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Grčka - enormni dug, protesti oko mera štednje


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I na mene je jači utisak ostavio OXI miting. FAZ-ov novinar u live blogu kaže da se i njemu čini da je Katimerinijeva procena od 30.000 za OXI miting premala ("prokleto puno glasova za ne").


Ciprasa u celini prenosio samo ERT. Tajkunske komercijalne stanice su ga isekle.


Tellingly the prime minister’s speech was not relayed in its entirety by television channels. The media has not been shy about showing its political colours: they have avidly thrown their weight behind the yes vote.




Ceo Ciprasov večerašnji govor sa simultanim prevodom na engleski:

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At a meeting on the International Monetary Fund’s board on Wednesday, European members questioned the timing of the report which IMF management proposed at short notice releasing three days before Sunday’s crucial referendum that may determine the country’s future in the euro zone, the sources said.

There was no vote but the Europeans were heavily outnumbered and the United States, the strongest voice in the IMF, was in favor of publication, the sources said.

The Europeans were also concerned that the report could distract attention from a view they share with the IMF that the Tsipras government, in the five months since it was elected, has wrecked a fragile economy that was just starting to recover.

“It wasn’t an easy decision,” an IMF source involved in the debate over publication said. “We are not living in an ivory tower here. But the EU has to understand that not everything can be decided based on their own imperatives.”


Na pravoj sam strani istorije  :fantom: 

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Nista, onda. 

Nemci galantno da prepuste ulogu lidera EU nekome sposobnijem.

Grcku usrali, Ukrajinu usrali, Amerikanci im rade iza ledja...

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Varufakis rekao Pričardu da su spremni za opsadu, jer su napravili višemesečne rezerve goriva i lekova i priznao da su banke od ponedeljka ili utorka prazne.

Greece has stockpiled enough reserves of fuel and pharmaceutical supplies to withstand a long siege, and has set aside emergency funding to cover all the country's vitally-needed food imports.
Yanis Varoufakis, the Greek finance minister, said the left-Wing Syriza government is still working on the assumption that Europe's creditor powers will return to the negotiating table if the Greek people don't agree to their austerity demands in a referendum on Sunday.
"Luckily we have six months stocks of oil and four months stocks of pharmaceuticals," he told The Telegraph.
Mr Varoufakis said a special five-man committee from the Greek treasury, the Bank of Greece, the trade unions and the private banks is working feverishly in a "war room" near his office allocating precious reserves for top priorities.
Food has been exempted from an import freeze since capital controls were introduced last weekend. Grains, meats, dairy products, and other foodstuffs should be able to enter the country freely, averting a potential disaster as the full tourist season kicks off.
The cash reserves of the banks are dwindling fast as citizens pull the maximum €60 a day allowed under the emergency directive - already €50 at many banks. "We can last through to the weekend and probably to Monday," Mr Varoufakis said.

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Vadafakis je gambler prve klase, cenim da će mu Her Schäuble nastojati da opšti sa staramajkom posle svega, ma kako se završilo.

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Vadafakis je gambler prve klase, cenim da će mu Her Schäuble nastojati da opšti sa staramajkom posle svega, ma kako se završilo.

Šojble će najpre da duva Grčkoj a ona i celoj Britaniji.

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"Luckily we have six months stocks of oil and four months stocks of pharmaceuticals," he told The Telegraph.


Food has been exempted from an import freeze since capital controls were introduced last weekend. Grains, meats, dairy products, and other foodstuffs should be able to enter the country freely, averting a potential disaster as the full tourist season kicks off.



Super, Siriza je spala na to da brine o ratnim™ rezervama.

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Siriza nazvala protivnike "pokretom za potčinjavanje".


Samaras kritikovao vlast - treći bailout ne bi ni bio potreban da Siriza nije upropastila ekonomiju, a sad lažu da će se banke u svakom slučaju otvoriti:


In the speech, whose main motif was accusing the government of having lied multiple times, Samaras accused Tsipras of lying when he spoke about the IMF preliminary report because the same report explained that the shortcomings of the past 5 months lead to the need for a new bailout package.


“They are being blamed for worsening everything and they are cheering. They are being given a new Memorandum and they are happy. We have already won a debt ‘haircut’ since 2012. Now, with this government, we are threatened with a deposit haircut.”


Samaras posed the referendum question as a choice accepting and rejecting the euro and not the proposed agreement. Similar to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker’s earlier comments, Samaras said the “No” vote would weaken the country’s negotiating position.


He further accused the government of not being truthful to their verbal commitment to the Greek people that regardless of Sunday’s result, they will strike a deal with creditors in 48 hours.


“They wanted, since the beginning, the country’s exit from the euro with the approval of our people. Now they are saying that banks will open. How? With the ‘No’ vote? With the whole of Europe perceiving it as a no to the euro? They are lying again. Like a few days ago when they lied when they said the banks would not close and eventually they were the ones who closed the banks.”




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