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Grčka - enormni dug, protesti oko mera štednje


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Skai javlja da se pobunilo 39 poslanika iz vladajuce koalicije.


OK, Cipras ima legitiman mandat...za...nesto.

Edited by Грешни Василије
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Ako je onaj jedan što nedostaje (zbir je 299) iz KKE ili XA, onda se sve slaže - 39 onih koji su glasali OXI ili se uzdržali.


Evo na Megi piše 32 OXI i 6 uzdržanih iz Sirize. Dakle, svi uzdržani su njihovi.


Isto piše i na ERT-u i ANT1, dakle Ciprasu je pobeglo 38-oro, ako se ne varam 21 više nego na prošlom glasanju.

Edited by vememah
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Sto je cetvrtina parlamentarne grupe.


Sad, Lafazanis i Zoe su jasni, da li se Varufakis sprema za neku drugu politicku ulogu ili je OXI u sklopu promocije knjige i naplacivanja buducih intervjua i gostovanja, videcemo.

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Manjinska vlada.


Da sam na njegovom mestu raspisao bih izbore odmah po potpisivanju agreementa. 



Ili možda ipak ne...


Energy minister Lafazanis insisted that he still supports Tsipras’s government, as he left the Athens parliament tonight.

We don’t want snap elections, he added.


Edited by MancMellow
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Greek elections in September?


Greece’s interior minister Nikos Voutsis has said elections could come in September or October.

Speaking on Kokkino radio station, he said that elections are highly likely. “If it’s not September it will be on October and it will be a product of an overall insight-not just of the Syriza government- on the broader developments” he said.

A decision on a reshuffle would be made before 22 July, he added.

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Draghi: Greece needs debt relief


Debt relief for Greece is “necessary”, Draghi continues. No-one has ever disputed that.


But the question is how we do that in our institutional framework.


(ie, do we do it through extending repayment dates, rather than up-front haircuts)

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