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nume ferari, nume ni meklaren. kako je divno pocela sezona, ovo je sad mucenje. ima baton ni kriv ni duzan da obori rekord sumahera.

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Meni je drago što ovo konačno liči na bezizlaznu situaciju za FIA i Maxa. Ako budu tvrdoglavi, gube praktično sve. Jedini izlaz im je da potpuno povuku sve njihove zahteve što bi bio lep šamar arogantnim gadovima. Siguran sam da Berni upravo obrađuje Maxa da popusti.

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Meni je drago što ovo konačno liči na bezizlaznu situaciju za FIA i Maxa. Ako budu tvrdoglavi, gube praktično sve. Jedini izlaz im je da potpuno povuku sve njihove zahteve što bi bio lep šamar arogantnim gadovima. Siguran sam da Berni upravo obrađuje Maxa da popusti.
hmm...nisam siguran da će to tako lako da se završi u korist FOTA. sve su to likovi sa egom ko planina.niko tu sebi ne sme da dozvoli da izgleda kao da se šalio kad mu na kraju ne prođe stvar koju zastupa. najgore će biti da se zaista rasture, kao FIDE nekad, zbog jednog ili dva čoveka. ne valja kad ima dva šampiona.nadam se da će ostati jedinstvena F1, kao do sada. a očekujem raspad.
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Stvari se prilično brzo odvijaju, FIA je najavila da će podneti tužbu protiv timova."The actions of Fota as a whole, and Ferrari in particular, amount to serious violations of law including wilful interference with contractual relations, direct breaches of Ferrari's legal obligations and a grave violation of competition law."Preparations for the 2010 FIA Formula 1 World Championship continue but publication of the final 2010 entry list will be put on hold while the FIA asserts its legal rights."

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Kako je ova prica o FOTA vs. Idioti odvukla paznju od najnebitnije sezone u istoriji F1, ja cak i ne znam da li je ovaj vikend neka trka.... Kako god se zavrsi ova prica nadam se necemo biti uskraceni drazi koju nosi F1, njeno buduce ime nije bitno..

Edited by Prlapan
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Na radiju javiše kako je Mozli objavio da je dogovor sa 8 timova postignut. Više detalja za sat-dva.

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Zvanično saopštenje
The FIA has released the following statement after the World Motor Sport Council meeting in Paris...The World Motor Sport Council met in Paris on 24 June 2009. The following decisions were taken:Formula One World ChampionshipAll currently competing teams have committed to the FIA Formula One World Championship.There will be no alternative series or Championship and the rules for 2010 onwards will be the 2009 regulations as well as further regulations agreed prior to 29 April 2009.As part of this agreement, the teams will, within two years, reduce the costs of competing in the Championship to the level of the early 1990s. The manufacturer teams have agreed to assist the new entries for 2010 by providing technical assistance.The manufacturer teams have further agreed to the permanent and continuing role of the FIA as the sport's governing body. They have also committed to the commercial arrangements for the FIA Formula One World Championship until 2012 and have agreed to renegotiate and extend this contract before the end of that period.All teams will adhere to an upgraded version of the governance provisions of the 1998 Concorde Agreement.The following teams have been accepted for the 2010 FIA Formula One World Championship.
Na prvi pogled, ovo je čista pobeda za FOTA. Max je svoje izgutao za novi mandat, a i ne postoji, koliko mi se čini, nikakav jasno definisani limit budžeta, samo prilično maglovita lepa želja "the teams will, within two years, reduce the costs of competing in the Championship to the level of the early 1990s".
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Evo i prilično dobre analize cele poslednje večeri. Znam da nije lepo pejstovati kilometarske tekstove, ali nisam mogao da odolim koliko je slatko.

Hitman Luca Nails His MenWednesday 24th June 2009Well, Max has surrendered, the war is over and FOTA have won.Weeks ago we predicted a shoot-out between Luca di Montezemolo and FIA President Max Mosley for which there could be only one winner. And there very clearly is one winner.Following Wednesday's FIA meeting in Paris, if you look at Formula 1 as it's scheduled to run in 2010, how different is it to the F1 that FOTA suggested? Hardly any different. There is no mention of budget caps, no FIA imposed limits on spending and no two-tier technical system. What's more, the system of governance that Mosley was trying to impose will be swept away.And the biggest bonus of all is that from October he will be gone.Mosley's capitulation was orchestrated last night and into the small hours of the morning away from the glare of publicity and the delegates of the FIA. Like some mafia hitman, Luca di Montezemolo flew into Paris last night to arrange the terms of Mosley's surrender. The coup de grace.The game was up from the moment that FOTA started flexing its muscles about a new breakaway series. Mosley realising that he was about to lose the crown jewels had to get an agreement in place before he faced the World Motor Sports Council on Wednesday. In a situation like that he had to give way to almost everything. Bernie had to calm his very nervous F1 investors.The tatters of Mosley's imposed cost cuts were hedged in the woolliest of terms. "The objective is to get back to the spending levels of the early 90s within two years," said Max, which doesn't sound like a compulsion, more like a nice idea.It would be interesting to know the commercial agreement that the FOTA boys sorted out for themselves, but given that Max had to give a lot of ground, you can expect Bernie to have shelled out, too.We're unlikely to hear who gets what under the new deal, but the outward manifestation will be if F1 swiftly renegotiates a deal with Canada and the USA to run grands prix there. FOTA want cheaper races for promoters, hence lower ticket prices and more fans in grandstands. The 16,000 audience for the Bernie-promoted Turkish GP is proof if proof were really needed.Following the FIA's rubber stamping of the Max Surrender Plan, you didn't have to have a degree in sports psychology to work out the winner and the loser. Winners can afford to be magnanimous."I think (Max Mosley) has done a very good fix of the problem. When you have reached an agreement everyone has to help in the same way," said Luca di Montezemolo (undoubtedly smiling at the time)."It is for the FIA membership, and the FIA membership alone, to decide on its democratically elected leadership, not the motor industry and still less the individuals the industry employs to run its F1 teams," said Max (undoubtedly a little waspily). "As far as I'm concerned the teams were always going to get rid of me in October, well they still are. Whether the person who succeeds me will be more to their liking remains to be seen.""Thanks to the unity of the FOTA teams and the foresight of the World Motor Sport Council members we have achieved the right result for Formula 1. We look forward to working with the FIA Senate to achieve a prosperous and exciting future for Formula 1 and its millions of fans around the world," said Toyota's John Howett indicating where he thought the seat of power would reside in the future.Though Luca di Montezemolo hoped for a reconciliation between the FIA and FOTA, PF1 is wedded to the idea that when football managers lose their jobs, their backroom staff are cleared out, too. It is only fitting Alan Donnelly and any other Mosley cronies should leave the FIA as well so we can start with a clean sheet.Max has said this is a win-win situation. Yes, a double win for FOTA. At 69 he is well past retirement age. He should really be spending time on his hobbies...
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