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Grčka - enormni dug, protesti oko mera štednje


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The EFSM is compatible with the facility providing medium-term financial assistance for balances of payments. This financial assistance is for Member States which have not adopted the euro and are experiencing difficulties in their balance of payments.


Britain is adamant that it won’t let the European Financial Stability Mechanism (EFSM) be used to underwrite short-term loans to Greece (as this would break an earlier deal between the UK and Brussels).

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Garant ne znaš jezik i nikad nisi čuo za Štefana Raba koji 16 godina neprekidno ima humorističku emisiju na jednom od najgledanijih privatnih kanala.

Stefan Raab i humor samo u Nemačkoj mogu da idu u istu rečenicu :fantom:

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My crucial error was the assumption that, having held the referendum and being faced with an unacceptable offer, Tsipras would choose exit from the euro rather than capitulation. Judging by this interview with Varoufakis (H/T Chris), that’s what Tsipras thought too, until, too late, Varoufakis told him it couldn’t be done. Certainly Tsipras’ actions were consistent with that interpretation.



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1245 - The European Commission will recommend providing Greece with bridge financing over the next month through the European Financial Stability Mechanism (EFSM), in defiance of strong British and Czech objections, EU officials say.




Ako ako, licemeri i treba da dobiju malo po nosu za onoliko lajanje u Telegrafu.

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Pa svi profitiraju od EU/EZ ako se drze nekih osnovnih pravila kao i u svakoj zajednici. Hoces suverenitet nad koruptnom drzavom - imaces nizak standard. Predajes suverenitet i drzis se pravila koja si potpisao - maces vissi standard.

To je relativno prosto.


Pa tu se ne slazu Sojble i Merkel - i on misli da bi za grcku privredu bilo bolje da izadje iz evra.

Racunica je relativno prosta, uvodjenjem drahme bi pad kupovne moci u Grckoj iznosio nekih 50% uz dodatni problem inflacije i prakticno nemoguceg kreditiranja drzave i kompanija.

Sa druge strane, sa ovim osteritijem ce takodje dogurati do tih 50% ali bez inflacije i uz ogranicenu mogucnost kreditiranja.

Pad standarda ne gine a moze se podici samo ako strukturne reforme idu paralelno sa ustedama.


Not. Ne profitiraju svi jednako, neki profitiraju malo više. U situaciji u kojoj postoji jedinstveno tržište sa zajedničkim regulatorima i valutom, i gde čitava zajednica spašava banke birajući manje zlo i stvarajući do tada nepoznata pravila i centralni mehanizam za spasavanje, a onda odbija da prizna sopstvenu grešku i tera jednu državu članicu napolje iz EZ, izvini ali ne profitiraju svi isto. Ima jednakih i malo jednakijih. Ruši se cela koncepcija koja je dok je teklo med i mleko šljakala, ali je počela da kašljuca odmah kad je krenulo tvrdo, i to zbog ekonomskog nacionalizma jedne članice, koja koristi trenutak da bi gurala neku svoju agendu.


Pa vidiš, ne bi. Neke projekcije koje sam čitao na Bloombergu i Reutersu predviđaju kratkoročnu devalvaciju i do 80%, opšti haos u državi itd. Izlazak Grčke iz EMU/Eurozone bi, po n-ti put ponavljam, zbog strukture grčke privrede u konačnici doveo do njenog izlaska iz EU jer bi jedino racionalno "oruđe" koje bi im ostalo da sebe zaštite bilo i povratak carina tj. pun ekonomski suverenitet, što je inviolation of EU Treaty. Grčka bi na duži rok bila na nivou Srbije po primanjima i duplo gora po zaduženosti, sa tooga međunarodnim kreditnim rejtingom. Time bi se srednjeročno upokojila ideja deeper integration/dugoročno ideja EU, a o geopolitičkim implikacijama i da ne govorim.


