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У то име...Aston Villa manager Alex McLeish is ready to offer Bobby Zamora a way out of Fulham. (Daily Mirror)Manchester United are chasing Holland's wonder boy Jetro Willems as Sir Alex Ferguson looks for the new Patrice Evra. (Daily Mirror)Jose Mourinho wants to offer Chelsea a sensational swap deal that would rescue Frank Lampard from his Stamford Bridge nightmare. He is ready to exchange Esteban Granero for the England star (The Sun)Marouane Chamakh admits he may have to leave Arsenal to rekindle his career. (Daily Mail)Juventus striker Amauri is being targeted by Tottenham. (Daily Mail)

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Ova zamena Lampard - Granero mi lici isuvise kao izmisljotina. Ne kapiram zasto bi iko napravio takvu razmenu. U slucaju da je tacna, mislim da Celsi nece imati bolju priliku da se resi tog smaraca.

Edited by casperbgd
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Смарач за све паре: "Frank Lampard scored the goal which helped beat Manchester City 2-1 and then insisted he wants to see out the remaining 18 months of his contract." Што није тражио фри трансфер када је промашио пенал против Њукастла прошле недеље?Meanwhile, in Geordirussia:Maiga arrives for medical as Newcastle edge closer to completing £7m swoop

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Manchester United are close to securing a £29.3million deal to sign Benfica midfielder Nicolás Gaitán at the end of the season, with the Portuguese club understood to have struck an informal agreement with the Premier League champions over the sale of the Argentina international.
The Telegraph
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It has been stressed by senior United officials that Ferguson has expressed no interest in Gaitan and will not be doing so in the future, with the chances of the player ending up at Old Trafford currently zero.Сада се прича да Ман YU хоће Тиотеа из Њукастла, a да Челзи спрема 20 милки фунти за Родвела. Биће поливачина парама ове зиме.
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Najveći transfer u zimu bi trebao biti Tevezov, samo je pitanje gdje će otići. Ne bih se začudio da ga Inter dovede ne bi li ga "oteli" Milanu. Garyju Cahillu ističe ugovor u junu tako da će ga Bolton morati prodati sad ili da se kockaju pa da ostanu i bez __ miliona eura odštete i bez premijerligaškog statusa.

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"Ukoliko dođe u Barselonu, lepo bi ga svi dočekali. Nejmar bi doprineo našoj igri i bili bismo još jači u ofanzivnom delu", rekao je Mesi. :Hail: Jos jaci? Zar to moze? :o Lakse bi se uklopili Mesi i Nejmar nego Kristina i Nejmar. A onda ni 10 Murinjovih autobusa ne bi izdrzalo Barsin napad.

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Igrao si FM, jebi ga (and thanks to you, igram ga i ja :wub:). Dešavalo ti se vjerovatno da toliko rasturaš konkurenciju da poželiš isprobati nekog novog atraktivnog igrača. Tako i Barca radi sa Alexisom i Neymarom. Pride, Villa ima 30 godina, ozlijeđen je i već dugo traje priča o njegovom odlasku iz Barce. Svaka čast La Masiji, ali nije zgoreg dovesti i nekog supertalenta izvana, pod uslovom da ima kvalitet da odmah upadne u prvih 11. Neymar to ima, pohvale njegovog retardiranog sunarodnjaka mu još nisu uništile karijeru.

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