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Grčka - enormni dug, protesti oko mera štednje


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A što ne bi kritikovali? Oni nisu na izborima lupetali da će da razbucaju klijentelizam, Siriza jeste.

ovo ne znaci nista.

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nije mi jasno. pa juce je stvar izgledala dobro.

ko je minirao, MMF svojim ludacki nefleksibilnim stavom?

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MMF zbog poreza za business, očigledno. Neću da kažem, to jeste loše, ali to je jedini put koji su Ciprasu ostavili otvoren. Do sada. 

Edited by MancMellow
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Lagard - plan se ne može zasnivati samo na podizanju poreza, penzioni sistem neodrživ:


Šarli ebdo: Lagard: Sačuvajte Evropu, udavite Grka:


Merkel: Ne želim Grexit... ako će izgledati da sam ja za njega odgovorna.

Edited by vememah
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MMF zbog poreza za business, očigledno. Neću da kažem, to jeste loše, ali to je jedini put koji su Ciprasu ostavili otvoren. Do sada. 


MMF je ili 


1) lud

2) pokušava da natera lidere evrozone da u zadnjem času ipak prihvate neki otpis duga, bar u perspektivi

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MMF je ili 


1) lud

2) pokušava da natera lidere evrozone da u zadnjem času ipak prihvate neki otpis duga, bar u perspektivi


optimistično gledište, ali nadajmo se

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Are stereotypes of lazy Greeks true?


Greece has been accused of wasting time after weeks of wrangling over economic reforms needed to extend its eurozone bailout and pay its debts.

Strong statements from Eurogroup head Jeroen Dijsselbloem and German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble have created an impression that its new left-wing leaders are not pulling their weight.

German tabloid Bild recently launched a campaign against an agreement, printing the banner headline "NEIN!" across an entire inside page, and encouraging readers to take selfies with the poster.

"No more billions for greedy Greeks," it demanded.

Lazy caricature

It was a characterisation familiar to many in Greece.

"The reaction of the European Union countries to the new Greek government's attempts for renegotiating on the debt issue as well as the reforms it is currently proposing has been, sadly, predictable," says Athens-based entrepreneur George Kollias.

"It is easy and equally wrong to use stereotypes such as lazy and greedy to characterise all Greeks, a trend that can also be seen in the attempt to create a caricature out of the Greek finance minister, not on his proposals but on his persona."

Similar language was heard back in 2010, when Sweden's Finance Minister, Anders Borg, said: "Obviously, Swedes and other taxpayers should not have to pay for Greeks who choose to retire in their 40s.

"That is unacceptable."

And, on Monday, the chair of the Eurogroup, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, called on Greece to stop "wasting time" and get down to serious talks to secure an extension of its €240bn (£176bn; $272bn) bailout.

This is less explicit perhaps, but could the stereotype of the "lazy" or "greedy" Greeks, dragging their heels, be permeating the language surrounding the debt talks more widely?

'Retire very early'

"That narrative has certainly taken over," says Raoul Ruparel, head of economic research at the think tank Open Europe.

"One point that always comes up is that it's easy to retire very early, or get very generous pensions."


Figures from the European Commission suggest Greeks do retire earlier on average than many others in the EU - but the margin is not quite so pronounced.

In 2012 people in Greece received their first pension payment at the average age of 57.8, the data show. The country ranks just below Italy, where the average age is 58, while Germans took their first pension payment at 61.1.

The EU's figures also put Greece's spending on pensions, as a percentage of its gross domestic product (GDP), as the highest in Europe in 2012.

But last month the Wall Street Journal took the figures and divided them by the number of people over 65 in each country to come to a different conclusion.

It found that spending per head in Greece was less than the EU average, and behind that of Germany, Ireland and Italy among others.

And figures from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) would appear to give a picture of Greek workers that is far from lazy - they say Greeks work the longest hours in Europe.


Experts say this is partly due to the nature of work in Greece compared with elsewhere - with more people employed, for example, in agriculture or in shops with long opening hours - and differences in efficiency.

But they also take fewer holidays than workers in Germany, France and Sweden,according to EU figures.

Sandro Scocco, chief economist at the Stockholm-based think tank Arena Ide, says he expects Syriza to continue to pursue the political values that helped it win the general election in January - such as rolling back on austerity measures - despite the pressure.

"We are still going to hear that they are not doing enough."

The idea of lazy Greeks is a "deeply unfair description", he believes, used by politicians to defend themselves by claiming their voters want them to be tough on the Greeks.

"Using simple and erroneous explanations to single out scapegoats does not bode well for the future or for the EU," he wrote in a Social Europe blog earlier this month.

"If this continues there's probably not much hope for Greece - and perhaps not even the euro."

It has not always been the Greeks that have been portrayed this way.

In the mid-19th Century, rather than efficient and hardworking the Germans were typically described by the British as "a dull and heavy people", says Cambridge University economist Ha-joon Chang.

He points out that Frankenstein author Mary Shelley wrote after a particularly frustrating altercation with her coach-driver that the "the Germans never hurry".

Back in Athens, George Kollias is anxiously waiting for a decision on his country's finances.

"My greatest fear at this moment is that the discussion at the EU is not held on a collaborative and constructive level but a punitive and political one," he says.


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