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Grčka - enormni dug, protesti oko mera štednje


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Da, to je sad pitanje hoće li Grčka izleteti pre referenduma ili ne. I meni se čini da ne mogu da izlete tako brzo.


Siriza to moze i mora da sprovodi, posto ce i u slucaju ostavke imati tehnicki mandat.


Aha, otići će Varufakis na Evrogrupu i reći: eto mi se malo šalili, dajte da se dogovorimo i ovi će potrčati da se izgrle i izljube s njim, a Merkelova će zaboraviti da joj je Cipras rekao za referendum 15 minuta pre obraćanja naciji.


Nema teorije.


Ako građani sada kažu "Yes" oni će zapravo poništiti svoj glas sa prethodnih izbora.


Da, reći će Sirizi da ih je prevarila.


trojka jednostavno nema nameru da jedan promil izađe u susret očekivanjima i nadanjima grčkih birača.


Pa izašli su malo, taman koliko je Cipras ugušio ekonomiju svojim 5-mesečnim insistiranjem na ustupcima. Bolje bi prošli da je ostao Samaras, pogotovu što se ispostavlja da ovi funkcionišu po metodu gladac-jadac.

AFP adds that according to an anonymous banking source in Greece, only 40pc of the nation's cash machines currently have money in them - purely because they cannot be restocked with banknotes quickly enough.

"From the moment the referendum was called until Saturday night, 1.3 billion euros were withdrawn from the banks," the head of the bank workers' union Stavros Koukos told AFP.





ELA ostaje na dosadašnjem nivou:


It’s official, the European Central Bank has decided to maintain the emergency liquidity support on offer to Greece, but it has also not provided any extra help.

In a statement, the ECB says that it has decided to maintain the ELA ceiling at Friday’s limit (that’s €89bn).

So it hasn’t pulled the plug, but it also hasn’t provided extra funding to cover the funds that have flowed out of Greek banks this weekend.




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Celo saopštenje ECB:


The Governing Council of the European Central Bank today welcomed the commitment by ministers from euro area Member States to take all necessary measures to further improve the resilience of euro area economies and to stand ready to take decisive steps to strengthen Economic and Monetary Union.

Following the decision by the Greek authorities to hold a referendum and the non-prolongation of the EU adjustment programme for Greece, the Governing Council declared it will work closely with the Bank of Greece to maintain financial stability.

Given the current circumstances, the Governing Council decided to maintain the ceiling to the provision of emergency liquidity assistance (ELA) to Greek banks at the level decided on Friday (26 June 2015).

The Governing Council stands ready to reconsider its decision.


Mario Draghi, ECB President, said:

“We continue to work closely with the Bank of Greece and we strongly endorse the commitment of Member States in pledging to take action to address the fragilities of euro area economies.”

Yannis Stournaras, Governor of the Bank of Greece, said:

“The Bank of Greece, as a member of the Eurosystem, will take all measures necessary to ensure financial stability for Greek citizens in these difficult circumstances.”


The Governing Council is closely monitoring the situation in financial markets and the potential implications for the monetary policy stance and for the balance of risks to price stability in the euro area. The Governing Council is determined to use all the instruments available within its mandate.




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Ne verujem da je na bilo koji način moguće izbaciti Grčku iz EZ/EU pre referenduma (a i posle), iako će u tehničkom smislu na neki način biti dodatno otkačena™ sa finansijskog sistema do daljeg. Grčka izlazi iz EZ/EU samo sa pobedom referendumskog "ne".



Čini mi se da je za Brisel najbolji ishod da se referendum održi, da Grci kažu "da", što će biti demokratska potvrda "ispravnosti" vladajuće EU političko-finansijske dogme, i onda odrađivati nekakav paket mera sa ili bez Sirize (poželjno bez, jel).

