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Grčka - enormni dug, protesti oko mera štednje


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Ništa danas neće rešiti. Ostaviće Grcima da usvoje zakone (kao što je rekao Vasilije), pa će opt pregovori. A količina novca koja je potrebna se samo uvećava. Sad je 86 milijardi. Ovi to nikada neće vratiti.

Deder, ne budi pesimista. Grčka je sposobna da vraća dug kao i bilo koja druga zemlja, brojke su im skroz podnošljive, samo da se reformišu i otplatiće ga do zadnjeg dolara.


Nego, evo malo humora iz komšiluka na svu ovu muku:


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Disaster In Europe

Obviously the news from Europe is terrible, with much confusion about exactly what is happening. Here’s what I think is the story, although I haven’t done any independent reporting.

1. Tsipras apparently allowed himself to be convinced, some time ago, that euro exit was completely impossible. It appears that Syriza didn’t even do any contingency planning for a parallel currency (I hope to find out that this is wrong). This left him in a hopeless bargaining position. I’m even hearing from people who should know that Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is right, that he hoped to lose the referendum, to give an excuse for capitulation.

2. But substantive surrender isn’t enough for Germany, which wants regime change and total humiliation — and there’s a substantial faction that just wants to push Greece out, and would more or less welcome a failed state as a caution for the rest.

3. I don’t know if some kind of deal might still be approved; even if it is, how long can it last?

The thing is, all the wise heads saying that Grexit is impossible, that it would lead to a complete implosion, don’t know what they are talking about. When I say that, I don’t mean that they’re necessarily wrong — I believe they are, but anyone who is confident about anything here is deluding himself. What I mean instead is that nobody has any experience with what we’re looking at. It’s striking that the conventional wisdom here completely misreads the closest parallel, Argentina 2002. The usual narrative is completely wrong: de-dollarization did *not* cause economic collapse, but rather followed it, and recovery began quite soon.

There are only terrible alternatives at this point, thanks to the fecklessness of the Greek government and, far more important, the utterly irresponsible campaign of financial intimidation waged by Germany and its allies. And I guess I have to say it: unless Merkel miraculously finds a way to offer a much less destructive plan than anything we’re hearing, Grexit, terrifying as it is, would be better.

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Uvek postoji i obrnuto rešenje - da cela Evropa uvede drahmu...

probace to ameri da izravnaju,na kraju krajeva.cini se da sojble zato histerise.nagradjivanje neradnika i slicno.moraju bogatuni da se vise potrude.bolje za njih
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Argentina nije u carinskoj uniji. Grčka bi za argentinski scenario efektivno morala da napusti EU. Za to tek niko nema mandat. Druga stvar




This left him in a hopeless bargaining position. 


Pripreme za drahmu ne znam kako bi popravile bargaining position.


- Ako mi ne date uvešćemo drahmu

- juhu

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Argentina - ne zaboravimo bum primarnih sirovina koji je Argentini pomogao. Da li je to identicno grckom turizmu, well, nije - giros se placa u drahmama, ne dolarima.

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Argentina nije u carinskoj uniji. Grčka bi za argentinski scenario efektivno morala da napusti EU. Za to tek niko nema mandat. Druga stvar



Pripreme za drahmu ne znam kako bi popravile bargaining position.


- Ako mi ne date uvešćemo drahmu

- juhu


A referendum bez backup plana je kao popravio barganing position?


Naravno da bi back up plan popravio pregovaracku poziciju, ako ne pred Nemcima ono pred Francuzima. 


Ovako je drz-ne daj. Raspisivanje referenduma bez back up plana je samoubistvo iz zasede.

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A referendum bez backup plana je kao popravio barganing position?


Naravno da bi back up plan popravio pregovaracku poziciju, ako ne pred Nemcima ono pred Francuzima. 


Ovako je drz-ne daj. Raspisivanje referenduma bez back up plana je samoubistvo iz zasede.


da ucenjuju Francuze da ovi pritiskaju Nemce? Kako bi to funkcionisalo?

Edited by MancMellow
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Čitljiviji zaključci. Neophodan bailout procenjen na 82-86 milijardi, ubačeni delovi Šojbleovog non-papera o deponovanju imovine od 50 milijardi evra i pregovorima o izlasku, ali u zagradi.











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