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Fina trka. Ferrari da sredi pouzdanost i bice konkurentan. Plus su najavili trosenje tokena za PU vec za Barselonu, pretpostavljam u cilju resavanja problema koji su se javili u ove dve trke. 

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Sasvim dobra, iako nije bilo duela za vodece pozicije. Steta sto je Vettel izduvao, bilo bi 2-3 za Ferrari. Iako je jasno da Merc ima prednost u brzini, trkacki tempo crvenih je sasvim dobar. Na odredjenim stazama i uz povoljne temperature bice konkurentni i za pobedu.


Williams je prilicno razocarenje u odnosu na lane. Sauber i Force India dozvolili da ih Manor (pre)stigne. Moj Renault jezivo spor za sada, Magi izvukao 110% danas. Ali, bice bolje..


Inace, ovo sa tri vrste guma se pokazalo kao pun pogodak. Dosta se mesaju karte, nema vise ziherasenja.


I jos nesto. Herbert je porucio Alonsu da je vreme da se povuce. Ja bih dodao i Buttonu, Massi, Kimiju (bez obzira sto je danas bio dobar).. Njihov prime time je prosao i greota je da zauzimaju mesta talentovanim klincima zeljnim dokazivanja. Vecina najuzbudljivijih duela upravo je za nize pozicije..


Rajko i Dugmence su već zreli i spremni za pemziju, dok za Alonsa nisam siguran da će neko uspeti da ubedi... mada verovatno njega samo Ron može oterati, verujem...


Reno će se verovatno testiratii ove godine i spremati za iduću sa novim pravilima.

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Pogledah u snimku, sjajna trka sve u svemu. Haas me odusevljava, kakvo osvezenje kada udje nova ekipa koja zapravo ima plan, ambiciju i resurse da nesto postigne a ne da samo zauzma mesto na gridu. Prevazilaze sva ocekivanja. Iako je to bolid koji je dobrim delom mini Ferari, ipak je to sve trebalo ukomponovati zajedno sa novim timom i logistikom, i svim ostalim zajebancijama koji cirkus nosi sa sobom. Postavili su benchmark ali i putokaz svim buducim timovima koji planiraju da se nekad ukljuce u cirkus. Jbg nema zajebancije sa Amerima :P


Vandoorne, kao sto i najavih, uneo dodatnu draz u ovu trku, vozio je kao da mu je 50. GP a ne prvi, neverovatno smireno i precizno, bez greske. Ono kocenje kada je odustao od borbe sa ne mogu sad da se setim kim (mislim neki Williams), koja bi verovatno obojicu izbacila sa staze, je jos jedan veliki plus i dokaz da nije usijana glava. Apsolutno je vreme da Buton bude zamenjen, steta da momak presedi celu sezonu, dok verujem da Alonso ipak jos ima sta da kaze u F1.


Raduje me konstantost Red Bulla na startu sezone. Izvukli su ponovo apsolutni maksimum, sa Renoovim agregatom biti prvi od ostatka sveta je ravno pobedi u ovom trenutku. I to back 2 back.

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8 hours ago
Formula 1 chiefs have ruled out reverting to the 2015 qualifying format or adding more tyres for Q3, with a completely new proposal now being considered after their meeting in Bahrain on Sunday.
As reported earlier, team bosses, Pirelli, Bernie Ecclestone and Jean Todt failed to reach an agreement on what qualifying format should be in place from China following a 90-minute meeting.
The F1 chiefs left the meeting with three proposals to analyse - one of them completely new - and will discuss their plans on Thursday before deciding which system will be used for the next race.
FIA president Todt admitted there was a completely new proposal on the table, although declined to give any details about it.
"There is a new proposal and by Thursday we should have a final outcome," he told reporters.
"You need to be a little patient and look forward to a good race today, and by Thursday you will have all the information. I hope the fans will be happy with it. I think I've said enough."
No going back
Williams deputy team principal Claire Williams said that teams had reached a conclusion that simply going back to the 2015 format would not be a positive one for F1.
"We came out in Melbourne and Bahrain, have been here this weekend, with that new 2016 format and I think the belief is that just going back to 2015 will create more confusion than is necessary," she explained.
A new proposal was tabled, but all team bosses were coy on releasing any details about it.
"I don't want to come out and say what it is, personally, I don't know if the FIA or the CRH [commercial rights holder] will.
"I think it's up to them if they want to come out and say it - but I think we need to understand it first before putting it on the table and creating more confusion."
No extra tyres
Pirelli's Paul Hembery said a proposal to give teams an extra set of tyres for Q3 has also been ruled out.
"No, not exactly, no," Hembery said when asked if giving teams extra tyres for Q3 was discussed.
"There's a lot variations thrown in in there. There's three proposals and that's what we are evaluating.
"There's different options on the table, and you need to go away and look at the practicalities of each one, and once we've done that, we'll see what we come up with."
Speaking about the decision to not go back to the 2015 system, he said: "I think it was changed away from last year to try to address what was seen as a maybe a situation where qualifying was too predictable.
"So to simply go back to something that was used before maybe didn't address that issue. I think it's a case of looking at what worked before or maybe isn't working as well as we'd like now and try to come up with something that gives a level of unpredictability, which is what was being sought with the original proposal."
Ferrari boss Maurizio Arrivabene added: "It was accepted by all that the current format doesn't work, so it was formulated a new proposal that I believe is very interesting.
"There's work to be done on it, and in the course of the coming week we should reach a conclusion. It's not an hybrid proposal - that's all I can say."



