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Grčka - enormni dug, protesti oko mera štednje


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Mislim da ne, Varufakis je to gurao kao temu ali nikad nije došlo da to stvarno bude tema. 


Mada, da se ne zbuniš, mislim da će bejlaut plan biti sličan zadnjoj ponudi Brisela a da će zahtev za otpis biti odvojen ali deo paketa.




Btw, bivši pomoćnik guvernera CB Francuske:


Greece: debt is not the issue

Jean- Pierre Landau

July 6, 2015



Growing chores of economists are calling for debt relief to Greece. Those calls have been seized upon by the Greek Government to complicate the negotiations and create additional tensions. They are widely misguided. The facts speak for themselves. Under current arrangements, no payment in principal is due by Greece to its Euro partners until, at least, 2020. The average interest rate has been brought down to 1%, and Euro countries may be prepared to consider further improvements.


Therefore, all the debt falling due in the next years is to the IMF and the ECB. That must absolutely be paid back. If it were accepted that debt to the IMF can be defaulted upon or rescheduled, the whole international monetary system would be in danger. Next time a country, in any part of the world, needs IMF support, the membership will prove extremely reluctant and will ask for additional guarantees, possibly in very tangible form such as gold or real assets. This has been current practice between Sovereigns over many decades and centuries. Remember the financial relationships between US and UK, during WW II. While being the US closest ally, and truly fighting for its survival, UK was submitted to the harshest conditions and had to liquidate most of its financial and industrial holdings in the US at fire sales prices. IMF conditionality, however hard it may seem, is actually very soft as compared to the ordinary financial dealings between sovereign creditors and debtors. The counterparty is that the IMF always gets its money back.


The same holds for the ECB. The Greek Government bonds in its portfolio have been bought under the so-called "SMP" program with the only purpose to support Greece in times of turbulence and danger. If those bonds were defaulted upon, losses would be easily sustained for the Eurosystem, but such support to Greece would never, ever, materialize again. Worse, any normal refinancing of Greek banks would become impossible.


This is the reason why the "institutions" are asking Greece to run a primary surplus. One can certainly discuss the target for that surplus. But it has to be high enough to make absolutely sure that bonds held by the ECB will be repaid. And, for the IMF, there must be equal certainty that, ultimately, the program will lead to a satisfactory conclusion and reimbursement, knowing that European taxpayers will not accept to come up with any "new money".


True, there is also, in IMF rules, a requirement of long term debt sustainability. It will have to be dealt with. But not to day. It's best to negotiate debt in tranquil times, just like a surgeon would choose to administer antibiotics and wait, rather than perform an appendectomy in a hostile, non sterile, environment. Discussions should now focus on the issue that matters most: how to balance the Greek budget. At the current stage, debt can only prove an unnecessary and dangerous distraction.


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Ok, ali moraće da bude nešto na osnovu čega će se moći predstaviti kao bolji dil nego prethodni. Sve one priče o "težem" dilu za Grčku mislim da ne dolaze u obzir sada. A, bome, sve mi je teže da zamislim i puštanje Grčke niz vodu. Nije nemoguće, ali nekako mi se ne čini da ide u tom smeru. 

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Traže se rupe da Grčka ne ostane da visi u vazduhu ako počne da štampa novac.


According to eurozone officials, EU legal scholars have been combing through the treaties to find provisions that would allow for Grexit – not because it is something they’re pushing for, but rather because they’re worried the country could be soon entering a legal limbo that could prevent it from getting the financial aid it desperately needs.

If Greece begins printing its own money – which could happen in a matter of weeks if the European Central Bank decides to cut off emergency loans to Greek financial institutions – it may no longer be eligible for aid from the eurozone’s €500bn rescue fund, since it is using a different currency.

But because Greece would still be legally part of the eurozone, it wouldn’t be eligible for the aid scheme reserved for non-EU countries, known as a “balance of payments assistance” programme. Hungary, Romania and pre-euro Latvia all received so-called “BPA” programmes during the crisis.



Zajednička izjava grčkih stranaka (osim komunista) poziva na restrukturiranje duga i hitnu pomoć ECB.

The leaders of Greek political parties ANEL, New Democracy, Syriza, Pasok and To Potomi will all release a joint statement that will come out shortly - but not the KKE Communist party. They will back Tsipras as he travels to Brussels tomorrow to present a new proposal.


Centrist party To Potomi's Theodorakis has said the statement will call for debt restructuring, and while talking to the press said they woukd ask the ECB to consider the need for liquidity in the Greek banking system.





Grčka ima problema i sa štampanjem novina:


German newspaper Speigel is reporting that Greece is running out of paper to print newspapers - and that stocks will run out on Sunday if they don't get their hands on any more.



Edited by vememah
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Ako je tačno...





Pitanje je da li je 10% ovih glasina ispalo tacno. Uglavnom je sve u sto je babi milo fazonu.

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Zajednička izjava grčkih stranaka (osim komunista) poziva na restrukturiranje duga i hitnu pomoć ECB.



OMG, politički pritisak na nezavisnu instituciju! 

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The financial situation in Greece will “deteriorate rapidly” if there is no sign of agreement at tomorrow’s talks.

Osborne says:

This is a critical moment

in the economic crisis in Greece. No-one should be under any illusions. The situation risks going from bad to worse...




Osborne sums up the challenge facing Greece rather neatly.

There are two different timetables, the chancellor says -- the political one, of meetings and negotiations to reach a possible deal, which proceeds quite slowly.

And there is the situation in the Greek banking sector, which is moving at a much faster pace.

The challenge for the eurozone and the challenge for greece is to bring those timetables together.

Edited by MancMellow
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Taj kucumitis ja mislim da dve prognoze nije ubo, a neprestano ga postujete ovde. Ocigledno je da je pristrasan.


Pogledaj malo bolje, čovek je preneo agencijsku vest MNI.


Evo i cele te vesti:



Monday, July 6, 2015 - 08:47    

Greece Plans Updated Proposal Based On Last Juncker Doc-Off'l



By Angelika Papamiltiadou


ATHENS (MNI) - Greece's government is set to table on Tuesday an updated proposal based on the last Commission document, a Greek government official told journalists Monday.


Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is currently holding meetings with the other political party leaders and ,according to the official, he interrupted the meeting in order to talk with Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel where he informed her of the new proposal currently being drafted.


The official said that Tsipras would like to have the signatures of most political party leaders in order to show to the country's creditors that there is political will and unity in Greece to reach a consensus.


The official added that the proposal is expected to include provisions for another debt relief and side with the latest International Monetary Fund report that Greece's debt is not sustainable.


The proposal is also expected to include minor changes on the social security and pension reforms but will admit, however, that reforms are needed in the medium-term as the Greek pension system is also not sustainable.






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kad smo kod knjiga, kreativni centar je objavio novu varufakisovu.


Zašto su britanski kolonizatori napali Australiju, a ne australijski Aboridžini Englesku i kakve to ima veze sa svetskom ekonomskom krizom, možemo li iz klasika naučne fantastike kao što "Frankenštajn" ili "Blejdraner" naučiti nešto o ekonomiji i njenom uticaju na čoveka, da li u svetu u kojem živimo počinjemo da ličimo na junake iz trilogije "Matriks" ...



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