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Grčka - enormni dug, protesti oko mera štednje


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Bunim se zato sto moram da skrolujem 10 sekundi po postu na telefonu. Swipe swipe swipe swipe. Ni to boldovanje mi nije po volji, jer treba da se procita ceo tekst ako neko hoce da cita, a ne tviterizacija necijeg truda, ali ok. Moze da ide u spoiler.

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Meni je zanimljivo kako se u Grckoj i drugde po ko zna koji put stvara demagoska koalicija levicara i nacionalista kad god treba potrositi ili vratiti pare koje su drugi zaradili.


Onda su uvek puna usta o demokratiji, suverenitetu i ponosu dok su na drugoj strani crni djavo, oligarhija i birokrate. Kao da celu EU zapravo ne kontrolisu isto tako demokratski izabrani predstavnici.


Ako ce nesto biti smrt Evrope kao i u proslosti, to su onda levicarsko-nacionalisticke anti-birokratske revolucije koje u sustini uvek zavrsavaju slicno - pljackom, haosom i ratom.


I meni je zanimljivo kako si ti uvek na strani masovnih ubica, ratnih zlocinaca (ako nisu srpski), berzanskih spekulanata, zadriglih oligarha, birokratizovanih institucija za odrzavanje statusa quo i nezasitih bankara (ako nisu ruski), pa se ne bunim. Svako sebi nadje neku zanimaciju.

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Ja sve nešto mislim da što god da se izglasa na referendumu, biće kako američka administracija kaže. To je bila dobra kupovina vremena, da se uključi veliki bata i sagleda moguće probleme ako Grčka izleti napolje i podigne se dodatno neraspoloženje Grčkog naroda prema EU.



evropa bez americkog nadzora ne postoji. i naravno da im je potrebna stabilna grcka, samo sada treba ubediti evropljane da moraju da plate.


p.s. bese goldman sachs na pocetku dvehiljaditih pravio finansijske malverzacije sa grckom?  :fantom:




Edited by Takeshi
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evropa bez americkog nadzora ne postoji. 


pa jbg, ja kapiram da su im oni na početku godine, or so, rekli - e daj rešite to sa Grčkom nekako, ne treba nam sad još i to. I rezultat...vidimo. Jbg. 

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Ima i nova Varufakisova tirada - "terorizam" Trojke je po sredi:


Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis accused Athens' creditors of "terrorism" in an interview published today, a day before the referendum.
"What they're doing with Greece has a name -- terrorism," Varoufakis told the Spanish El Mundo daily. "What Brussels and the troika want today is for the 'yes' (vote) to win so they could humiliate the Greeks."

"Why did they force us to close the banks? To instill fear in people. And spreading fear is called terrorism," he said, referring to the IMF, European Central Bank and European Union. Varoufakis said that whatever the result of Sunday's vote, in which the governmentis calling for a 'no' vote, the banks would reopen and Athens would endup reaching an accord with its creditors.

"Europe needs an agreement, Greece needs an agreement, meaning we will reach an agreement," he said, reiterating a pledge to resign if the 'yes' vote carried the day.
Referring to Syriza's Spanish ally Podemos, he said: "I think that in Europe there is a need for parties like Syriza and Podemos, which are both critical of the system and pro-European and democratic. Those who hate us want to cast us as anti-European but it's not true, we are not."


Edited by Prospero
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fali opis onih koji su za. 

tajkuni, dosadasnja elita (koja se zaduzivala), bankari, drzavni cinovnici, gornja srednja klasa koja bi imala sta i da izgubi...

Edited by Takeshi
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Evo i jednog nobelovca za "DA" :D

Greece faces a future as Europe’s outcast – a yes vote is the only solution
Christopher Pissarides
Joseph Stiglitz and Paul Krugman have expressed support for a no vote in the 5 July Greek referendum because of the damage that austerity is doing to Greece. But is that good advice? I think not. yes vote is still the best option, by a long shot.
I firmly believe that austerity in recession is the wrong policy, whatever the level of national debt. It is clear to most politicians in Europe that austerity is dividing the continent and damaging the European project. Reforms will follow. Greece has a role to play in this agenda but only if it stays within the eurozone.
Voting no on Sunday will bring more hardships. Consider events in the aftermath of a no vote. If banks open, every sensible Greek will take their euros out of the banks. The ECB will not provide the liquidity assistance to fill the gaps and the Greek government will be forced to issue its own liquid assets to capitalise them. This will effectively be a parallel currency. It will soon be used to pay for public sector contracts and public sector wages. How much will it be worth? It is anybody’s guess. Suggestions that a Greek-government issued euro will be worth half of the ones that carry Mr Draghi’s signature are plausible. Effectively, Greeks who depend on the public sector for their incomes will find that half of the purchasing power of their income has been lost. Sooner or later everyone will be in the same position, as the ECB-backed euros leak out of the country.
Will things be better when the dust settles? Regretfully no. Greece will have defaulted on its debts and access to international markets will be lost for many years. Reforms to improve competitiveness, which have not been forthcoming, will be even more difficult to implement. Greece in Europe will be an outcast and continued membership of the European Union will be in doubt. The easy option for politicians will be to print more money and expand the public sector with more unproductive jobs and more pay raises that will be eroded by the new inflation. Is this the destiny that Greeks want? Previous governments tried it and it brought them to the point they are today. A YES vote will be the best safeguard against it.


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fali opis onih koji su za. 

tajkuni, dosadasnja elita (koja se zaduzivala), bankari, drzavni cinovnici, gornja srednja klasa koja bi imala sta i da izgubi...



Naglasak je na "strange" - ovi što si ih pobrojao su očekivano u istoj korpi.

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Naglasak je na "strange" - ovi što si ih pobrojao su očekivano u istoj korpi.

svako gleda iz svog ugla, i meni na fb iskacu euforicni pozivi srpskih desnicara koji su protiv eu i levicara koji su protiv ovakvog finansijskog sistema.
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fali opis onih koji su za.

tajkuni, dosadasnja elita (koja se zaduzivala), bankari, drzavni cinovnici, gornja srednja klasa koja bi imala sta i da izgubi...

Plus penzioneri ocigledno.

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Plus penzioneri ocigledno.


Prirodno. Sitni i krupni zderaci novca dosadasnjeg sistema koji je Grcku i doveo dovde, uplaseni za svoje sitne ili krupne privilegije. Konzervativa.

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Prirodno. Sitni i krupni zderaci novca dosadasnjeg sistema koji je Grcku i doveo dovde, uplaseni za svoje sitne ili krupne privilegije. Konzervativa.

E jebi ga, sad su penzije privilegija.

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E jebi ga, sad su penzije privilegija.


Jesu, ako ides u penziju sa 55 godina starosti. Na stranu sto su penzioneri vazda i svuda uglavnom bili glas establismenta.

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