Ovde će Amerikanci morati debelo da zalegnu, ako žele da im evropski poredak i ono što je započeto ostane na istom kursu i ako ne žele da im kroz koju godinu sino-ruska mornarica izvodi manevre u Egeju.

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Btw, uredništvo Bloomberga misli da bi Grčka trebalo da izađe iz EZ.

Greece Should Just Quit
 JUL 13, 2015 5:05 PM EDT
By The Editors
Does Greece belong in the euro area? This fundamental question has divided Europe's governments for months, and still does. The deal just announced only pretends to resolve their disagreement. That's why it won't work.  


Enough is enough: Greece should leave the euro system.

The terms forced on Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras last weekend have little chance of being accepted, carried out and sustained by this Greek government or its successors. Greece's parliament may accept them this week because it thinks the alternative is worse -- and in the short term, that may be true. In the long term, a deal imposed under extreme duress, and bitterly resented by most Greeks, won't succeed.

Not long ago, a better outcome was imaginable. It would have required compromise on both sides. Greece would have recognized its need to undertake far-reaching economic reforms and to rebuild trust with its creditors. Europe would have responded with fresh, conditional assistance -- sufficient to support the Greek economy through a painful transition.

Such a compact is no longer possible. Trust has collapsed to such a point that Greece is being told it must become an EU colony, not a sovereign state. It is being forced into a deal it will resent for years, and to which it will feel no sense of obligation. Under these circumstances, leaving is the best available choice.

The current deal had to split the difference between Europe's divided leaders. France and others want Greece to stay in the euro system; Germany and its supporters don't. The upshot is that Greece must agree to much stricter terms than were previously offered, pass laws to implement far-reaching policy changes within three days, and place a huge stock of assets marked for privatization under EU supervision; then, and only then, will Germany and other euro zone governments ask their legislators for permission to start discussing a new bailout program.

This approach makes it theoretically possible for Greece to remain in the euro system, but practically extremely difficult. The terms are so severe that they might well be beyond Tsipras's power to deliver. One suspects that for Germany and its supporters, this is the point.

Papering over the disagreement between those who want Greece to remain in the euro zone and those who don't -- hence failing to decide the very purpose of the strategy -- further prolongs the agony and adds to the costs. The risk that it will poison the whole European project, if it hasn't already, grows by the day.
Given Tsipras's history of provocation and evasion, and Greece's history of fiscal fraud and incompetence, his belated yes last week to the creditors' expired offer wasn't enough by itself. It wasn't unreasonable of the creditors to ask for trust-building measures -- such as passing a major piece of legislation (on value-added tax, say) at once as a token of good faith.

But demanding instant passage of an enormous raft of measures, many of them only loosely connected to fiscal stability, as the price for the possibility of talks on a new program, gives every appearance of being calculated to humiliate -- which is certainly how it will be seen in Greece.
The text of the agreement starts by affirming that, when it comes to policy commitments, "ownership by the Greek authorities is key." Indeed it is. Ultimately, that's why this deal cannot work.

Whatever happens in the next few weeks, Greece may still end up leaving the euro system. Exit now will be painful, to be sure. The risks to the rest of Europe aren't small. But Greece will at least be in command of its own future, with nobody else to blame for its setbacks. The sooner that happens, the better.

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Stefan Raab i humor samo u Nemačkoj mogu da idu u istu rečenicu :fantom:


Za nekoliko klasa bolji humor od onog što se u samoproglašenoj duhovitoj Srbiji prodaje ili prodavalo kao humor na nacionalnim kanalima, poput Minimaksa, Ivana Ivanovića ili Kursadžija.

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Pa pošto Srbi tupe o nemačkoj duhovitosti, onda je red da se podsetimo šta od "humora" ide na srpskim komercijalnim stanicama.


Upristoji se. To "tupe" mozes kuci svojoj, zeni, deci ili koga vec imas kuci. Osim toga ovde se tupi individualno a ne kolektivno, bilo bi zgodno da to naucis pre nego sto se raspistoljis na forumu.

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