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Kokoška ili jaje, šta je starije?

Jolly Roger


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Neko kaže kokoška, neko kaže jaje, neko kaže ni kokoška ni jaje:

The chicken or the eggContradictory answers from various WikiAnswers contributors:The Chicken! * Using literature, the chicken comes first. * Using grammar, "the chicken" comes first in the sentence (They come before the words, "the egg.") * In a dictionary, the word "chicken" comes before "egg." * The answer is the chicken: God created all the animals and not all the eggs. It's easy because for those that believe in Him God made animals not eggs. The chicken because God wouldn't just put a egg on the earth and even if he did nothing would warm the egg for it to hatch. * The chicken... it had to be. Creatures in the sea evolved and they didn't evolve into eggs now, did they? * The chicken. It has to be around to lay the egg. * In the seven days that God created the earth, it makes no mention of animals' eggs. Thus, the chicken came first. * I say that the chicken came first because the chicken was made before the egg because God made all the animals first and birds and etc..... so the chicken came first before the egg, the eggs came when a male(rooster) and a female chicken repopulate with each other. * The chicken came first because, if the chicken didn't come first, there would be no egg or care for it. So, God had to make the chicken first. * If you are an evolutionist, you probably think that the chicken evolved from a dinosaur or something. But the chicken came first; if you think about it, how was the chicken alive before the egg...The Egg! * The egg, dinosaurs were laying them far before the chicken's existence. * The answer is the egg! For an animal to change, its genetics would have to change also and this is impossible. Therefore the change would have to take place as an embryo or egg. So the first chicken was most likely spawned in prehistoric times as an embryo/egg. Concluding that the first living organism had to come from the form of an egg or embryo. * The egg would have come first laid from another animal when it was hatched it was that animal but had to move its habitat so it had to adjust and became the chicken. * Theoretically, the egg must come first. A chicken is conceived and born in an egg; therefore, without the egg the chicken could not have been either conceived or born, it may be that the egg was the product of two different species accidentally mating to conceive the egg that contained the first, "chicken" as we know it. the egg came first, think about it logically, instead of trying to question it, there is no other logical/practical conclusion. * The egg came first. Two animals who really liked each other and were not the same breed, mated and the female laid an egg and it came out a chicken. They didn't know what to call it so they just named it chicken. Therefore the chicken is a crossbreed. I don't know what between though. * The egg came first. Dinosaurs laid eggs for millions of years before chickens were present on Earth. * The egg came first because other animals came before the chicken that had eggs of some kind. One kind are the fish in the seas; fish lay eggs. Another are snakes; snakes also lay eggs. * A chicken could not have its genetic material altered during life, so the egg must have evolved and been first. * If you take into account the doctrine of evolution, the egg's coming first becomes plausible on the cellular level under perfect circumstances (abundant food and resources). There will be an asexual reproduction once the environment becomes unfavorable. The species would then evolve, and a lot of animals have no parental instincts but through evolution some have started to look after their young. * An asexual reproduction is reproduction in which there is no fusion of male and female sex cells gametes. * The egg came first because the chicken descended from a dinosaur, and it laid an egg that was changed from Darwin's theory. * The egg came first because a chicken comes from an egg. At whatever point you decide to call the chicken a true chicken, it must have come from an egg. Because the different species before it must have evolved to make a chicken, the egg came first.Neither! * Isn't it both? Because the chicken would have to teach the chick how to do stuff and the egg to reproduce the chickens. * The chickens most recent ancestor laid the egg. Think of it this way: along the slow and steady evolution from single celled organisms to full fledged modern chickens, at some point, if you could observe every animal in that evolutionary line, you would have to say, "well, this one's not a chicken, but the next one is." The line simply must be drawn somewhere. So whatever egg that the first chicken hatched from would have come first! * There is no final answer but the most reasonable conclusion is that a certain breed of dinosaur laid an egg, then a period of extremely cold weather preserved the egg. Whilst that occurred the egg genetic form was rearranged into a creature similar to the chicken. At first the animal could have been very different from the chicken we know today but over time it changed into the chicken form we are so familiar with today. * Neither the chicken, nor the egg came first. It was the rooster that came first. * The egg and the chicken came at the same time. The chicken and the egg are just two different names for the same process or being. It's like water on its way to becoming ice is still water, and vice versa. * Chicken. Read your Question again you will come to know why. * Darwin's theory; the chicken egg came from a different species. * There is no answer. Since the question is a paradox, there is no answer. If the chicken came first, it came from the egg. If the egg came first, then it came from a chicken, and so forth. * Evolution suggests that both chickens and eggs evolved from creatures and "egg-things" you would not recognize to be part of the lineage. (Similar to how, in the very distant past, some molecule that was [were] not what we would call "life" became "life".) That was the beginning. * There is no correct answer that can be proven. It's all theory.
Na sreću naučnici rešili™:
Kokoška starija od jajeta!Tanjug | 16. jul 2010.Engleski naučnici tvrde da je kokoška starija od jajeta, pošto jaje može da nastane jedino uz pomoć proteina koji postoji u jajnicima kokoške

