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Grčka - enormni dug, protesti oko mera štednje


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Neće biti ništa, Merkelova je jasno rekla da je to crvena linija i da se njeno mišljenje nije promenilo od prekjuče do danas.


rekla je da neće biti ništa od "klasičnog haircuta". Dakle, videćemo šta to znači...

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pa ne otpis, to se slažem, ali neko dalje reprogramiranje...videćemo, ali ako ne dobije baš nikakvo pominjanje dugova, ovo je čist poraz. Doduše...alternativa je katastrofa. 


S druge strane, Nemci i ekipa njima ništa ne veruju, i čak ni sa ovakvim predlogom neć uopšte biti srećni da im daju te 53 milijarde. 

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Ne bi me zacudilo da im Nemci kazu da je ovo bila ponuda pre dve nedelje, pa da im jos malo zaostre.


Ne verujem da ce im otpisati bilo sta sada. Ali mozda im daju neki grejs period na glavnicu na nekih 20-30 godina pa ako do tada ispune sve da onda ide otpis od 30%

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Ne bi me zacudilo da Nemci kazu Francuzima da je ovo bila ponuda pre dve nedelje, pa da jos malo zaostre.


možda, ali ne verujem




Ne verujem da ce im otpisati bilo sta sada. Ali mozda im daju neki grejs period na glavnicu na nekih 20-30 godina pa ako do tada ispune sve da onda ide otpis od 30%



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pa ne otpis, to se slažem, ali neko dalje reprogramiranje...videćemo, ali ako ne dobije baš nikakvo pominjanje dugova, ovo je čist poraz. Doduše...alternativa je katastrofa. 


S druge strane, Nemci i ekipa njima ništa ne veruju, i čak ni sa ovakvim predlogom neć uopšte biti srećni da im daju te 53 milijarde. 


53 milijarde i produzetak placanja je sranje.

Od obe stvari logicniji je otpis.

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Will creditors want even more austerity?


Chris Sciculna at Daiwa Capital Markets has had a look through the Greek proposals and concludes that the fiscal measures amount to around €12bn-€13bn. He remarks however, that if they add up, they "would be severe and exceed that in the proposal rejected by Sunday's referendum, principally reflecting the extra year of adjustment.


"But whether that is now sufficient to hit the surplus targets given the recent marked deterioration in economic and fiscal conditions is questionable, and so it remains to be seen whether creditors will want even more austerity."


Greek journalist Eleni Varvitsiotis notes however that the document is likely to be a basis for further talks should the technical teams from the institutions give it the go-ahead



Eleni Varvitsiotis @Elbarbie


If the #Greek proposal gets the green light by #Eurogroup then it will allow for negotiations to take place. This is not the final proposal.


1:07 AM - 10 Jul 2015 · Brussels, Belgium, België





Peter Spiegel @SpiegelPeter

One thing that strikes me about new #Greece request: It's pretty darn close to the one 61% of Greeks voted "#OXI" against.


Hugo Dixon @Hugodixon

Greek people voted OXI; Tsipras now proposes NAI

Edited by vememah
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Iz ove perspektive, referendum o kome se toliko razglabalo je jedan od najglupljih politickih poteza. Taj referendum ce na kraju stvoriti problem samo SYRIZI

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FT objavio izvorne PDF-ove (lakše se čitaju):


Ciprasovo pismo:


Cakalotosovo pismo:


Predlog mera (Prior actions):



I komentar:


On substance, the new “prior actions” come very close to creditors’ last “prior actions” proposal, which Greek voters overwhelmingly rejected in a referendum at the weekend.


The problem with this assessment, of course, is it measures a new proposal against an offer made for a bailout that does not exist any more. Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, has made clear that what’s required under a new multiyear bailout – which could cost more than €70bn – is much different than a reform plan needed to release just one €7.2bn aid tranche. More needs to be done, she argued.

So can this new plan live up to Merkel’s new, tougher expectations? It is now in the hands of Greece’s trio of bailout monitors – the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund – to determine.



Edited by vememah
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MMF-ovac Blanšar sada kaže da zbog referenduma i kontrola kapitala analiza održivosti duga više ne važi, što znači da su Grčkoj potrebna još veća sredstva i da se dug mora otpisati.


Until the referendum and its potential implications for growth, we believed that, under these assumptions about the primary surplus, debt sustainability could be achieved through the rescheduling of existing debt, and long maturities for new debt. This was reflected in the preliminary debt sustainability analysis (DSA) we put out before the referendum. Our assessment was seen as too pessimistic by our European partners to whom we had communicated our views about the need for debt relief long before publishing the debt sustainability analysis. We believe that current developments may well imply the need for even more financing, not least in support of the banks, and for even more debt relief than in our DSA.



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