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Grčka - enormni dug, protesti oko mera štednje


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ECB će verovatno čekati da prođe samit pre nego što bilo šta promeni.


The European Central Bank reckons Greece’s financial system can survive until at least after Tuesday’s summit of European leaders without an injection of extra liquidity, people familiar with the matter said.



Banke se ne otvaraju ni sutra ni prekosutra.

Edited by vememah
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opak lukav chovek :D



(elem, kako nashe novine uzivaju u ovome. koliko sveta zivi u atini? pitam zato shto ne znam. poshto pishe na novinama da su se u atini neki pobili pred bankomatom. i da je starija sugradjanka pala u nesvest :unsure:)

Edited by gospa buba
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Francuska umerena desna opozicija, tj. Sarkozijeva partija (po istraživanjima jača od vladajućih socijalista) za organizovani Grexit.


France's Socialist government still hopes to avoid Greece leaving the euro, but France's opposition conservatives are now calling for Greece's orderly exit from the eurozone.


Alain Juppé from Nicolas Sarkozy's centre-right Republicans party, said: "Greece is no longer capable of sticking to the disciplines of the eurozone."


"We must help it to organise its exit without any drama."



Edited by vememah
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Jednog dana ćemo saznati da li je u jednom trenutku Angela M. satvala ekipu i rekla :

Ok ajde da ove izbacimo ali da ne ispadnemo mi krivi, nego oni...


Poslato sa WC šolje by BVK

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opak lukav chovek :D



(elem, kako nashe novine uzivaju u ovome. koliko sveta zivi u atini? pitam zato shto ne znam. poshto pishe na novinama da su se u atini neki pobili pred bankomatom. i da je starija sugradjanka pala u nesvest :unsure:)

Uže jezgro oko 700k, cela oblast oko 4M..
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ja cekam da izadje u stripu. ili filmovano :fantom:


to neko u srbiji da odradi za grcko trziste: siromastvo za pocetnike.

Edited by Takeshi
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Koliko ja razumem ovo Kastrovo pismo, on posle prve rečenice o briljantnoj političkoj pobedi (ne kaže kojoj), on priča o grčkim antičkim tekovinama, odbrani Grčke od Italije u WWII, poziva Grčku da se priključi Kini u vojnom smislu, i slično...

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Merkel-Hollande live:



Google translate na engleski Kastrovog pisma:



Hon. Mr. Alexis Tsipras Prime Minister of Greece:

I congratulate you warmly on his brilliant political victory, details followed closely by Telesur

Greece is very familiar among Cubans.. She taught philosophy, art and science of antiquity when we studied in school, and with them, the most complex of all human activities. The art and science of politics

Your country, especially its courage at this juncture, arouses admiration among Latin American and Caribbean peoples of this hemisphere to see how Greece, against external aggression, defend their identity and culture. Nor forget that a year after Hitler's attack on Poland, Mussolini ordered his troops to invade Greece, and that brave country rejected the attack and drove back the invaders, forcing the deployment of German armored units towards Greece, bypassing the initial target.

Cuba knows the value and the fighting capacity of the Russian troops, which, together with the strength of his powerful ally the People's Republic of China, and other nations of the Middle East and Asia, always try to avoid war, but never allow any military aggression without overwhelming and devastating response.

In the current political situation in the world, where peace and the survival of our species hangs in the balance every decision, more than ever, must be carefully developed and implemented, so that no one can doubt the honesty and the seriousness with which many of the leaders

responsible and serious struggle today to face the calamities that threaten the world.

We wish you, esteemed colleague Alexis Tsipras, the greatest success.




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