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Bojkot (tj. neprijavljivanje za sledecu sezonu) najavili su i Toyota, Red Bull, BMW, Reno ako ne dodje do dogovora sa FIA. Sastanak treba da se odrzi ove ili sledece nedelje. Tako da jos to nije definitivno.Evo celog saopstenja:

Ferrari release statement following board meetingAfter a meeting of its board of directors in Italy on Tuesday, Ferrari released the following statement:?Maranello 12 May 2009 - Ferrari?s Board of Directors, chaired by Luca di Montezemolo, today analysed the first quarter results for 2009. Despite the current international economic climate, which has hit the automotive sector in particular, Ferrari?s figures were in line with the record levels reached in 2008. Turnover for the first three months was 441 million euro compared to 455.7 million euro over the same period in 2008. The first quarter closed with a trading profit of 54 million euro compared to last year?s 59 million euro.?These results reflect the introduction of new models, in particular the success of the Ferrari California and the Scuderia Spider 16M, the constant growth in activities linked to the brand (e-commerce, licensing, merchandising and retail) and the company?s continuing efforts to maximise efficiency.?The Board of Directors also examined developments related to recent decisions taken by the Federation Internationale de l?Automobile during an extraordinary meeting of the World Motor Sport Council on 29 April 2009. Although this meeting was originally called only to examine a disciplinary matter, the decisions taken mean that, for the first time ever in Formula One, the 2010 season will see the introduction of two different sets of regulations based on arbitrary technical rules and economic parameters.?The Board considers that if this is the regulatory framework for Formula One in the future, then the reasons underlying Ferrari?s uninterrupted participation in the World Championship over the last 60 years - the only constructor to have taken part ever since its inception in 1950 - would come to a close.?The Board also expressed its disappointment about the methods adopted by the FIA in taking decisions of such a serious nature and its refusal to effectively reach an understanding with constructors and teams. The rules of governance that have contributed to the development of Formula One over the last 25 years have been disregarded, as have the binding contractual obligations between Ferrari and the FIA itself regarding the stability of the regulations. The same rules for all teams, stability of regulations, the continuity of the FOTA?s endeavours to methodically and progressively reduce costs, and governance of Formula One are the priorities for the future. If these indispensable principles are not respected and if the regulations adopted for 2010 will not change, then Ferrari does not intend to enter its cars in the next Formula One World Championship.?Ferrari trusts that its many fans worldwide will understand that this difficult decision is coherent with the Scuderia?s approach to motor sport and to Formula One in particular, always seeking to promote its sporting and technical values. The Chairman of the Board of Directors was mandated to evaluate the most suitable ways and methods to protect the company?s interests.?

Edited by Sludge Factory
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Bas bi vole da se napravi neko paralelno F1 takmicenje od ovih otcepljenih ekipa. Jel zna koji je stav McLarena po ovom pitanju?

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Renault issue team statement

The Renault Formula One team and parent company Renault issued the following statement on Wednesday:The decision of the Federation International de l?Automobile (FIA) to introduce two sets of Formula One technical regulations for the 2010 Formula One season has caused the Renault Group to reconsider its entry in next year?s FIA Formula One World Championship.There is frustration that FOTA?s constructive proposals, including major cost saving measures to be adopted progressively between 2009 and 2012, which were carefully constructed by FOTA members, have been completely ignored without any form of consultation by the FIA with the teams.It should be stressed that FOTA has set the same, if not lower, financial objective as the FIA, but Renault strongly believes that this must be introduced through a different procedure agreed by all parties.Renault also believes that it is paramount that the governance of the sport is coordinated with a spirit of consultation with all parties (FIA, FOM, FOTA) in order to achieve a better balance between the costs and the revenues. Renault is also of the firm view that all entrants in the World Championship must adhere to and operate under the same regulations.President of the ING Renault F1 Team, Bernard Rey, commented: ?Renault has always considered Formula One as the pinnacle of motor sport and the perfect stage to demonstrate technical excellence. We remain committed to the sport, however we cannot be involved in a championship operating with different sets of rules, and if such rules are put into effect, we will be forced to pull out at the end of this season.?ING Renault F1 Team Managing Director, Flavio Briatore, commented: ?Our aim is to reduce costs while maintaining the high standards that make Formula One one of the most prestigious brands on the market. We want to achieve this in a coordinated manner with the regulatory and commercial bodies, and we refuse to accept unilateral governance handed out by the FIA. If the decisions announced by the World Council on the 29th of April 2009 are not revised, we have no choice but to withdraw from the FIA Formula One World Championship at the end of 2009.?