7 hours ago
Bernie Ecclestone and Jean Todt have given their backing to a new "aggregate" qualifying system which will be evaluated in the coming days prior to further discussions on Thursday.
Ecclestone and FIA president Todt did not want to go straight back to 2015 qualifying format, and instead they have suggested a way of modifying it with the specific intention of keeping the track busier for the whole session than was the case in the past.
The idea is that every driver's time will be an aggregate of two quick laps in each of the three sessions.
There is clearly an impact on tyre usage if the team opts to do those laps with a different set of tyres each time, although the alternative route is to run a slow lap in between two fast laps on the same set.
"It was a lively but healthy discussion," Red Bull boss Christian Horner told Motorsport.com. "Obviously qualifying was discussed at length. I think the teams would be happy to go back to 2015, but the promoter and FIA were not so keen.
"A compromise has been put on the table and the teams have got until Thursday to consider it. In all honestly it's better than what we have, much closer to last year's system, but it just needs further analysis.
"It's really to go back more towards 2015 qualifying format, but instead of one times lap per session, it's the aggregate of two timed laps.
"But of course that has complexities with tyres, but it just needs to be fully considered. The tyres are the key thing that needs to be fully understood."
Horner confirmed that the option of going straight back to 2015 was not on offer: "I think the teams have been unanimous for a while that the easiest thing is to go back to 2015.
"That's not possible, so we have to try to find a compromise. Let's consider it properly rather than rushing into a decision today."




Kimi je to najbolje objasnio:


"There is so much politics and bullshit in F1 that it is crazy sometimes," he said. "People from the outside must look at us and think 'what stupid people, what are they doing?'.

Edited by Sludge Factory
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Odgledah drugu polovinu trke danas, posto nisam stigao na pocetak i mogu reci da je ovo nova dimenzija u odnosu na smor iz kvalifikacija. Jes' da nije bilo duela za vodece pozicije, ali je zato pucalo od petog mesta pa nadalje. Grosejean u Hasovom bolidu je bio fenomenalan, mali Verstatppen isto dobar, Vandoorne pokazao da zasluzuje da bude prvi izbor. Ja bi tu sutnuo Buttona i pustio Vana da vozi. Da ne zaboravim i Rusa koji se debelo iskupio za jucerasnje podbacivanje u kvalama.

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@sludge factory

Voimjaoca kakvi tupanderi... Nećemo kvalifikacije iz 2015, ali nam je OK "novi" format iz 2005... Ova patkometrija baš postaje pogubna... Uništiće ono malo što je ostalo od F1


Haas pokazuje koliko znači pravi trkački "pedigre"..


Jedan je Rajko! :0.6:

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@sludge factory

Voimjaoca kakvi tupanderi... Nećemo kvalifikacije iz 2015, ali nam je OK "novi" format iz 2005... Ova patkometrija baš postaje pogubna... Uništiće ono malo što je ostalo od F1


Haas pokazuje koliko znači pravi trkački "pedigre"..


Jedan je Rajko! :0.6:


Rajka za predsednika F1 sefa!

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Rajkov problem je sto kad nije "glavni baja" u timu njemu pada i motiv i fokus. Juce kako su sve oci pale na njega tako se pretvorio u starog dobrog Kimija. Ovako dok su pored njega Alonso ili Vettel koji vade maksimum iz Ferarija, on nekako potone i prebaci se u autopilot mod. Cudna sorta, ali i dalje je potreban Formuli...

