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pa i nisu biličovek bi pomislio da neki neo nazi bend ne bi svirao u klubu gde su baunseri crnciimmmoraldiscipline.jpga i da ih onda ne bi slušali "obojeni"immmoraldiscipline2.jpgimmoraldiscipline.jpg
To sto je neko beskicmenjak pa se gura bilo gde, ne znaci da nije itekako iskazivao naci stavove. Mrzi me sad da skeniram intervjue iz raznih fanzina pa cak i nekih srpskih. Sa sve bogatim ilustracijama njihovih flajera, majica i nalepnica... Recimo samo da je Youth Defense League intervju pravi praznik progresivnih stavova naspram baljezganja I.D.Problem sa ID i YDL je taj sto su oni poceli naci trend u NYHC ali se nisu jasno odvojili u naci scenu nego ostali da truju i mute...
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hmmmpotraži njihovu stranicu na FB, videćeš nekoliko fotki sa crnim skinovima u publici. ako su američko-patriotski/anti-komunistički nastrojeni, ne znači da su nazi. evo ti i deo iz relativno skorijeg intervjua sa pevačem:"When people talk about your band they often use the term RAC (and also described as RAC on Wikipedia). I dont remember you ever being politcal band in that way. Could this be because of the bands friendship with Brute Force?I don't know where that label came from because we were never an RAC band as far as most people who are knowledgeable about music and the whole skinhead scene define an RAC band to be. We were not a political band and we were anti-racist. None of us were pro-communism of course, but we never touched on that point in our lyrics. As far as Brute Force goes, we were friends with those guys very early in their career and we played an Oi!fest with them in Linden, NJ which was like their second or third show. At the time they weren't an RAC band and they definitely weren't spouting any racist views. Eventually they changed as some bands do, which is unfortunate because they were real cool guys and fun to hang out with at the time."meni dosta. sad čekam neki actual dokaz da su naci. i da, YDL su šurovali i svirali na full-on naci certovima. ID pre svega nemaju veze sa NYHC pošto su iz Marylanda, ako ne baš iz DCja. i na kraju svih krajeva, da li bi Dischord distribuirao njihovu diskografiju da su makar malo fenssiteri?i rest my case

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danas se i razni Indecent Exposure i ostali original RAC bendovi provlace kao "classic Oi!".U Americi se malo drugacije gleda na to sve pa se desi Dischordu da u ime nostalgisanja povuce i ovako nesto.Hehe, sad vidim comment ispod tog intervjua... Izgleda da se jos neko seca klasicnog ID.Moram iskopati taj intervju gde isti taj Shawn prica o crncima kojima nije mesto u Americi i kad toliko kukaju za afrikom, treba tamo i da odu, zajedno sa meksickim neradnicima. Ali to je bilo u pred PC vremenima, sad je video svetlo...RAC je naci muzika i tacka. Bend koji se tako naziva, zna se ko je i kakav je.

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jebotebog.jel kaže ovde da nisu RAC bend? kaže.dok mi ne pokažeš gde kaže da jesu ili taj intervju gde tera crnce u Afriku, mislim da samo pronalaziš fašose gde ih nema. nego, si bio na FB stranici? si video fotke sa crncima skinovima u publici? misliš da su došli po pare za kartu do Afrike?

I am looking at some of the bands you have shared records with like New glory, Arresting officers, Best defense etc etc. Why do you think the scene became so politically correct after this era?Okay, first I'm going to set the record straight: We never planned on being on a record with New Glory and The Arresting Officers. When Sandy from Oi!Core Records first approached us about being on "The Spirit of Oi!- American Style", she assured us that there weren't going to be any racist bands on the comp. We took her word for it and turned over the two songs. Later, when the comp. came out and we got our copies in the mail, we were fucking pissed off when we found out who she had decided to put on the comp. because we never would have agreed to being on it if we knew about that in advance. As far as Best Defense, they were very good friends of ours and while they weren't "politically correct", they were NEVER a racist band EVER. I have had numerous conversations with people over the years that were under the impression that they were racist for some reason or another, and my response is the same every time- "No, they were not!". (I tried saying the same thing when i wrote about the band some time ago//Bernando) Now on to your question, I think that the scene became so "politically correct" correct after that era because people began to realize that times were changing and that some things were no longer acceptable anymore. More and more people learned to be more tolerant and that definitely started showing through more in the music and at shows. Lines were drawn even deeper and people were forced to choose a side instead of just standing in the middle like they might have done in the past.

Edited by assück
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YDL su otvoreno pokazivali to,pa seti se samo pesme Skinheads 88,ali za ID stvarno prvi put cujem da su nazi. E,kad smo kod te teme,jel se seca neko emisije Trasher,isla je na b92,tamo negde,'92,voditelj je bio Gvido Obradovic iz Brainstorm?E,imam jos uvek na kaseti nekoliko emisija i lik je ladno pustao sledeci set- Urgh-Paradise town,The Exploited-Dead cities.Zatim Stars and stripes-Heres one for the lads,Dickies-Yust say yes.a onda- Youth defence league-Skinheads 88,pa Scewdriwer-When the boat comes in??? sa sve refrenom Niger ,niger out out??? i za kraj,Ruzan ,pametan i mlad.Haos.:)))Valjda nije obracao previse paznje,ali svakako je morao bolje da se informise.:)

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mah, Gvido. ko iole poznaje opus tog čoveka, zna da on sa ideologijom nije imao ništaapropo ID, u tekstu "United We Stand Divide We Fall" sa njihovog demo snimka (ta pesma je objavljena i na "US of Oi!" kompilaciji) ima deo "black and white, we're all the same...". totalno 14/88 in my book <_<

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to je intervju iz novijeg doba gde se posredno pere. Ja pricam o kraju 80ih kad su bili ponosni belci. Ne mrzi me da iskopam i okacicu ti ovde, malo strpljenja molim. Kolekcija essential readings je premestena u selo na obroncima F. Gore...hehe, a Skinhead 88 je, istini za volju (nikako ne branim YDL), zapravo isto kao i youthcrew 88, ne misli se na Hitlera no na plodonosnu 1988. godinu u NY kalendaru... YDL su i bez toga poznati naci sljam.

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review njihovog discography CDa u poznatom NS glasilu Maximum RockNRollmrre.jpgcrnački Ian Stewart na ID certuimmoral1989.jpgcrnački Paul Burnley of "Black Paul Burnley and the Fourth Reich" na istom certu, smeje se jer je ideja o segregaciji potpuno uspela24058328929332959598589.jpga evo i 2011, novi ID line up, ovaj za bubnjevima je verovatno dopisni član The Orderimmoral2011.jpg

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