LONDON - Večno pitanje šta je starije kokoška ili jaje, čini se, konačno je dobilo odgovor.Engleski naučnici tvrde da je kokoška starija od jajeta, pošto jaje može da nastane jedino uz pomoć proteina koji postoji u jajnicima kokoške."Dugo se verovalo da je jaje starije, ali sada imamo naučni dokaz da je to zapravo kokoška", objašnjava dr Kolin Frimen sa univerziteta u Šefildu.Do ovog zaključka došlo se istraživanjem biomineralizacije ljuske jajeta, a posebno ključnog proteina u nastanku ljuske", izjavio je on za televiziju ABC njuz.Postojanje proteina ovokledidina-17 (OC-17) bilo je poznato naučnicima, koji nisu znali u kojoj meri taj protein utiče na formiranje ljuske.Frimenov tim je ustanovio da protein OC-17 deluje kao glavni katalizator kristalizacije, prve etape u formiranju ljuske."Protein u kokoški je neophodan za nastanak ljuske. Nema kokošjeg jajeta bez kokoške", tvrdi dr Frimen.

Chicken Came Before the Egg: "Scientific Proof"Researchers in U.K. say Proof is in the Protein Found in Chicken's Ovaries, Used to Form Eggshell

(CBS) British scientists claim to have solved one of the great mysteries of life, the universe and everything in it: The chicken came before the egg, they say, and they're not mincing words."It had long been suspected that the egg came first, but now we have the scientific proof that shows that in fact the chicken came first," Sheffield University's Dr Colin Freeman, according to a report in the Metro.Researchers from Scotland and England used a supercomputer called HECToR to look in such detail at a chicken eggshell that they were able to determine the vital role of a protein used to kick-start the egg's formation.That protein is only found, wait for it... inside a chicken.Freeman, who worked on HECToR with counterparts at Edinburgh's Warwick University, said the protein had been identified earlier by scientists and was known to be linked to egg formation, "but by examining it closely we have been able to see how it controls the process," he added, describing it as a catalyst.Professor John Harding, who also took part in the research, told Metro the discovery could have other applications."Understanding how chickens make shells is fascinating in itself, but can also give clues towards designing new materials." he said.Which is good, because in spite of HECToR's hard work and the "scientific proof" it yielded, the study offered no explanation as to how the chicken got there in the first place.If not from an egg, perhaps it just came from across the road.



Ovo baš i nije sasvim ubedljivo pa me zanima cenjeno PPP mišljenje...

* The egg, dinosaurs were laying them far before the chicken's existence.
Meni ovo zvuchi kao kraj diskusije
Meni ovo zvuchi kao kraj diskusije
Ili možda kao početak nove: šta je starije, dinosaurus ili jaje? :)
Ili možda kao početak nove: šta je starije, dinosaurus ili jaje? :)
otvaraj novu temu!:P
Posted (edited)

/offMa... naučnicima bas dosadno ovih dana pa mlate... pazi ovo, formula za savršeno rukovanje:

