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Grčka - enormni dug, protesti oko mera štednje


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Procitaj ponovo i videces koliko taj hipoteticki plan zvuci smesno.

Ako je to Sirizin plan, onda jeste rec o armchair socialists koji mozda lepo mogu da urede stan u Atini i kucicu na ostrvima ali tesko nesto vise od toga.

Ja se sa tim stanovištem uopšte ne slažem, samo ga navodim. Inače od početka smatram da Grcima niko neće pomoći ako oni sami sebi prvo ne pomognu i srede svoju zemlju. Apsolutno nema prihvatljivog izgovora da se stvari tamo još jedan jedini dan rade isto kao što su se radile u poslednjih 30 godina. To je bio glavni zadatak za Syrizu, i ako je već trebalo da slavno poginu onda bolje da su poginuli boreći se sa domaćim ološem nego sa Šojbleom.

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Finski premijer:


Finland's prime minister Juha Sipila has been speaking to reporters in Finland this morning.

While his finance minister (and predecessor) Alex Stubb insisted this morning that "no-one is blocking a deal" (see 09.43), Mr Sipila is keeping his cards close to his chest. He described Finalnd's stance on Greece as "confidential", and not necessarily the toughest around the table.

He did, however, say that Greece's proposal was "not at all sufficient to start talks". I see this rolling on until July 20, when Greece must repay €3.5bn to the ECB.




Teorija o sinoćnjem prekidu:


Nick Malkoutzis ‏@NickMalkoutzis

Brussels correspondent for @amna_news claims Eurogroup adjourned after Schaeuble snapped "Don't take me for a fool" at Draghi #Greece #euro

9:23 AM - 12 Jul 2015

Edited by vememah
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Luxembourg's foreign minister has made an impassioned plea for Germany to avoid a Greek exit from the euro, warning Berlin of a catastrophic schism with France if it pushes for Athens to leave the currency union.


The comments from Jean Asselborn, released on Sunday, came after Germany argued that Greece could take a five-year "time-out" from the euro zone and have some of its debts written off if Athens fails to improve proposals it has made for a bailout.

"It would be fatal for Germany's reputation in the EU and the world if Berlin does not now seize the chance that there now is with the Greek reform offers," Asselborn told Germany's Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper.

"If Germany pushes for a Grexit, it will provoke a profound conflict with France. That would be a catastrophe for Europe," he added in an advance release of an interview to run in the Sueddeutsche's Monday edition.



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Lepo je krenulo.

Nemci fasisti.

To je, onako, bas konstruktivno.


Jean Asselborn, the Luxembourg foreign minister, has declared that “Grexit has to be prevented, warning that:

“It would be fateful for Germany’s reputation in the EU and the world.

Germany’s responsibility is great. It’s about not conjuring up the ghosts of the past,” Asselborn told Munich’s Sueddeutsche Zeitung.

“If Germany goes for Grexit, it will trigger a deep conflict with France. That would be a catastrophe for Europe.”

Edited by Budja
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^^Pa mislim da je, posle svega što smo čuli i pročitali, bilo pitanje trenutka kada će. I idemoooo, Vašingtone pomagaj, over & over.


^Podižu se ulozi, lagano, doći će i do toga kad se retorika dovoljno usija.

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Fascinira to da nemačka država, otkad postoji, uspeva da u velikim istorijskim trenucima ostane izolovana. Ne umeju da vode visoku politiku nikako.

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It’s about not conjuring up the ghosts of the past


Nije cela nemacka proslost nacisticki period, covek verovatno misli na istoriju losih odnosa (to put it lightly) izmedju Francuske i Nemacke.

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It’s about not conjuring up the ghosts of the past


pa dobro, nije to bas to. odgovornost nemacke jeste doduse velika, ali prizivanje duhova proslosti ne mora da se shvati odmah tako. 

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Reuters uoči referenduma malo obrađivao temu redrahmizacije.



Crude estimates of the sort of devaluation the Greek economy would need to regain international competitiveness are at least 25-30 percent, according to studies by several bank and research firms published over the past six months.

But the likely chaotic financial aftermath and public and private sector defaults would almost guarantee that extending to as much as 80 percent, experts say.


A number of economists whose experience dates back to the multi-currency Europe of the 1980s and 1990s, and a series of emerging market currency crises since, say that the drachma was likely to be extremely volatile.

They describe a period of 18 months or longer where the government, by paying pensions and benefits in drachmas, fights to shift more of the economy back into a currency which Greeks on the street will instinctively not want to receive.

"The euro is going to remain the de facto currency for some time to come," Commerzbank's Peter Dixon said.

"The sensible strategy will be to put a big devaluation in place to start to compensate for 15 years without one. But it will be a messy transition, that much is clear."




Dakle plate i penzije na petinu i devize, devize...

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Fascinira to da nemačka država, otkad postoji, uspeva da u velikim istorijskim trenucima ostane izolovana. Ne umeju da vode visoku politiku nikako.

Meni nije fascinantno,ko je imao priliku da razgovara sa Nemcima o politici i uopste njihovim pogledima na svet,sve mu je jasno.

Edited by Bogotac
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