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Grčka - enormni dug, protesti oko mera štednje


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Ko će sa kim sad da se dogovara? Do Grka nije, Cipras je tražio MMF out u pregovorima, pa nije uspeo.

trazio je out mmf mozda zbog toga sto je u isto vrijeme odbijao 50 mlrd fond, tj branio je suverenitet

(edit, tj odbijao je nadzor, ne znam da ih je htjeo van iz pregovora)


ne vjerujem u tezu da je obama zvao telefonom u ponoc i pet minuta, mmf je istu stvar govorio i prije i poslije sastanka a ako me guglanje ne vara i kod drugog bejlauta se nesto protivio premda ne ovako i ovoliko?


ako ista, mmf govori ono sto merkel i ostali ne smiju tj prodaje ideju umanjujuci politicki rizik za njih

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U nemačkoj štampi jutros se pojavljuju glasovi da je Cipras već počeo da izvrdava dogovor, rekavši u intervjuu da ne veruje u njega, što je ključna stavka (tzv. vlasništvo nad merama), jer će se onda potezi vlade videti kao strani diktat i male su šanse da budu uspešno sprovedeni.


Cipras se definitivno diskvalifikovao kao partner

Samo 36 sati nakon briselskog samita grčki premijer u jednom TV intervjuu odstupio je od centralnog obećanja. Zato nikad neće biti partner Evrogrupe, već će uvek biti njen protivnik.



Jer on ne radi ni svoj deo posla na ponovnom uspostavljanju poverenja, niti se drži toga na šta je u ponedeljak pristao: da iza nacrta programa stane više nego sa pola srca: "Preuzimam odgovornost za tekst u koji ne verujem", rekao je Cipras u intervjuu.


Ova rečenica je kao otkrovenje. Ovaj levi populista, pokazuje se najkasnije sada, nikada neće biti partner. On će uvek biti protivnik, koji, ako mu se dozvoli, uvek uzima, a nikada ne daje.


Naravno da se zna da je mnoge reforme i mere konsolidacije progutao uz protivljenje.

Ali "ownership" je odlučujuća stvar. Ovaj pojam potiče iz razvojne pomoći i opisuje iskustvo da nijedno demokratsko društvo na duži rok ne može da podnese ako se mere koje se osećaju kao ključne diktiraju spolja.


Morate da ih sami želite


Pouka iz gotovo sedam decenija moderne razvojne pomoći jeste da ih morate sami želeti. U suprotnom nijedna pomoć neće pomoći, bez obzira na visinu.


Međutim, Cipras, već 36 sati nakon samita, više ne želi da zna ništa o "ownershipu". Samim time je zloupotrebljen avans poverenja koji su evropske kolege dale šefu vlade iz Atine.

Bilo je jasno da će olakšanje zbog sklopljenog dila u ponedeljak ubrzo biti zamenjeno otrežnjenjem. Nije bilo jasno da će to uslediti tako brzo.




Mislim da nije bilo preneto da je Cipras u intervjuu tvrdio da Grčka ne može da uvede drahmu jer nema dovoljne devizne rezerve.

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Pored bombice s IOU papirima, Šojble je juče bacio još jednu, direkt u Merkelkino dvrošite:

“There are many people, also in the German federal government, that are pretty well convinced that (a Grexit) would be a much better solution for Greece and the Greek people,” Schäuble told reporters in Brussels. “But it’s something that only they can do themselves.”

His resistance will complicate Merkel’s effort to win her party’s backing for a third bailout when the Bundestag votes on the deal, which could be later this week if the Greek parliament backs Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.


Dajselblum sinoć oštro po Grcima:



A Slovak u međuvremenu promenio sporni tvit u "Sirizino proleće" i dodao narodnu mudrost:



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Da, to je jedna strana medalje, a druga je ovo - šta nam se oni tu mešaju kad mi znamo najbolje:

Nešto ne verujem da su Grci mnogo verovali da reforme mogu da ih izvuku ni kad je prvi bailout rađen.


Sapen podržao stav MMF-a:

“The IMF is saying the same thing as we are ... we cannot help Greece if we maintain the same debt reimbursement burden on the Greek economy.”


I malo tračarenja:



FT o prekidu Evrogrupe u subotu:

Michel Sapin, the French finance minister, suggested they just “get it all out and tell one another the truth” to blow off steam. Many in the room seized the opportunity with relish.

Alexander Stubb, the Finnish finance minister, lashed out at the Greeks for being unable to reform for half a century, according to two participants. As recriminations flew, Euclid Tsakalotos, the Greek finance minister, was oddly subdued.

