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Grčka - enormni dug, protesti oko mera štednje


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Ovo je poslednji pozdrav, rekvijem za Nacionalni simfonijski orkestar i Hor grčke nacionalne televizije. Više ih nema...što je zaista u redu, njihovo ukidanje će sigurno Grčku da izvuče iz dužničkog gliba. Opšte je poznato da su najveći finansijski upropastitelji bili upravo umetnici, jer ako je neko grčku državu ojadio to su bili alavi violinisti, dirigenti, pevači...naročito čelisti, oni su joj glave došli. Sad će Grčkoj da svane, ima da procveta jedna od kolevki evropske kulture.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=aUmubmoEjHoDear colleagues, fellow artists, musicians and managerial staff of State Radio Television Broadcasters worldwide,This is a communication letter from all 3 Music Ensembles of the Greek Radio Television (ERT), which as you already know is now SHUT DOWN after a government decree. As of Tuesday the 11th of June 2013 the “National Symphony Orchestra” (est. 1938), the “Contemporary Music Orchestra” (est. 1954) and the Choir (est. 1977) of ERT have ceased their activities.The new institution that is proposed at the moment from the government there is no room for music whatsoever. Our very existence is at stake. We are asking for help and solidarity in any possible way. It is of the outmost importance to make them understand why a Public Television should include Music Ensembles. We would mostly appreciate a written formal statement of support (in both email and normal post if possible) addressed to the Greek government (Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Culture, Ministry of State, GENERAL SECRETARIAT OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION) and to your own respective governments as means of applying pressure for the existence and functioning of the Music Ensembles and ERT in general. A European country’s decision to shut down its national Broadcaster constitutes a major strike against democracy and culture that concerns all of us.Music Ensembles of European Radio Television traditionally are pillars of civilization.The unhindered artistic creation and freedom ofexp<b></b>ression is an essential part of the human existence.The Musicians, Choristers and Managerial Staff of the Music Ensembles of ERT
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Ako bih sada napisao šta sve želim sadašnjim i nekadašnjim članovima uže i šire familije Karamanlis odnosno Papandreu, zaradio bih dvogodišnji ban. Umesto toga, reći ću samo ovo:Prepoznajem te po oštrici tvog strašnog mača,Prepoznajem te po pogledu koji odvažno odmerava zemlju.Iz svetih moštiju Grka što se izdiže,Puna vrlineI kao u davnim vremenimaŽivela, o, živela sloboda!Puna vrlineI kao u davnim vremenimaŽivela, o, živela sloboda!!!

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A Golden Dawn Member Murdered an Anti-Fascist Rapper in Athens Last NightThe source – a local woman with no stated political allegiance – said that while Fissas was surrounded by the fascist mob, the murderer pulled up in a car, parked in a hurry, jumped out and attacked him straight away – details that point towards a premeditated attack. Fissas was stabbed twice in the heart, and once in his stomach. He died later in hospital. The murderer was arrested later and confessed to both the murder and the political nature of his act.The same sources allege that a group of police officers at the scene did nothing to stop what was happening – according to the left-wing Athens-based website Left.gr, police told onlookers that they could not intervene because the assailants were “too numerous”. The attacker was eventually arrested by an officer and his car was taken away. Two hundred anti-fascists gathered at the scene later, and calls for protest marches all around Greece were put out.
Večeras su bile velike demonstracije, koje su krenule od mesta na kojem je ubijen Pavlos. Podelile su su dva pravca i neki od demonstranata su otišli ka lokalnim prostorijama Zlatne zore, gde su se sukobili sa policajcima koji su čuvali zgradu. Druga grupa, u kojoj smo bili mi i koja je bila mnogo veća, otišla je ka policijskoj stanici. Očigledno, mi smo takođe naišli na policajce. Neki ljudi su bili ispred njih – možda su bili iz policije, možda iz Zlatne zore; često je teško razlikovati ih – koji su pokušali da nas isprovociraju. Oni su uzvikivali slogane Zlatne zore i nazivali nas „pičkama“. Naša grupa je bila meštovita, ali uglavnom sačinjena od anarhista i levičara. Sukob se pretvorio u jurnjavu, panduri su jurili nas. Neki od nas su skrenuli u uske ulice, mnogi su pretučeni i zasuti suzavcem. Uhapšeno je 23, i rečeno mi je da je najmanje jedna osoba ozbiljno povređena, ali ne znam ništa detaljnije.
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Music Ensembles of European Radio Television traditionally are pillars of civilization.
E sad ga preterase. Pillars of civilization???? Ajde.Zapravo, uopste ne vidim razlog zasto bi u 21. veku radio-televezija morala da ima simfonijski orkestar, hor, itd. To je bilo potrebno kada nisi mogao bez toga da ti neko nesto uzivo svira na radiju/TVu, danas ne postoji nijedan cisto radijski/televizijski razlog za to.Privatne radio-televizije su uglavnom ukinule takve orkestre odavno. Nekada je to imala skoro svaka veca radio stanica u svetu, danas ih je ostalo nekolicina mahom po drzavnim TV/radio kucama tipa BBC.
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Negde sam video da posle najnovjih sranja, opada podrška Zlatnoj Zori i da ih veliki broj Grka percipira kao opasnost po državu/poredak. Čak su se i navijači oglasili protiv njih.Otpušteno je i nekoliko pandura koji su bili u ZZ i sabotirali neke istrage.

