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Zasluzeno potpuno, videlo se da nema nameru da skrene vec da prvenstveno izgura Hamiltona. Ono sto Toto Wolf radi je PR i peglanje, sto je sasvim normalno i racionalno posle ovakvog incidenta. Nico opet pokazuje da ima ogromne probleme u voznji kad je pod pritiskom. Kad povede u ranoj fazi trke i napravi prednost kao da se radi o drugom vozacu, medjutim cim mu se neko priblizi pocinje da stuca. 


Nepopularno misljenje, ovakve stvari je i Sena radio Prostu dok su vozili za Meklaren. Samo sto je '88 kaznjen i Prost je osvojio titulu, a '89 ga je udario i izbacio obojicu iz trke, cime je dve trke pred kraj napravio nedostiznu prednost.

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Možda su mogli malo strožije jer je čin utoliko više nesportskiji jer je bio na poslednjem krugu, čini se da su tražili solomonsko rešenje, da kažu nedvosmisleno da je krivica Rozbergova, a da se ne petljaju u trku za šampiona.

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Mercedes are considering taking the ultimate sanction against Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg by suspending them if they err again, according to The Daily Telegraph and The Times.

Hamilton has pleaded with Mercedes management not to impose team orders after Toto Wolff admitted the instruction was "on the table" this week following his drivers' latest collision in Austria.

However, some of Tuesday's newspapers claim even tougher sanctions are being considered, including fines worth hundreds of thousands of pounds and even suspending Hamilton or Rosberg.

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Merceders je ionako prilicno omrazen medj F1 ljubiteljima otkad su surovo dominanti. Bilo bi jos gore po njih ako bi sad poceli kaznjavati svoje vozace za ovakve incidente, ili im zabranjivati da se trkaju. U krajnjem slucaju konstruktorska titula je vec prakticno u dzepu, realno je da njih dvojica odluce i o vozackoj tituli pa nek izvole. Ovo je prilika Mercedesu za pozitivan PR ako nista drugo.

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Mercedes says drivers remain free to race

Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg remain free to race for now after a meeting with Mercedes team bosses at their Brackley factory on Thursday.

Mercedes had threatened to bring in team orders in the wake of the collision between Hamilton and Rosberg in Austria, but in the end it has elected not to hold the pair back.

Following discussions on Thursday between the drivers, and team bosses Toto Wolff and Paddy Lowe, it was made clear that the pair would be free to continue their battle for the title, but would have to operate to tougher rules of engagement.

A statement issued by the team said: "This freedom comes with a duty for our drivers to respect the values of the team.

"In the past five races, there have been three incidents which have cost us over 50 points in the constructors' championship.

"We have therefore strengthened our Rules of Engagement to include much greater deterrents to contact between our cars.

"With these in place, we will trust our drivers to manage the situation between them on track. Their destiny is in their own hands."

Mercedes did not explain what the 'deterrents' were, although they could be related to potential threats of team orders in the future or penalties in the event of there being fresh contact.




Despite ruling out team orders getting in the way of their battle for now, Mercedes has left the door open for instructions in the future to protect its constructors' championship position.

"The drivers were also reminded that we may issue instructions during the race to protect against a potential loss of Constructors' points, such as we did at this year's Monaco GP when Nico was instructed to let Lewis pass.

"If the drivers do not honour the revised Rules of Engagement, we may impose team orders as a solution of last resort."


Contract impact


Although the latest situation between the Mercedes drivers comes at a time that Rosberg is discussing a new two-year contract, the team reiterated its confidence that the pairing was the best it could have in F1.

"We restated our belief in Lewis and Nico as the best driver pairing in Formula 1," he said.

"Since 2013, we have won together a total of 43 races and 40 further podium finishes, plus two consecutive world championships. This record speaks for itself."

Edited by Jimmy Kowalski
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Pricali su prosli put komentatori da prema ugovoru kvalifikacije (a valjda i trka) od prva tri kanala mogu da budu samo na SK1. Nije mi bas najjasnije zasto na SK2 i SK3 ne moze da ide prenos, a na SK6 moze, ali tako su objasnili zasto kvalifikacija nema na SK2 i SK3, iako ne prenose nista drugo.

Edited by Nesh
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Napravili su cirkus sa ovim kaznjavanjem za izlaz van staze. Ideja je ok kao takva, ali nikakve doslednosti nema, potpuno arbitrarno.

Edited by Aleksandar88
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nije bas arbitrarno. dogovor je bio da su krivine 9 i 15 zero tolerance. HAM je izasao na 15 a RAI i VER na 8, zato je on kaznjen a oni ne. bice dobra trka sutra.

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Ali kaznjen je i Palmer na krivini 1, a bar jos trojica vozaca nisu na drugim krivinama :D. Pored 9ke i 15ice i krivina 18 je 0 tolerance. Podrzavam ideju, bolje je da im oduzimaju vremena nego da im otpadaju tockovi u Austriji, ali bilo bi dobro da su na vreme zauzeli jasan stav.

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Brutalna razlika izmedju mechki i ostalih, msm da ce sutra biti ponizavanja...


...ako se nesto nepredvidjeno ne desi tipa da se HAM i ROS ponovo dokače.

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