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Grčka - enormni dug, protesti oko mera štednje


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Ja bih povukao sav novac iz bilo koje "grčke" banke ovde. Nije da znam da će nužno centrale čerupati svoje regionalne ogranke, ali ipak...


Za evro nemam pojma, pretpostavljam da će imati tendenciju pada ali ako je verovati banksterima ECB se pripremila i za tu eventualiju.

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ECB moze (u teoriji) da spasi stvar do 5. jula, ali ne verujem da ce. Mada je tezina njihove odluke monumentalna, ipak je donekle tehnicka.


double grexit bi bio kosmaran scenario za celo poluostrvo.

Posle ovoga cenim da Draghi neće povlačiti nijedan takav potez i ispuštati disonantne tonove, bilo bi, well, to risky po njega samog.


S druge strane, Grcima ne preostaje alternativa sem exita iz EZ a bez toga o(p)stanak u EU nije ekonomski oportun. Dakle, redesign of the Balkans i ponovo globalna pozornica sranja. Gorgeus.

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Neće evrozona umreti bez Grčke. Biće možda neki kratkotrajan pad evra ali na kraju će se oporaviti i možda čak ojačati kada krenu politička uveravanja™.


Normalno je da u ovom trenutku ima dosta emocija (u Evropi, ne u Grčkoj) i da svi verovatno dumaju na temu: 'kako smo jbt došli dovde...' Ali proći će taj udar i Zemlja će nastaviti da se okreće.


A Grčka? Um, well...

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Neće evrozona umreti bez Grčke. Biće možda neki kratkotrajan pad evra ali na kraju će se oporaviti i možda čak ojačati kada krenu politička uveravanja™.


Ovako nešto i ja razmišljam, pretpostavljam da bi pad bio kratkotrajan i mali, ali, rekoh, da pitam...

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Ma uopste nije pitanje da li ce opstati evro kao evro. Hoce, sigurno jos dugo unapred. Druge stvari su pitanje.

Edited by MancMellow
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Ma uopste nije pitanje da li ce opstati evro kao evro. Hoce, sigurno jos dugo unapred. Druge stvari su pitanje.

Ma znam ja da će opstati, nego, gledam lični interes trenutno, i da li da konvertujem pare u nešto drugo, pa posle vraćam i ućarim nešto na Grčkoj muci... :D


Inače, da li ima i jedan ANALitičar da jeovo predvideo, na ovakav način?

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A ko bi mogao, ovo su turn-ovi kojih se ne bi postideo ni 1 SM. Elada se saginjati neće.


Jbt, gorak utisak svega je da je balkanskoj politici očigledno imanentno kockanje kao metod. Pa ako ispušimo, ispušili smo.

Edited by Tribun_Populi
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Ma znam ja da će opstati, nego, gledam lični interes trenutno, i da li da konvertujem pare u nešto drugo, pa posle vraćam i ućarim nešto na Grčkoj muci... :D


Inače, da li ima i jedan ANALitičar da jeovo predvideo, na ovakav način?




Bilo bi super da evro ode na recimo...0,75 CHF na jedno mesec dana ;) ;)


A analiticara koji predvidaju sve najgore uvek ima...uvek se nadje neki Dr. Doom koji posle 456 neuspelih apokalipticnih prognoza ubode jednu :D

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June 27, 2015 5:45 pm

Q&A: what options now for Greece’s strained banking system?

Alex Barker — Brussels


Greek banks are on the edge of failure. Deposit flight is accelerating and Greece’s funding options are running out.


Every euro withdrawn from cash machines is backed by emergency funding from the European Central Bank. Without an extension to Greece’s bailout, these ECB emergency loans are in doubt.


Alexis Tsipras, the Greek prime minister, has called a referendum next Sunday and has options to limit pressure on bank balance sheets. But every measure has serious downsides.


How can authorities shore up the Greek banks?


Should the ECB withdraw or cap the €89bn of emergency funding, Greece has two main options: a bank holiday or capital controls. A bank holiday would stem the flow of money out of banks, but at an obvious cost to the economy. Physical bank transactions would effectively be stopped.


Capital controls would by contrast allow withdrawals from cash machines and some payments, but within limits. These restrictions are hard to enforce, take at least three days to put in place, and banks need money available to meet the demands, even if they are more limited.


Who decides whether to call a bank holiday or capital controls?


The imposition of capital controls and the severity of the restrictions are decisions for the Greek government. A legal decree can be passed promptly. Yanis Varoufakis, the Greek finance minister, told Reuters he wants banks to remain open until the referendum. But some Greek officials are more minded to opt for a bank holiday if it becomes necessary, as it is temporary and easier to impose quickly. A person familiar with the matter said a teleconference had been scheduled for Sunday morning between the Bank of Greece and the ECB to discuss options for possible capital controls to be imposed from Monday.


What are the arguments around a bank holiday?


A bank holiday would be the best way to save banks from failure during a period of severe stress. The question is: what would make them reopen? If there is a pro-bailout referendum vote then the route out of the situation is clear. A vote against the bailout would probably require banks to be wound up, nationalised and funded on the basis of government money-printing.


Could Mr Tsipras keep the banks open until the referendum?


