkim školama u Srbiji.Komljenović kaže da je sve počelo kada na fruli nije uspeo da odsvira „Turski marš“ ili „Svilen konac“ zbog raspona od dve oktave, pa je napravio frulu jedinstvenu u svetu.„Napravio sam ovu frulu koja svira 43 hromatski vezana tona, koja svira sedam malih kvota i svira iz dve tonaliteta pomerena za kvintu to u svetu nigde nije napravljeno“, objašnjava on.Inovacije iz baričke radionice ovog muzičkog zaljubljenika koji svira 16 instrumenata, su i dvojniice sa devet rupa, modifikovana okarina sa dva tonaliteta i potpuno novi izumi jerkofon i žigafon nazvani po njegovim precima.Žigafon, nastao od iranskog neja i makedonsko- bugarskog kavala, otklonio je njihove nedostake i koristi sve tonove i obe tehnike.Na Josipovom žigafonu svira najpoznatiji kavalista sveta Teodosi Spasov, prvak teheranske filharmonije, muzičari iz Francuske i Japana.Njega međutim, ne zanimaju novac i takmičenja već očuvanje muzičke baštine, zato je više svojih rukotvorina poklonio nego što ih je prodao.I mada mu i profesori i akademici poput Dimitrija Golemovića, Ljubomira Dimitrijevića ili Dejana Despića „skidaju kapu“ i podržavaju u nameri da se instrumenti, koji su nadmašili slične, u drugim zemljama uvedu u izučavanje u muzičkim školama, u Ministarstvu prosvete Srbije kao da nemaju sluha za njegove inovacije.„Oni su sve to poništili. Ne žele da uvedu to u muzičku školu nego kao- mi ćemo to uvesti ali u smuslu upoznavanja. Molim vas, šta sad tu imaa da se upoznaje kad cela Srbija zna za to, mnogi ljudi u svetu sviraju moje instrumente, a u Srbbiji su se u nekoliko gradova već odrzali koncerti“, kaže Komljenović.„Negiraju sve te doktore akademike, profesore i predsednika Republike koji je to podržao“, dodaje on.Odgovori ministra prosvete Željka Obradovića o izučavanju novih instrumenata na odseku za srpsko tradicionalno pevanje i sviranje rezultat su, rečeno je B92 u Ministarstvu, mišljenja Zavoda za unapređenje obrazovanja i vaspitanja nadležnog za planove i programe.Čekajući priznanje za svoja dostignuća ovaj muzički fanatik bez dana muzičke škole živi od plate elektirčara, ali ne odustaje od svojih snova.
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