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Eurogroup draft on demands for Greek reforms
Euro zone finance ministers meeting in crisis talks in Brussels want Greece to commit to more measures to reform its economic system and government finances before they agree to negotiate a bailout loan.

Following is a partial draft Eurogroup statement, seen by Reuters. It was discussed by the ministers late on Saturday, before they resumed talks on Sunday.

Euro zone sources said it was likely to be amended but formed a basis for further discussion on Sunday. Sources also said ministers had pressed Greece to take other measures, including passing early legislation increasing value-added tax and making the national statistics agency independent:

"The Eurogroup takes note of the request by the Greek authorities for a three-year ESM stability support and the accompanying list of policy commitments, including a comprehensive list of prior action. The Eurogroup reiterates the need for continued full involvement of the IMF.

The Eurogroup welcomes the assessment by the institutions that the list of policy commitments of the Greek authorities represents a basis to start the negotiations on a new program. The Eurogroup also agrees with the institutions that the package needs to be significantly strengthened and broadened in order to provide for appropriate conditionality for a possible three-year ESM program. The Eurogroup thus welcomes the additional following commitments of the Greek authorities on the basis of a clear timetable:

- fully comply with the medium-term primary surplus target of 3.5 percent of GDP by 2018, according to a yearly schedule to be agreed with the institutions;

- carry out ambitious pension reforms and specific policies to fully compensate for the fiscal impact of the Constitutional Court ruling on the 2012 pension reform and to implement the zero deficit clause;

- adopt more ambitious product market reforms with a clear timetable for implementation of all OECD toolkit I recommendations, including Sunday trade, sales periods, over-the-counter pharmaceutical products, pharmacy ownership, milk, bakeries. On the follow-up of the OECD toolkit II, manufacturing needs to be included in the prior action;

- on energy markets, the privatization of the electricity transmission network operator (ADMIE) must proceed, unless replacement measures can be found that have equivalent effect, as agreed by the institutions;

- on labor markets, undertake rigorous reviews of collective bargaining, industrial action and collective dismissals in line with the timetable and the approach suggested by the institutions. Any changes should be based on international and European best practices, and should not involve a return to past policy settings which are not compatible with the goals of promoting sustainable and inclusive growth;

- fully implement the relevant provisions of the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union, in particular to make the Fiscal Council fully operational;

- adopt the necessary steps to strengthen the financial sector, including decisive action on non-performing loans, transposition of BRRD and measures to strengthen governance of the HFSF and the banks;

- develop a significantly scaled up privatization program with improved governance. A working group with the institutions shall provide proposals for better implementation mechanisms;

- amend or compensate for legislation adopted during 2015 which have not been agreed with the institutions and run counter to the program commitments;

- implement the key remaining elements from the December 2014 state of play of the fifth review of the second economic adjustment program."




AP javlja da se radi na popuštanju omče za grčke banke da bi moglo dalje da se pregovara:


A European official says Greece's European creditors are seeking a deal that would relieve the pressure on the Greek banks that face an acute liquidity crunch as soon as Monday.


The official, who is close to the negotiations, said leaders from the 19-country eurozone are focused on "plan A" that involves Greece living up to its obligations and staying in the euro.


The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly, said eurozone leaders hope to issue a statement that would pave the way for the formal for the start of Greek bailout negotiations. The leaders are due to meet later.


That, the official added, would give the "green light" to the European Central Bank to turn up the emergency liquidity assistance it provides to Greek banks.



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Saopstenje Evrogrupe za oko 50 minuta



Btw, Renzi ispuni obecanje, izgovorio javno ono sto se pricalo - sto je dosta dosta je i da, posto su grci popustili skoro u svemu, ponizenje grexitom ne dolazi u obzir

Edited by MancMellow
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Mene samo zanima za koga misliš da je gori, Jevreji ili Grci, pošto i Jevreje bije glas da su lukavi prevaranti, tako je već stotinama godina.

Molim te da shvatis da ne delim te tvoje rasisticke stavove i da ne nastavljas sa tim glupostima. Ja sam rekako kakvu reputaciju neko drustvo ima. Nisam rekao da ja to podrzavam, ili da smatram da je nesto gore ili bolje. Konstatovao sam fakticko stanje koje ima uticaja u ovoj krizi.

Ne bih da se mesam u vase rasisticke ispade ni prema Grcima, ni prema Jevrejima, ni prema Nemcima (koji su, koliko vidim na ovom topiku, valjda losi, sta li), a ni prema ljudima koji rade u bankarskoj industriji, koji ispadose moderna zamena za "zle, gramzive lihvare Jevreje".

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Molim te da shvatis da ne delim te tvoje rasisticke stavove i da ne nastavljas sa tim glupostima. Ja sam rekako kakvu reputaciju neko drustvo ima. Nisam rekao da ja to podrzavam, ili da smatram da je nesto gore ili bolje. Konstatovao sam fakticko stanje koje ima uticaja u ovoj krizi.

Ne bih da se mesam u vase rasisticke ispade ni prema Grcima, ni prema Jevrejima, ni prema Nemcima (koji su, koliko vidim na ovom topiku, valjda losi, sta li), a ni prema ljudima koji rade u bankarskoj industriji, koji ispadose moderna zamena za "zle, gramzive lihvare Jevreje".




Sad i bankari postadose rasa.

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Merkelova: imaćemo teške razgovore, poverenje je uništeno, neće biti dogovora po svaku cenu.


Oland: rešenje po svaku cenu.

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U skladu sa onim sto je Peston pisao o nepripremljenosti Grka za bilo sta, evo Ciprasa.




I am here ready for compromise, the Greek PM says.

We owe that to the people of Europe who want Europe united, and not divided.




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Pa rekoh, u pitanju je preuzimanje politicke odgovornosti, mada sada kad je jasno da je Sojbleov cilj bio izbacivanje iz EZ mozda bi i mogli da se pripremaju zlu ne trebalo. Opet, time bi oslabili pregovaracku poziciju onih u EZ koji pokusavaju da grexit sprece.


pa da, eto




Oland: rešenje po svaku cenu.


a ako ti krenes sam da pravis korake ka grexitu onda i njegovu poziciju slabis. Mislim, slicni politicki psiholoski mehanizmi kriznih situacija su u proslosti i dovodili do ratova

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Pa rekoh, u pitanju je preuzimanje politicke odgovornosti, mada sada kad je jasno da je Sojbleov cilj bio izbacivanje iz EZ mozda bi i mogli da se pripremaju zlu ne trebalo. Opet, time bi oslabili pregovaracku poziciju onih u EZ koji pokusavaju da grexit sprece.


Ali poenta je u tome da je kompromis ne resava nista ni za Grke ni za Nemce.

Duplo golo.

Zapravo, da ponovim Xti put, uz tu pretpostavku o nemackim namerama trebalo je pregovarati sa Nemcima o kontrolisanom grexit-u.

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Ali s mandatom dobijenim od koga (za to)?


Referendumskim mandatom pripremljenin izmedju 3 i 6 meseci koliko je Siriza na vlasti.

Da podsetim, drahma po anketama bez icije pomoci stoji na 30% grckog stanovnistva. I prethodni  referendum pokazuje da se takva operacija sa popularnim mandatom mogla izvesti.


Ako cemo o mandatu, koji je mandat za dalji i gori osteriti sa nekom vrstom trojke u atinskim ministarstvima?


Jebi ga, i evro i ne osteritiju nije nikad moglo da prodje.

Edited by Budja
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