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Recimo ovako, 50% su levičari (velika većina Super3, Tyra 4 kao i Original 21 su anarhisti, Tyra 7 je bila bliska PASOKu), Tyra 10 je neutralna a Tyra 13 je bila bliska ND. Od većih grupa su samo Panthers bili na ekstremnoj desnici. Naravno, to važi za ultrase a ne za obične navijače koji bi mogli da se smatraju uglavnom neutralnim. Naravno, to se sve menja, grupe polako gube ideološku odrednicu ali bih rekao da su i dalje mnogo bliže levici.

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Greece: darkness at dawnIt is hard to avoid the conclusion that the political violence many predicted after economic meltdown is becoming a reality

Pavlos Fyssas, the anti-fascist hip-hop artist, is not the first person to be stabbed to death by supporters of Greece's far right Golden Dawn party. Few Greeks may now recall the name of the Pakistani worker, Shehzad Luqman, who was also stabbed after a confrontation in the street in January. Golden Dawn's tactic is to deny any link with the perpetrators of these crimes. But as the attacks multiply, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that the political violence so often predicted in the last four years of economic and social meltdown is becoming a fact of Greek life.The murder of Mr Fyssas has jerked the coalition government out of its position of outraged inaction. It launched its first-ever investigation into whether the police forces were infiltrated by Golden Dawn members or sympathisers. Police stations were raided. Seven senior police officers were replaced to ensure an independent inquiry; two police generals resigned abruptly. If a direct link is proved between the party and the death, the state could cut off funding for a group that now has 18 members of parliament. A minister has proposed such a law. The crackdown, which is welcome though belated, is not without risk. It could drive Europe's most extreme and violent far-right movement underground.Golden Dawn's popularity has dipped, as thousands took to the streets of Athens and Thessaloniki in protest at the latest murder. These crowds may reflect the fear that the violence that has so far been reserved for immigrants is now being turned on Greeks. Even so, the far-right group can still count on the support of about 8% of the voters. And absolutely no one thinks that the current crackdown will purge police ranks. The links go too deep.There is no end in sight to Greece's economic misery. After four years of austerity, the country's debt-to-GDP ratio has grown from 120% to 175%. Whatever name the country's deputy prime minister Evangelos Venizelos tries to give it – he denied yesterday that Greece needed a third bailout, but sought instead "debt reprofiling" – the debt burden is unsustainable. The government's tactic is to implore Greeks to keep going in hope. Of what? That all will be different after the German election? The worst keeps on getting worse. And as each year passes, the economy approaches implosion. Youth unemployment is now around 60%.Golden Dawn challenges not only the power of the Greek state. If it continues to grow, it will challenge its democratic core. Greeks can no longer afford to wait for the next crisis. By the time the indifference of the creditor nations of northern Europe to the social and human consequences of their actions is shattered, it will be too late. The next crisis may be a different order entirely.

Edited by Syme
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