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Grčka - enormni dug, protesti oko mera štednje


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Nije bitan, samo sam čoveku objašnjavao da Grci imaju tradiciju pribegavanja neobičnim rešenjima, pa tako i za izlaznost od 40%.

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Sirizina vlast namerava da oprosti bogatašima što su izneli utajene pare u Švajcarsku pod uslovom da im daju petinu.


According to respected Swiss paper, Neue Zürcher am Sonntag Zeitung, Greece is planning a tax amnesty for all Greeks who own Swiss bank accounts.

The country, writes the paper, is so desperate for money to fill its coffers that it has appealed to tax evaders to come forward and they will escape prosecution if they pay 21% on their undeclared income. The paper refers to “well informed circles”.

Estimates as to how much untaxed Greek money is lying in Swiss bank accounts vary widely, ranging says the NZZ, from between €2bn to €200bn. The amnesty could therefore prove to be a good move - if tax evaders react to the offer.

Back in April, Yanis Varoufakis pledged to introduce legislation to encourage Greeks to reveal undeclared assets in Switzerland.




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A poklon od 50 poslanika najjačoj stranci na izborima bez obzira na to ima li pola promila više od prve sledeće je logičan? To je Grčka, carica, što reče archi. Ne možemo mi to da razumemo. :)


I Italija. Nije to samo grcki izum, mada se slazem da se  nestabilnost Vlada ne treba resavati na takav nacin.

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Gardijan, tviter,nervoza i noise.



Our correspondent Helena Smith has learned that sources close to the EU commission in Brussels are estimating that the NO vote could be ahead by 8 -10 points.

But Helena says we really don’t know how reliable the figure is as we don’t know what methodology was used to come up with this figure.

Based, however, on anecdotal evidence a lot of middle class Greeks, who I spoke to today - and who would normally be firmly European and totally committed to their country’s continued role in the heart of Europe - conveyed how they had simply given up hope.

Younger middle class Greeks, with young children, said they were voting ‘no’ in the hope that at least that way their kids would have some kind of future. None of them seem to have been swayed by the fear factor: that of they voted ‘no’ the country would be kicked out of the euro.




Edited by Budja
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Ankete različitih televizija, dopunio sam gore. Kod baš svih OXI vodi, mislim da je mala šansa da je rezultat drugačiji.

Edited by vememah
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Dovoljno je tesno da moze da se preokrene.


U svakom slucaju, jedan rezultat moze da se odbaci: landslide win za YES i business as usual.

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Gardijan, tviter,nervoza i noise.



Our correspondent Helena Smith has learned that sources close to the EU commission in Brussels are estimating that the NO vote could be ahead by 8 -10 points.



EU komisija se nada da je OXI  :ph34r:

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