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Teams win out over FIA and Commercial Rights Holder as qualifying reverts to 2015 format in time for China.
Despite a lack of official word on the matter sections of the media jumped the gun this afternoon, announcing that qualifying for the Chinese Grand Prix (and beyond) would revert to the 2015 format.
And whilst there was no official word, even from the official F1 website, Red Bull and Ferrari took to social media to break the news.
"Unity is the only way to overcome difficulties", tweeted Ferrari, whilst above a picture of a jubilant, pumped up Daniil Kvyat, Red Bull proclaimed "When you hear about #F1 quali".
Shortly after, the FIA issued an official statement, confirming that after just two races its controversial new format has been dumped and an alternative shunned as all eleven teams showed an unheard of unity.
"At the unanimous request of the teams in a letter received today, Jean Todt, President of the FIA, and Bernie Ecclestone, commercial rights holder representative, accepted, in the interests of the Championship, to submit a proposal to the F1 Commission and World Motor Sport Council to revert to the qualifying format in force in 2015," read the FIA statement.
"This proposal, if approved by the F1 governing bodies, will take effect as from the Chinese Grand Prix and will apply for the rest of the season.
"Jean Todt and Bernie Ecclestone welcomed the idea put forward by the teams to have a global assessment of the format of the weekend for 2017."
Ecclestone and Todt will be incensed by what is an obvious climb down, a situation not helped by Ferrari and Red Bull's rocket starts off the grid to reveal the news on social media.
Both Todt and Ecclestone fear the engine manufacturers and teams have too much power, but previously, certainly in the Briton's case, 'divide and conquer' usually appeared to work. Not this time around.
The teams - whose principals are seen here preparing for a celebratory Hokey Kokey following their victory over F1's toxic twins - have shown that unity can succeed, leading to a rare victory, and leaving Todt and Ecclestone seething having been the driving forces behind this debacle in the first place.
On the other hand, one way or another there is sure to be retribution, one can only dare to imagine what dastardly form this might take.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Povratak na stari format i odmah potpuno zabavne kvalifikacije :thumbup:


Verlen naleteo na vodenu minu i završio u ogradi..

Hamiltonu zaribao kers, tako da startuje od pozadi

Hulku se odvio točak u sred kruga i nastavio svojim putem, nezavisno od ostatka bolida..


Prvi red Di Kaprio i Erol Flin


Eto ti suspenza IN you ugly face Berni :s_w:

Edited by Dark Wader
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Rićardo™ i RBR :Hail:


Koliko je to dobar tim, dovoljno je samo uporediti ovaj rez. Rikarda i Renaulta sa par sek zaostatka, i identicnim motorima. To je apsolutno jedini tim koji bi bio u stanju da bude bolji od Mercedesa da imaju njihove motore, ubedjen sam u to.

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Renoova sasija je djubre, verovatno najgori bolid na gridu, imali su samo dva meseca da dizajniraju taj bolid jer je originalno radjen za Mercedesa a Reno je totalno razlicit motor i ne moze samo tako da se ubudzi. Citav zadnji kraj je kompromitovan i aerodinamicki i po rasporedu mase.


Pride, oni cele ove sezone ne planiraju da razvijaju ovaj bolid, nego rade za 2017. tako da im je zadnje mesto zagarantovano.


Zato ne mozes direktno da poredis RBR i Reno i da iz toga vadis neke zakljucke kakvi bi ovi bili da imaju Mercedesa. RBR jeste dobra sasija, ali i Mercedesova je jako dobra. Nije to samo do motora, inace bi i Vilijams i Fors i Manor svi bili ispred Ferarijevih, Renoovih i Hondinih timova da je samo motor u pitanju.

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Pa naravno da nije sve do motora, nisam to ni tvrdio, uostalom evo Williamsa kao najbolji primer. Prosto misljenja sam da je RBR u stanju da napravi takav paket (ne samo sasiju) da bude rame uz rame sa Mečkama kad bi dobili njihove motore, a videli smo koliko su ostali u tome uspeli. Naravno necemo nikad saznati da li bi to stvarno tako i bilo u praksi...


A Renoov rad na sasiji za 2017. mi budi ozbiljan optimizam, ziv nisam dok ne vidim ishod...:sleep:

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A Renoov rad na sasiji za 2017. mi budi ozbiljan optimizam, ziv nisam dok ne vidim ishod... :sleep:


Poenta je da je njihov ovogodisnji bolid budzotina i da se od njega nema sta ocekivati, jer su ga se i sami odrekli pre nego sto je sezona i pocela. Tako da poredjenje rezultata RBR i fabrickog Renoa ove sezone nema smisla.


Inace ni ja ne ocekujem previse od njih naredne sezone, osim da ne budu najgori od sve dece kao sada.

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Pa zašto bi Reno uopšte bacao pare u bunar sa nekim većim razvojem ovogodišnjeg bolida, osim kilavog motora...


Duh Takume Satoa ušao u Kvjata :ph34r:

Edited by Dark Wader
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