PH = (e² + ve²)(d²) + (cg + dr)² + π{(4< s >2)(4< p >2)}² + (vi + t + te)² + {(4< c >2)(4< du >2)}²Where (e) is eye contact (1=none; 5=direct) 5; (ve) is verbal greeting (1=totally inappropriate; 5=totally appropriate) 5; (d) is Duchenne smile - smiling in eyes and mouth, plus symmetry on both sides of face, and slower offset (1=totally non-Duchenne smile (false smile); 5=totally Duchenne) 5; (cg) completeness of grip (1=very incomplete; 5=full) 5; (dr) is dryness of hand (1=damp; 5=dry) 4; (s) is strength (1= weak; 5=strong) 3; (p) is position of hand (1=back towards own body; 5=other person's bodily zone) 3; (vi) is vigour (1=too low/too high; 5=mid) 3; (t) is temperature of hands (1=too cold/too hot; 5=mid) 3; (te) is texture of hands (5=mid; 1=too rough/too smooth) 3; © is control (1=low; 5=high) 3; (du) is duration (1= brief; 5=long) 3.Link
Eto... :D/on Edited by Jolly Roger

Kokosh. Da bi se nesto rodilo mora nesto da ga rodi. Prvoboitna kokosh je nastala teskom mutacijom amebe koja je iznikla iz neke sado-mazo veze neba i zemlje.


^^Upravo to, u stilu večnog pitanja ko je pokrenuo prvog pokretača? ;)Elegantnije si ovo rešio od Akvinskog i Kanta zajedno. :)

Kokosh. Da bi se nesto rodilo mora nesto da ga rodi. Prvoboitna kokosh je nastala teskom mutacijom amebe koja je iznikla iz neke sado-mazo veze neba i zemlje.
Ovo kao teorija evolucije po Ms Garrison
Ms Garrison: In the beginning, we were all fish. Okay? Swimming around in the water. And then one day a couple of fish had a retard baby, and the retard baby was different, so it got to live. So Retard Fish goes on to make more retard babies, and then one day, a retard baby fish crawled out of the ocean with its... [she waves her left hand limply] Ms Garrison: ...mutant fish hands... and it had butt sex with a squirrel or something and made this. [she points to a prehistoric mammal rodent] Ms Garrison: Retard frog-sqirrel, and then *that* had a retard baby which was a... monkey-fish-frog... And then this monkey-fish-frog had butt sex with that monkey, and that monkey had a mutant retard baby that screwed another monkey... and that made you! [she faces the class, with the new girl among them looking around] Ms Garrison: So there you go! You're the retarded offspring of five monkeys having butt sex with a fish-squirrel! Congratulations!

Ja imam dve hipoteze. - Bog stvorio kokosku, a ona snela jaje- Bog stvorio jaje, iz jajeta se izleglo pile pa izraslo u kokosku. Mislim da je Bobu bilo jednostavnije da pravi jaje, pa se opredeljujem za tu hipotezu.


imam ja jednu teorijuDobrom Bobu se smucilo da mu zena non stop kokodace po kuci pa ju je oterao na zemlju. a ona snela jaje.


Možda malo preambiciozno za ove vrele dane al' 'ajde...Pametni & knjiški ljudi kažu da je dilema kokoška ili jaje zaprevo problem poimanja vremena. Ukoliko se vreme shvata pravolinijski, kao što se to recimo čini u judeo-hrišćanstvu, tada pitanje "ko je stariji?" ima sasvim drugačiju težinu nego kada se vreme shvata ciklično, kao u budizmu ili poput večnog vraćanja Ničeovog. Tada konvencionalne vremenske odrednice nemaju suštinskog smisla pa se tako i za ovu dilemu ne može naći determinišući odgovor. E sad, jedino još treba naći definitivan odgovor da li je kretanje vremena linearno ili kružno i to je to... :)

Posted (edited)

Danashnji Blic

Kokoška je starija pošto je, kako su stručnjaci saopštili, za formiranje ljuske jajeta neophodan protein koji se nalazi isključivo u jajnicima kokoške. Jaje može da nastane samo ukoliko se nalazilo u organizmu kokoške i zato su one nastale prve, kažu naučnici. Protein pod nazivom ovokledidin-17 (OC-17) ubrzava stvaranje ljuske jajeta koja je neophodna kako bi zaštitila žumance i pile koje se u njemu razvija. Naučnici engleskih Univerziteta Šefild i Vorik koristili su super-kompjuter kako bi pratili stvaranje jajeta. Edinburški kompjuter pod nazivom HECToR, pokazao je da OC-17 ima ključnu ulogu u kristalizaciji - ranoj fazi nastanka ljuske. "Dugo se verovalo da je jaje starije, ali sada imamo naučni dokaz da je prvo nastala kokoška", rekao je Kolin Friman s Univerziteta Šefild.
Edited by Mercuzzio

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