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Naslovnice današnjih novina:


Newspaper Headlines 28/06/2015

The Sunday edition of Athens' dailies at a glance
AVGHI: No to blackmail and ultimatums. Referendum on 5th July
ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: National tragedy
EPOCHI: No to authoritarianism and austerity
ETHNOS: A nightmare hangs over the country
KATHIMERINI: Dark clouds in the Attic sky
KONTRA NEWS: Death to austerity, we vote no
KYRIAKATIKOS RIZOSPASTIS: 'No' to both the creditors and the government's proposals for an agreement. Disengagement from the EU now.
PRIN: People's no to the EU and submission
PROTO THEMA: Euro and not drachma
REAL NEWS: High risk political move!
TO PARON: Blockade to 'Death'
TO VIMA: Default looms





Predsednik Pavlopulos (ND) za ostanak u Evrozoni, ali potpisuje ukaz o referendumu:


Pavlopoulos, who holds a ceremonial position that is filled by a vote amongst Parliament’s 300 MPs, received the legislature’s president, Zoe Constantopoulou in the early morning, 4 a.m.! The latter handed him the decree, which was approved by the ruling radical leftists, their coalition partner, the rightist-populists Independent Greeks (AN.EL), and the … ultra-nationalists of Golden Dawn (Chryssi Avgi)!


In a bid to end speculation that he won’t sign the decree or even resign, the former New Democracy minister harked back to … antiquity, uttering the Delphic comment “let us not forget that ancient Greece was the birthplace of direct democracy,” he said, forgetting Sparta.




Pavlopoulos later received main opposition leader Antonis Samaras, the premier until late January, at the presidential mansion, where he reiterated that “Greece course in the Eurozone must remain unbroken”.



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Čini mi se da je za Brisel najbolji ishod da se referendum održi, da Grci kažu "da", što će biti demokratska potvrda "ispravnosti" vladajuće EU političko-finansijske dogme, i onda odrađivati nekakav paket mera sa ili bez Sirize (poželjno bez, jel).


Problem je samo u tome što se paket neće dopasti biračima i oni će to ponovo reći na izborima. 

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Verovatno, ali onda znaju u startu između čega biraju. 


S druge strane, i u Briselu se može oformiti mekše mišljenje koje će želeti da izbegne a) dolazak vansistemskih™ elemenata i b) ponavljanje ovakve situacije, tj. otvoriti kanale ozbiljnijeg razgovaranja i naći neka mekša rešenja za novi (treći) paket koji će više ciljati remont sistema u Grčkoj i time donekle izaći u susret grčkom očaju.

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S druge strane, i u Briselu se može oformiti mekše mišljenje koje će želeti da izbegne a) dolazak vansistemskih™ elemenata i b) ponavljanje ovakve situacije, tj. otvoriti kanale ozbiljnijeg razgovaranja i naći neka mekša rešenja za novi (treći) paket koji će više ciljati remont sistema u Grčkoj i time donekle izaći u susret grčkom očaju.


Upravo. Referendum je, sa ove distance, pametan potez. Poenta je da, tačno, glas za "Da" s jedne strane oštećuje Syrizu, i Ciprasa in particular, ali sa druge strane donosi ponešto političkog kapitala Grcima kao narodu u očima Evrope. Ako bude "Da", naravno.

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Po tviteru mnogi špekulišu da nema ništa od otvaranja banaka u ponedeljak jer je ovo nedovoljno dobro da bi bile uvedene samo kontrole kapitala.


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Upravo. Referendum je, sa ove distance, pametan potez. Poenta je da, tačno, glas za "Da" s jedne strane oštećuje Syrizu, i Ciprasa in particular, ali sa druge strane donosi ponešto političkog kapitala Grcima kao narodu u očima Evrope. Ako bude "Da", naravno.


To. Referendumsko "da" je za EU zapravo bolje od toga da je Siriza pre dva dana prihvatila sporazum. Ako bude "da", doduše, a dajem 55:45 šanse da će biti "da". ;) Grci imaju malo manevarskog prostora sada (tj nemaju ga skoro uopšte) ali ga mogu kupiti na ovaj način, i učiniti ono što Siriza nije mogla/htela - naći saveznike u EU..

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Redovi pred bankomatima se produžavaju zbog neizvesnosti šta će biti sutra.


Across the Greek capital, our Southern Europe John Hooper spies longer queues at the cash machines:

Alarm is growing, even in affluent parts of Athens that were unaffected on Saturday. I am in well-heeled Kifisia, a northern suburb, and I just counted 78 people queuing at four ATMs.




Zanimljivo, od pre 4 dana:


Originalni status na Fejsu: https://www.facebook.com/ronan.burtenshaw/posts/10204675927957810

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