Probably not. The ECB is expected to at least cap emergency funding for banks at the level it stands at today. Banks have some cash left, but not enough liquidity to fund the withdrawals expected, according to people familiar with the situation. Even after the imposition of capital controls, without additional financial support there are doubts banks would be able to cope.


What happens if the banks are unable to meet demands?


The banks are supervised by the ECB’s Single Supervisory Mechanism. It must declare if the bank is unable to meet its obligations and is approaching failure. While the SSM can withdraw a bank license, they are not empowered to handle a bank resolution.


Who is in charge of handling a bank failure?


Greece’s national bank resolution authority would be responsible. Greece has not yet passed the EU law on bank resolution and recovery, which sets a new framework for handing troubled banks. The situation would be handled under existing Greek law, which includes some limited powers to writedown creditors. The European authorities involved would be the SSM and the European Commission, which polices the use of state support for banks.


Who would fund the wind up of Greek banks?


Greece has a national bank resolution fund but it barely has any money. If there was a bank failure, there would be little choice but for the government to bail in existing creditors and some depositors. This would potentially include the North American hedge funds that took a punt on Greek banks, as well as big depositors. The biggest problem for authorities is working out how you would make a failed bank rise again and function.


Would there be cross-border financial fallout?


The exposure of EU banks to the Greek financial system is limited. But the Greek banks do have some subsidiaries and branches in Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Romania, Serbia, Turkey and Macedonia. Some contingency measures have already been taken by authorities in those countries. But regulators are worried by spillover from a Greek default.


Who will be hardest hit by capital controls or a bank failure?


Deposit levels are at their lowest level in 10 years. More than €100bn in deposits have been withdrawn since 2010, leaving less than €130bn. Remaining depositors are a mix of consumers and small and medium businesses. Banks say the super-rich pulled out their money a long time ago. Should restrictions be imposed, would be those with no options outside Greece that would be hit hardest.

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Ma znam ja da će opstati, nego, gledam lični interes trenutno, i da li da konvertujem pare u nešto drugo, pa posle vraćam i ućarim nešto na Grčkoj muci... :D


Inače, da li ima i jedan ANALitičar da jeovo predvideo, na ovakav način?


Ma ko ce ovo da predvidi...


kapiram da ce se na kratak rok neposredni contagion stvarno izbeci (ne daj boze da gresim). Medjutim, na srednji i dugi rok, posledice niko ne moze da predvidi i bice pre svega politicke, a u slucaju double grexita bice velike, visestruke i nesagledive. Sve se menja.


Kao sto rekoh, u slucaju grexita prvo ce kvoutove kaciti pro-Seiriza, a onda, posle nekoliko godina pro-Syriza (uslovno receno, ali generalno govoreci). 


Medjutim, nije se ovo jos odigralo do kraja.

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The Latest: France Ready to Help Greece Get Last-Minute Deal


BRUSSELS — Jun 27, 2015, 1:55 PM ET
By RAF CASERT Associated Press


Finance Minister Michel Sapin says France is ready to immediately become a go-between between Greece and its international creditors to avoid a further collapse of the bailout negotiations and find a belated agreement.

The finance ministers of the eurozone on Saturday refused to grant Greece a one-month extension to its bailout program, bringing Greece closer to being unable to make debt payments due as soon as Tuesday. Greece rejected a proposal from international creditors on reforms needed to keep bailout funds coming.

"France is available today, tomorrow, the day after, as from the start, to be a go-between to find an agreement that is solid," Sapin said. "I say it with conviction: France is today ready to make sure that at any time the dialogue can resume."






Edited by MancMellow
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OK, dakle, Eleniki Trapeza nema pare u garantnom fondu, stoga verovatno sledi povlačenje kapitala odavde i bank run i po Srbiji.


Be advised, u Srbiji postoji kartelski sporazum/usaglašena poslovna praksa banaka da ne dozvoljavaju otvaranje novog računa za plate i penzije ukoliko im se ne dostavi potvrda da su izmirene sve obaveze prema prethodnoj banci. Na moje primedbe upućene Centru za edukaciju i zaštitu korisnika finansijskih usluga NBS da takvo postupanje nema uporište u zakonu i da predstavlja povredu konkurencije, saopšteno mi je da to predstavlja poslovnu politiku™ banaka i da one mogu zahtevati šta hoće da bi otvarale račune. Tako da je u tom smislu od NBS slaba vajda, jedino tu nešto može KZK ali njima obično trebaju meseci.

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cek to znaci da ako imas minus u propaloj banci, neces moci da otvoris racun u nekoj drugoj?

u kom univerzumu to sme jbt?

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cek to znaci da ako imas minus u propaloj banci, neces moci da otvoris racun u nekoj drugoj?

u kom univerzumu to sme jbt?

Welcome to Serbia. Ja sam se pušio od besa tri sata kad sam dobio odgovor iz NBS. Još zanimljivije je da takvu potvrdu traži RFPIO, dakle javna ustanova, da bi preusmerio uplatu penzije na drugi račun.


To je povreda člana 10. Zakona o zaštiti konkurencije i člana 7. Zakona o bankama, tzv. restriktivni sporazum kojim se ograničava tržište, ali se još niko nije setio da reaguje.


Odluka o načinu otvaranja, vođenja i gašenja tekućih računa NBS ne daje bankama nikakva ovlašćenja u tom smislu.

Edited by Tribun_Populi
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