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4.41pm: OK: some new news on Carroll. Sky are reporting that the second, improved, bid for Carroll has been rejected. The man from the cut-price sports shop: he says no. What does this mean? Are they holding out for more? Is the Torres move now stymied? It's implausibly tangled.
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wtf?Na kraju će ovi carevi spucati sve pare od Torresa...na Endija Kerola, targetmana™, dobar marketinški potez, i ogromnog talenta koji je u životnoj formi već punih 6 meseci...a i uspeo je nekako da izbegne tvorza za sve to vreme.

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Da li su oni ludi, ili stvarno imaju neki plan za leto da dobiju od nekog 40 miliona? :unsure:Ako im je rezon "zajebi Liverpool, ko zna koliko će nam Man City ponuditi u junu", onda je i to priličan rizik...Ili samo čekaju minut do dvanaest, da vide koliko mogu da izvuku od ovih očajnika? :isuse:

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4.56pm: Every single human involved in the Carroll to Liverpool transfer is an idiot; whoever it was who offered £35 million, whoever it was who turned it down, and Andy Carroll.Guardian objašnjava.

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Sad kažu da je dugokosi već došao u Liverpul i pregovara oko plate. Valjda mu još nisu jevili da se NUFC predomislio? A gde je Torres, još kruži u helikopteru? Ponestaje li mu goriva?Kakva tragikomendija...

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taman sam hteo da napisem kako ocekujem ovako nestoEurosport: As we initmated earlier, there's now rumours Spurs want to hijack Liverpool's bid for Andy Carroll. Tottenham surely won't go to that sort of price (£35m+) but could throw Peter Crouch into the equation. But there's so many potential issues there (would Crouch want to go?) with time running out.

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Crouch bi išao gde mu se kaže, čovek bar sa tim nema problema. Znači 38 + N'Gog, baš zavrću testise. Da sam na njihovom mestu, probao bih da tražim 30 miliona plus Torres <_<

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Da sam na njihovom mestu, probao bih da tražim 30 miliona plus Torres <_<
Jbg, da je Torres zainteresovan za prelazak u Newcastle siguran sam bi negde već iskopali tih 12 miliona kolika je razlika u vrednosti izmedju ova 2 igrača. ^_^

I to ne računajući N'Goga jer njegova vrednost verovatno i jeste negde približno oko nule.

Edited by bob loblaw
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^^nema, inter skoro sigurno uzima nagatoma. santon ide na pozajmicu u cesenu

Edited by gervasius twinkleminkleson
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