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BBC 5 Live radio javlja da je Berni izjavio kako su osnove dogovora "postignute". Rečeno je samo da neće biti dvostrukog sistema za timove koji su ispod limita i one koji ne pristanu na budžet. Ako je tako, onda verovatno znači da se još cenjkaju oko tog limita.

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Ovde i ovde su vesti nesto drugacije, mada je moguce da je to samo u sluzbi "cenjkanja oko limita". Inace, ovi iz FOTA, najverovatnije, kao krajnji cilj cele ove bitke sa FIA imaju ovo sto kaze Flavio Briatore, a to je da udruzenje timova (dakle FOTA) odredi i dogovori se oko pravila takmicenja, a da FIA samo bude nadzorni organ (dakle referee ). Sto mozda i nije losa ideja. Jos kad bi nekako mogli da se otarasimo Bernija i Maxa bila bi idila. :D Edited by Sludge Factory
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Na BBC radiju se nezvanično obaveštava da je u Parizu doneta presuda i da je dosuđeno protiv Ferrarijevog predloga.

Edited by Marvin (Paranoid Android)
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Ferrari have failed in their bid to stop Formula 1's governing body introducing controversial new rules which limits team spending.A French court dismissed their appeal against the FIA, which wants to introduce an optional ?40m budget cap from 2010.The proposal prompted Ferrari to threaten to quit F1, with Renault, Red Bull and Toyota sharing a similar view.The official deadline for entries into the 2010 world championship is 29 May.More to follow.
Poslednja rečenica, roku do 29-tog maja za prijavljivanje za takmičenje sledeće godine obećava vrućih 9 dana, pogotovo počev od ovog vikenda. Više će se pričati o tome nego o trci u Monaku.Mislim da ni sam još nisam svestan koliko je ovo ogromno. Uza sve dosadašnje intrige, ovo je ipak prvi put da su pet velikih timova, uključujući i najveći Ferari otvoreni rekli da nema dalje ako FIA ne usvoji njihove zahteve. Iako sam prilično siguran da će se svakako naći neki kompromis do 29-tog, i dalje ne mogu da vidim kako, a da nijedna od dve strane ne izađu iz celog sukoba kao 3.14zde, posle svih teških reči i velikih pretnji.
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Ako sada timovi popuste, onda je gotovo Ekleston i Mozli ce moci da rade sta hoce... Ovo je prilika da se F1 konacno sredi, ili to ili da je vise nema... A nama samo ostaje da se nadamo da cemo i dalje uzivati u ovom sportu...

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Ja sam za to da fabrički timovi izađu iz F1 i oforme svoj šampionat gde bi zajednički donosili odluke o pravilima (a ne da im ona budu nametana sa strane). Sigurno je da bi oni vratili jače motore i druge tehnologije trenutno banovane iz F1 što bi povećalo atraktivnost. A što se tiče F1 ona sa ovakvom organizacijom može slobodno da se vrati takmičenju entuzijasta, koji se trkaju nedeljom popodne...

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na kraju ce se ipak dogovoriti, podicice cap koji ce svi morati da postuju, ali koji ce biti dovoljno visok da niko nece morati da znacajno promeni operacije. mislim da je nerealno ocekivati da ce fota da ima hrabrosti da se odvoji i organizuje alternativno takmicenje. f1 nije turnir u malom fudbalu da se organizuje za jedno popodne, a ni fota nisu cvecke. onog momenta kad/ako se oslobode bernija i mozlija, krenuce medjusobno da se kolju i to mnogo krvavije nego do sad sa ovom dvojicom, sto oni verovatno znaju. ako se krene tim putem, necemo gledati 2 nego 102 f1, a na kraju necemo gledati ni jednu.....

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na kraju ce se ipak dogovoriti, podicice cap koji ce svi morati da postuju, ali koji ce biti dovoljno visok da niko nece morati da znacajno promeni operacije. mislim da je nerealno ocekivati da ce fota da ima hrabrosti da se odvoji i organizuje alternativno takmicenje. f1 nije turnir u malom fudbalu da se organizuje za jedno popodne, a ni fota nisu cvecke. onog momenta kad/ako se oslobode bernija i mozlija, krenuce medjusobno da se kolju i to mnogo krvavije nego do sad sa ovom dvojicom, sto oni verovatno znaju. ako se krene tim putem, necemo gledati 2 nego 102 f1, a na kraju necemo gledati ni jednu.....
Slazem se i zato sam ja za ovu FOTA-inu varijantu koju sam postavio iznad, da se timovi (dakle FOTA) dogovore oko pravila takmicenja, a da FIA bude samo nadzirac (sudija).
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Interesantno, veoma slican nacin gubitka kontrole Mase i Hamiltona (na razlicitim mestima i sa razlicitim posledicama, naravno).

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