The wrangling culminated when Wolfgang Schäuble, the German finance minister who has advocated a temporary Grexit, told off Mario Draghi, European Central Bank chairman. At one point, Mr Schäuble, feeling he was being patronised, fumed at the ECB head that he was “not an idiot”. The comment was one too many for eurogroup chairman Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who adjourned the meeting until the following morning.


Iz Švedske zbog toga dobio po nosu:


Swedish media are all over a tweet by the acting chair of the European Parliament’s Employment Committee Marita Ulvskog. She writes of Finnish Finance Minister Alexander Stubb: “It was guys like Mr Stubb that bullied my disabled sister in the school yard.”




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Da, to je jedna strana medalje, a druga je ovo - šta nam se oni tu mešaju kad mi znamo najbolje:


Pa mi najbolje znamo kako počinje saga o čefurjima i bečkim konjušarima. Poenta je da "vi morate to da želite" stav nikada nije šljakao. Da su želeli i da su sposobni, ne bi gledali sada to što gledamo. Dakle, ili ih prihvataš takve kakvi su, ili ne. U tom smislu je Sapen i najispravniji - gukni golhube, šta ti srce steže.

Pa ili da nastavljamo ili da se razilazimo.


@morgana Naravno, samo nemere. To je "1 čovek, 1 glas" :(

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O broju prebega i mogućim posledicama:


Failure to keep defections below 40 (and the number of mutinous MPs appears to be growing) could trigger unforeseen events. “It is absolutely essential that defections are kept below 40,” said the prominent political commentator Alexis Papahelas.

Above that, he said, and the country could possibly become ungovernable.

Tsipras is hoping that a wide-ranging reshuffle immediately after the vote will inject his cabinet with renewed life. In that scenario (by far the best for the leftist-led government) four ministers, who have spoken openly against the terms of the latest bailout programme, would leave office. At least three others, including the labour minister Panos Skourletis, a close Tsipras ally, would be moved to other posts.

If the vote produces a shock result, with losses much greater than anyone expected, a caretaker government will almost certainly have to assume office before the country goes to fresh elections in the early fall. Neither scenario, at this point, can be ruled out.




Lu stiže u Nemačku i Francusku:


US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew will travel to Germany and France on Wednesday and Thursday for talks with top officials after the tentative new bailout deal for Greece.

The Treasury said Tuesday that Lew will meet with European Central Bank President Mario Draghi in Frankfurt on Wednesday.

The following day Lew will have talks in Berlin with German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, and then in Paris with French Finance Minister Michel Sapin.



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U međuvremenu su se, naravno, pobunili Britanci, zbog Kameronovog dila sa komisijom iz 2011. godine, pošto se i njihov deo kolača sada koristi za privremeni izvor finansiranja Grčke od 7 milijardi € do usvajanja dila (ako ga bude). Traže da collateral budu prihodi ECB od kamata na grčki dug (1,9 bilion €).





Opposition to the bailout in Germany is growing, according to the Bild newspaper, especially among Angela Merkel’s CDU and CSU MPs.

In a report headlined “Now let US say Oxi”* it quotes a member of the CDU/CSU saying they expected some 50 votes against. It also speaks to a number of MPs who are against the deal.

At the time of the German vote in February on whether to extend the second Greek bailout, 542 MPs voted in favour, 32 against and 13 abstained.

The Bild report is here (in German):

Jetzt sagen WIR mal OXI!
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Cipras izgubio većinu u svom CK. Traži se vanredni partijski kongres na kome će drugovi i drugarice da se izjasne o poverenju njemu.


Paul Mason @paulmasonnews

Greece: 107 out of 201 members of Syriza’s central committee call for No and a party conference. Won’t derail today’s vote but significant


1:36 PM - 15 Jul 2015


Verovatno će zadržati većinu poslanika, ali bi se moglo desiti da mora da pravi novu stranku.

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U međuvremenu su se, naravno, pobunili Britanci, zbog Kameronovog dila sa komisijom iz 2011. godine, pošto se i njihov deo kolača sada koristi za privremeni izvor finansiranja Grčke od 7 milijardi € do usvajanja dila (ako ga bude). Traže da collateral budu prihodi ECB od kamata na grčki dug (1,9 bilion €).




Mozda bi za Grke bilo najbolje da Bundestag ne odobri...i onda posle svih kapitulacija i faktickog ignorisanja OXIa Nemci ne prihvate, onda bi mogao da im dodje Ujka Sem i da im zavrne usi i da za kaznu moraju Grcima da ponude bolji dil.

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